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Peter E.

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Everything posted by Peter E.

  1. Just add salt for all your fresh water species and watch them grow!
  2. I have fished the creeks and streams of central Alabama for like 10 years now and I have use almost exclusively tubes and craw works for my soft plastics. I have noticed that the craw worms were less effective after a bass had pulled a pincher off. I also noticed that when they didn't work a tube did. To me that tube looked more like a minnow trying to hold its position on the stream bed. I am a big beleiver however in the idea that a fish most often eat the bait that is different. They do this in nature, the minnow or prey that moves differently is SOL!
  3. I tell you what my friend, definately decline on the skin mount and make a photo and get the measurements, then have a graphite mount made. These are in my opinion the best way to go, that skin will eventually rot and look horrible, the graphite mounts are good for a life time. Plus with the picture who could refute it? And my favorite plus you have released that trophy for an other angler to catch. THese are fish of a life time adn it isn't fair to denie another angler the same joy. Oh and if you haven't seen a graphite mount they look almost too real!
  4. Well it all sounds like a mess of as sen on tv as well. But you know I look at it this way, there was most likely a fellow working in his garage on this lure, he being a fanatical angler decided to build himself a lure and tick it out. So who knows this could just be one mans dream, or one companies gimmick. I will stick with one man's dream it makes things more pleasant.
  5. I am a down right Souterner and down here in LA (lower Alabama) we rarely have what you might call clear water. But I have a system that goes like this: 6" and under- Nasty! (color black and something, duh!)(oh and noisey baits!) 6" to 12" -Gumbo (something with chartrues)(a little noise is still good) 12" to 18"- Stained (I like water mellon red)(noise optional) 18" and deeper clear as a bell! (oooh real natural or off the wall)(hush I'm fishing!!!)
  6. Every available second! I am about to go now!
  7. That sir is shear genious!
  8. I was in Woods and Water about a month ago and they offered me a rc60 for $89 but I wanted to get some homework done before I bought it.
  9. There is no bad Rapala. They make an extremly effective lure for nearly any situation an angler could be faced with. But If I had to pick a favorite it would be J-9 black and silver Rapala. I caught most of my first fish on this lure as a kid. And I still catch a mess of them today.
  10. Thanks fellows ya'll are a great help. I appreciate the info and advice from reelMech. Falcon thanks for the great heads up on the quality. I did alot of research on the reel and With ya'll good word I plan to buy one within the month! I would say tommorrow but college budgets suck. Thanks for all the great input.
  11. Peter E.


    Well fellows i really can't say why you should be having trouble cutting with the rapala pliers, I use mine to cut through everything from mono to braided wire leader. The combo I put a link up for has that split ring thingy and your right Avid those come in great handy!
  12. Well Rays777 if you will go back to my first post on this thread it goes into depth on why it might be best to follow that strike up with a senko or something along those lines.
  13. Peter E.


    Well here you go PeterF these are the best ever! imo of course I'm bias because I have tried some of the other stuff. Go get em, and you won't be disapointed! http://rapala.com/products/accessoriesdetail.cfm?name=ProGuide%20Tool%20Combo&category=ProGuide%20Tool%20Combos
  14. well between those two you should get you a something for one day or the other!
  15. Thanks ReelMech, I was hoping to get your attention on this one, I take all my reels down in the winter and I was wondering how complicated is this one? Or would it be best to send it to some one. And also I would like your mailing address, because I don't have very high opinions of the local reel mechs. Thanks again.
  16. Well fellow Anglers, I have been itching to buy one of these new Records but as always I like to make sure that I am getting my money's worth. I have read the reviews and they are all good, but I want it from the folks I trust: Ya'll! So gents tell me if you have tried one, if you know someone that has and what you or they thought. Mind you I own shimano, Pflueger, Quantum (never again), and Ambassadeur, so I am i guess you would say being "species specific" here. Alright I appreciate the info. Thanks! \ Peter
  17. Peter E.


    I tell you what just go out and get yourself the Rapala Hemo, needle combo and forget all that other stuff! I have used my set for the past 7 years and love them! I have gone from Little River Canyon to off Cape San Blas with them and they have never let me down! I wouldn't rcomend anything else, their that good. And they are way under $100. But if cost is more important than quality buy more x tools, only good thing about them is they float, and that doesn't do you any good in a boat thats trolling. So just go with these and keep it under $30, trust me.
  18. I like a 5:3/1 myself it forces me to slow down and take the time to get into the little nooks and cranies down there, pluss it getts line in fast enough with my 7 footer. Personally but it is all a matter of opinion.
  19. Long Mike :-? seriously, dude... bad picture. Oh well, check it out I used to work at a pump company and we used latex gloves for painting and we got ythem in all manner of sizes. I simply never took the time to investigate te source of the wonder gloves.
  20. BoonDocks, I keep a good eye on Rapalas web site for new stuff and I have never seeb it. I would buy it, if it works then great but if not, h#$$ I would have an ornament on the tree I lked . Personally though the idea is sound. The bright red is a good indcator of blood, and therefore easy meal.
  21. I am thinking of putting him on a chain, for he has even struck my gf! Bum bum! I thought I would be jealous of another man but I am OK with this one! ;D
  22. I am going to try it in the bass aquarium in Woods&Water
  23. Dag gone warm fuzzies, (swats at warm fuzzies) down boy!
  24. I laughed my a$$ OFF! Now that is some shownuff funny! I just emailed that link to like 20 people!
  25. Killed 32 and gave that camel h#$$!!!
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