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Peter E.

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Everything posted by Peter E.

  1. Old Japanese ;D Proverb, "The fish is always bigger for having been lost :'(" Peter
  2. Here's one not quite so old, "Anyone who pits their intellegnce against a fish and loses, has it coming." John Steinbeck Peter
  3. Thanks Bud, Peter
  4. Any suggestions on advertising? :-/ Peter
  5. Thanks fella's, I really appreciate the advice and i understand that money cannot be the reason one goes into such endeavors. I have a love of the sport and i want to share this amazing and little known ecosystem. So many people drive over thse creeks and never pay them a second thought. I am aware that it takes patience and I will say that i truly love teaching and sharing my knowledge, this is why I am studying to be a teacher (history as a matter of fact) and this said you can tell I'm not a person that puts high emphisis on money. I know I am capable of producing in these areas, and lord willing, i will be able to post some pictures of my first guideing trip. thanks again for your wisdom and pateince, Peter
  6. I read that and it gave me a better idea of what I should do. thanks though, Peter
  7. Hey Ya'll, Now I don't want anyone to take this as advertising but :-/, I'm trying to start a guide service to help pay for college :-?. I want to Guide for spots and LM on fast moving creeks in my area. I feel that I am the best in my area at fishing these areas. I hate to brag but I am going to put my money where my mouth is . I would love any advice that ya'll would have or info on what you expect from a guide. I am afraid that I am dead serious in this matter but any good natured ribbing is welcome . If any of our members are guides in Alabama then I need to know what all is required by law to do this. thanks, Peter
  8. Yeah a freind of mine has one for his and i think he found it at walmart. I would also try bass pro shops at either their store or their website at basspro.com. The biggest selection of fishing games i have seen are for pc's. Hope this helps and if all else fails buy him an 120 gallon aquarim and stock it with blue gill, crappie and a few bass! (I had a 40 gallon as a kid and I did it, man mom hated it when I would "test lures" in it!!! LOL true story) Peter
  9. Thanks lightninrod, I really apreciate it. And to everyone else I will read those articles in a sec. but I appreciate the word from first hand expereince. thanks, Peter
  10. Hey Ya'll I was wondering if any of you would have any advice on these two techiques. I have heard about them and don't really know much about them. I would like to know if you can stear me in the right direction on the hows and whens for these techniques. Any advice you could give would be really apreciated. Peter :-?
  11. Well Bud, Snakes and sometimes gators are a fact of life out there but so are big bass cuase no one really fishes those areas. Needless to say I wouldn't take an inner tube in there. Peter
  12. I generally don't use a depth finder on most trips but one way I look for a creek channel is if the lake is an old resivoir look for areas where the standing timber are seperated this gives evidence of an old creek channel. A carolina rig is a good way to find a creek channel also because the weight is in contact with the bottom at all times. Another way to locate creek channels is to locate back bay areas that still have the water flowing through it, follow the channel out and it usually lead to deep water. The natural heating and cooling of the water layers also creats a natural slight current that can make new channels and silt in old ones. Another thing that i would do is to put your boat over a creek channel that you know and see how it reads and then go from there but if all else fails I gave you some tips to finding channels old school style. Getchu Sum Peter
  13. The Lord Hath Blessed me, for I live in the sunny South where the fishing never ends. I Love It, I Love It, I Love It, I Love It. The Fishing does slow down but it never ends. Peter ;D
  14. Well Swampfishing, I fish areas like that i use a jon boat also and the creeks i wade Have hard sandy bottoms and are pretty swift flowing. They are really what some people would call small mouth water but i live to far south to catch small mouth. The Idea in these creks is to find holes and eddies that provide current break and offer deeper water. The swamps I fish I like to use a push pole and a paddle cause I end up getting too much stuff on the trolling motor. To me the best spots to fish are around the cypres knees and the bowls of the black gum trees. I agree that when you hit those spots in the crek channels the fishin' is great. Peter
  15. Hey Ya'll, I would like to Know if any of you like to fish Creeks that can be fished while wading, Small rivers, and swampy areas. If so then i would like to hear about your exoereinces there and any techniques and such that you get good results out of. I have caught my best stringer of spots in a creek that could be waded. And my biggest Bass out of Childers creek ( the beaver dams have made it into a swamp) it was 8 pounds and 10 ounces. So for me these are good fish producing areas that have become my favorite areas to fish. Tell me about it, Peter 8-)
  16. Hey Ya'll For me the most effective technique i used this year was to take the time to break down an area with three or four baits before moving on. First i would locate the most active bass with a search bait like a spinner bait (I like a tandem spin) or carolina rig in deep cover (if ya'll haven't tried those 3x plastics by strike king for that then you are really missing out!) then move over it with a crank bait moving slower across the area then slowing down farther with a texas rigged plastic. Finally i would work the area with a slow falling jig with either a craw worm or pork rind. Slowing down and really working the area instead of running and guning has helped me to really improve the numbers and quality of fish that i can catch in one day. It seemed to me that I caught the biggest fish off of the crank baits and jigs. Peter
  17. Here goes bud, for me there is no off season for fishing cause I live in central alabama. Here are some tips that i garuntee will catch you more fish in your area! First: Bear in mind that the bass are mostly feeding on shad and other bait fish and not as much so if at all on craw fish and aquatic salamanders. Second: The shad are moving from he main river channels into feeder creeks and to dam areas where the running waters remains at a higher tempreture because of the friction created by the water movement. Third: look for areas where there is minimal wind and that has a dark or sandy bottom in the shallows, these areas can hold surprising numbers of fish that come here to sun. the sandy produces better on a sunny day and the dark bottom content on a cloudy day. Fourth: during this time of year the fishes metabalism drops and they expend their energy carefully and usually eat only the largest bait that requires the least energy to obtain. Good luck and have fun, Peter
  18. Hey, i have a pond like the one you describe with the algae growth and little actual weed growth. I would work a johnson weedless spoon over the alge you can see and don't try to go through it because the lure will get clogged, but move the spoon over the algae and let it rest on it from time to time, also the spoon has a natural lift to its action so you can keep it out of those spots. I would also try a weightless soft plastic like the lizard mentioned but also a paca craw. If ya'll have those in your area. Any craw worm will do. Suspeding baits that I can work slowly would be another go to bait for me. Tear em' up bud and any bass that gives you a thrill is a monster!!! Rather he is one pound or ten! Peter
  19. Hey i am new but i may be able to help, I live in alabama and i like to fish ultra clear fast moving creeks one thing that I would tell you to try would be florocarbon lines and a spin cast reel like a cardnal. Also i would say try using small "finese" (me no spell) lures like terminator finese jigs with a tiny pork rind and like the boys told you keep it natural. be pateint and keep the jig in the water and kind of shake it. The boys said to go for a reaction strike and i agree but keep a small profile, remeber the smaller the bait the harder it is for a bass to tell it isn't real. Good luck and getchu sum!!!! peter
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