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six-mile C-Rig

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Everything posted by six-mile C-Rig

  1. Www.texasfishingforum.com Use the "search" feature, you'll find hundreds of posts. If any of that isn't quite what u are looking for, ask a question in the bass fishing section. You'll get plenty of replies.
  2. Had a club touney Saturday. Fishing was tough. 12 people fished and one 2 limits were brought in. After talking to everyone, I was the only person who caught fish deeper than 10 ft. Most said they caught their fish in 3-8 ft. I ended up finishing 3rd despite only having 2 fish. I had a 3.98 and a 3.95. Both were caught on a black and blue jig, with black and blue craw worm as a trailer. 15-17 feet deep. My approach was pretty simple. I was about 2/3 the way back in a creek. I positioned my boat directly in the creek channel and followed the creek and flipped every tree that lined the creek on both sides of the creek. There were lots of fish on the edge of the channel, I could see them in my graph, just couldn't get them to bite. Hope this helps.
  3. I'm curious about Martinez creek. Is there any grass? hydrilla? milfoil? if there is any, how deep does it grow? What was the water temps? Water clarity? sorry for all the questions, i've never been in Martinez creek. how deep were the fish you caught? what cover were they relating to?
  4. On the North end where you will be staying, I would say the majority of the fish will be post spawn, but still a decent number on beds or guarding fry... Down south (Indian mounds and south) I will strictly be sight fishing.
  5. yes, read my report from last Tuesday and Wednesday.
  6. Hopefully for u guys this front doesn't turn off this awesome prespawn bite we've had the last few days... My report from Wednesday. After the great day we had on tuesday we decided to run nee water and see if our pattern would hold up. Well it did. We fished from 9-4 and caught 18, 10 were keepers, biggest was 4.25. Best 5 was 16lbs. edit: I forgot to mention that all fish on Tuesday and Wednesday were caught in less than 6 FOW.
  7. Didnt get to fish Monday, But did fish today. Fog kept us in so we didnt start fishing until 930. Between me and my partner we caught 28. 18 were keepers. I cant give away too much right now. So, I will be vague with my report. 6mile, housen, toro; the bait resembles shad. I'm gonna fish again tomorrow, I'll try an get some pictures up by Thursday.
  8. I'll be on fishing Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. I'll try to remember and give a report each night. Scott M, to answer your previous question about Indian and Buck creek, There is always lot of good fish caught in both of those creeks. Both of those creeks have lots of grass, in certain areas. In years past (I haven't fished either this year), In the bay that serves as the mouth of both indian and buck creek, I've found grass as deep as 20'. Also, there is lots of deep water in both creeks. This is just my opinion, but if you want to get in on a more shallow pre-spawn bite, you will need to venture further north. That crystal clear water down on the extreme south end of the lake always takes forever to warm up. I also saw the pic of the 15 on TFF, what a monster. And unlike the fool who caught the 12.8 on Toledo, the angler at falcon did what was best for the lake, weighed in early, then RELEASED IT. I was very happy to see that.
  9. http://texasfishingforum.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/9722516/Toledo_Bend-__The_water_is_col#Post9722516
  10. The owner of Fin&Feather posted some pictures on another forum yesterday of some fish weighed in at F&F. One was a 9.38, the other was a 12.57. Both reported catching them on traps worked over grass. Water temp reported was 47. Regardless of cold, these fish are feeding heavy in prep for spawn. I fished this past Sunday, and although I didn't land any big fish, I did quite well. I caught 16 fish. Only 3 weren't keepers, the largest was just a hair over 4lbs. then had 3 over 3lbs. All but 3 of the fish were caught on a trap. Warmest water I found all day was 50 degrees. These actively feeding fish are ganged up in small areas. Well, at least that was the case for me in the area I was fishing. I covered a lot of water and found all my fish in 3 small but similar spots. All were caught in less than 10 feet of water.
  11. Hey guys, it's been a while since I been on here. Just a few reports, I bass fished 3 times in December and man was it slow. Never caught more than 5 fish. The usual deep offshore spots don't seem to be holding an abundance fish, and i haven't got a clue as to why. Bait is there, just not many bass. I was thinking about fishing grass next time I go, but from reading some of y'alls reports, that doesn't seem to be the ticket either.???? I did spent 1 morning at the coop, Thursday dec. 26. Left with 28 crappie. 5 at or over 2 pounds.
