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Peter E.

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Everything posted by Peter E.

  1. Not in the least bit. My cousin from El Dorado Hills Ca, came down this summer and I took him bass fishing for the first time in his life. He seemed to enjoy it though I doubt that he will pursue it. He oddly seemed more interested in the trout. I could only shake my head.
  2. Have to agree that the rapalas are probably your best bet but I like flukes and spoons as well.
  3. Oh and welcome to the forum!
  4. Well In all honesty your not doing anything wrong, it is the nature of the bait to do so. Try a weighted holding hook like you would use on a fluke. You know it has the little peice that comes out of the eye of the hook that has all those barbs. It is weighted on the bottom. I think they make them in like a weighted wide gap hook form. Oh and to eliminate the line twist try a ball barrel interlocking swivel. They are rated got weight like test line. I think this will solve your problem. Good Luck, Peter
  5. I think that one of the most over looked lures in this situation is an old johnson weedless spoon tipped with either a spinner bait pork rind of a curly tail grub. The spoon allows you to go over the surface of the pads without hanging up and it will also let it tumble into the holes you will skim across. The reason I think that alot of bass anglers do not like it is that it is so archaic. Another factor is that when a fish hits the spoon it is important to give the fish a minute with it in his mouth before setting the hook. That being said once you learn to keep that important fact in mind I think it is an extremely effective lure in those circumstances. I also like to throw a big ugly critter bait with a heavy weight to punch through the weeds. Also if you don't want our bait to just punch through the weed the weight will help it to land on the bottom closer to the intended area and not close to the edge og the pads closest to you. I like a good long rod even if I am not using a heavy line. It helps to act like a crain to hoist the fish out. Try the spoon it is a real go getter!
  6. I have a Pelican Gettaway 100, and it gets dragged no where. Ilove it because I can put it on my shoulder and away I go. No the damage has not been bad but I like to try to take care of anything that one spends $500 on. Though tha may not be too much for some it is a major investment for a college student. I just want a way to protect that investment as it scrapes on shoals in rivers and creeks. Thanks ya'll for the insight.
  7. "That[ch8217]s why it[ch8217]s called fishing & not catching" , Catt Amen, brother. Amen.
  8. You know Catt it is a secrete of many anglers and really I can't see why. It is an extremely effective rig that is much more weedless than a standard jig and with a base color like black for the skirt the trailer options are limitless. I duno about you but I like to peg mine with one of those rubber tooth pick thingies. I first saw a slippin jig on an infisherman show about 5 years ago and have enjoyed them ever since!
  9. I ussually determine the fall of my lure based on how aggressive the bass are that day. The more aggressive the faster the fall. That way it is a reaction strike that results. Other wise I tend to go with the slowest fall so long as I am able to maintain a good bottom contact. One thing i would like to say is the it is not just finnesse jiggs that have big bulky skirts, Often it is very easy yo make your own with weedless jig heads and replacement skirts. Often I have found that to be the most ffective way to get my jigs. Oh and cold and hot water times of the year tned to make me slow the fall of my jig. Peter
  10. Cyclone Slippin' Jig with a 3ought hook and a paca craw to match. Ussually I pick my color based on time of year and water clarity.
  11. I came in second in the last tournament I fished, I lost to a man who threw a june Bug brush hog in the last moments of the tournament.
  12. Well really more than anything else I was looking for a way to try to protect the hull of my kayak from scrapes and such. I was worried that the scratches might make the kayak pull to one side or the other especailly when paddling against the current. I would not however have thought that the wax coating would interfere or lead to damage on the hull itself of the kayak.
  13. What types of lures are you trying to clean and restore?
  14. Hey I was wondering if any of ya'll have found anything to coat the bottom of your kayaks with to prevent scratching and improve speed? I am thinking along the lines of some sort of wax. Any ideas? Thanks, Peter
  15. Been fishing about a dozen times this year and already 2 over five and an 50+ fish day. I think they went on the bed earlier this year but who knows that depends on where your at water body wise. With a new Kayak this season is looking great.
  16. C'est la vie. Can't have everything.
  17. You know Chode I may just do that. It would be an awsome eye opener for all of those guys running around stirring up wakes;)
  18. HydrillaGorilla2 if that was your former life why change?
  19. Texas Rigging: to place a bullet weight to mover freely along the line and to to tie a worm hook below the weight. It is used to fish a soft plastic weedlessly.
  20. I really love my yak I just wish there were tournaments for them.
  21. The JB weld will bust when your boat flexes. this is not a time for short cuts. Weld it once and fix it forever. you will be greatful that you did.
  22. After years of tubing I have a new Kayak and it is great. Personally I think however that a u boat makes it easier to use a spinning reel for me. Kind of like a sit on top Kayak over a sit in. But floats move slower and can be better if you want to stop and fish. The Round ones always seemed sturdier to me though, so it is a give and take.
  23. Ok here goes, My gal and i are looking to attend the Classic this year but need to know about ticket prices, times, loactions and really the whole bit. I would really appreciate it if you could send me in the right direction. Thanks Peter
  24. I hate people that will be so selfish as to take and take from the land like that. The Game Warden is a good friend of mine we even go to the same bibl study. Needless to say I would never hesitate to tell him about any violations. Things like wildlife reg violations make me hate the average person sometimes!!!
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