  12. just a small report from Wednesday. This recent cold front definitely turned the fish on. I fished from 2-7pm, caught about 20-25 fish. About a 50/50 mix of LM and spots, nothing bigger than 4lbs. Fish were biting anything that resembled a shad, and at all depths..I caught fish from 5-25 feet. Caught them on various crankbaits, spoon, and a spook. Lake is just beginning to start to turn over in isolated areas. Fished mid-lake
  13. definitely an afternoon bite this past week. Got on the water friday afternoon around 430. Went to an offshore hump, and baitfish were everywhere, and fish busting them all around. Caught somewhere between 35-40 fish. None bigger than 2 1/2 pounds. Mixture of LMB, kentucky's, and whites. I tried to catch some bigger fish on bottom with tx rig, in the same area, but nothing. Fish were biting ANYTHING that resembled shad. it didnt really matter what you threw. I got them on cranks(shallow and deep divers), trap, and jigging spoon. Saturday, fished all day. Fog kept me near the boat launch until about 830. It was literally so foggy i could barely see 30 yards. Fishing near the launch, topwater with a spook, caught 3 shorts, and lost a solid 4. She jumped 5 or 6 times and finally spit the bait. Went to 2 offshore areas, nothing at either place, no baitfish or fish on the graph. Went and fished shallow mats from 930-2. Caught 7 fish doing this. 5 shorts. A 3lb and a 5lb. All on a swimbait. took a break for a while, then around 4 went to previous offshore areas, and it was just as it was on friday. Baitfish and fish everywhere. Nothing of any size though. Lots and lots of 12-13 inch Kentucky's and LMB. Probly caught 25-30 between 430 and 530. Then left to watch LSU squander the game away as usual. Now is definitely the time to take a novice fishing. Find some baitfish on the graph, drop down a jigging spoon, and hold on. It really was that easy.
  14. I havent been in 2 weeks now, and it seems you are confirming the same thing im hearing from friends. Shallow is the only thing consistant right now. I'm headed up friday. Ill give the deep bite a shot, im gonna hit 2 or 3 spots, if there isnt anything there i guess im going to man up and flip grass. I hate fishing that way, but it seems as though im not gonna have much of a choice.
  15. yes, i was at the weigh in.. 29, 23, 18,18,18. then it dropped off major from there. The wind was non existant saturday morning. and never got bad. I think the weights were down over-all because fish are simply scattered everywhere, deep and shallow.
  16. Just a reminder, Bass-n-bucks championship is tomorrow and sunday, weigh in at cypress bend. Im sure there will be some big sacks brought in.
  17. if your in negreet im assuming your either going to be at shadows or turtle beach? .. The boat ride from there to indian mounds and housen isnt too bad as long as there isn't 20+ mph winds... As for the fish, There are fish everywhere right now, shallow and deep. The shallow bite is become more and more consistant each day The fish that i have been catching "shallow" have all been very close to deep water, and in all stages of the creeks, some near the mouths, some midway back, and some in the way backs of the creeks. so your options are open, but to answer your questions, yes you can catch some fish in the backs of coves right now.
  18. well, guess it was somebody else i saw then... I'll definitly be in there saturday, i got a small club tourney ill be fishing. Hopefully the bite will continue to get better
  19. there are 2 points in slaughter that fit that discription, both areas are holding LOTS of fish. You boat wouldn't happen to be a silver and purple basscat would it?
  20. dang...... Bass_Fanatic just sore lipped my fish for the weekend.. guess i'll find another spot. Of course im being sarcastic, and just playing around.... only reason i mentioned it is i found a good group of fish in slaughter this weekend also. I launched out of cypress and went to slaughter first thing in the morning. Fish were hanging in the creek channels just to the side of the particular point i was fishing. And another spot in slaughter that has some hydrilla in 14-15fow was holding good numbers of fish.
  21. Here is a list off the top of my head. You can google just about any of these guys, im pretty sure they all have websites. Lance Vick, Tom Redington, Cody Malone, Mark Mitchell, James Caldemeyer, Jason Hoffman, Rick Carter, Mark Pack, Andrew Grills, Stephen Fatheree, Ronnie Kelly.
  22. hmm.. crankbait bite was ON for me, this weekend. Even got my first ever double on a crank.
  23. Don - ill take it your headed this way for the basschamps regional. If so, good luck.
  24. hey guys, gotta a report from the Bend. Potential hurricane cancelled work, so i went and fished Wednesday 8/29. Started out the day on a deep ridge very close to the main lake (30mph winds out of the north kept me off any main lake). Graphed over the spot and only saw a few fish. I decided to fish it anyway, and after 30 minutes without a bit i left. (fished with deep cranks, fb jig, c-rig, drop shot) Went to a decent sized flat and fished hydrilla in 13-15 fow. This spot is usually good for numbers but after nearly an hour, only produced 1 dink. (drug the c-rig around to get the 1 bite) Moved to a large point with scattered hydrilla on top and a drop-off into a deep creek channel. Graphed over it and saw a small school hanging near the drop. fished this area for 30 minutes with no takers. (again, cranks, c-rig, drop shot, and spoon) Kind of confused about what the fish were doing, i headed way back into the creek and fished several shallow humps (10-12 fow) which are scattered around several creek channel intersections (25 fow). Graphed over this area and found LOADS of fish suspened in the creek channels, fish were hanging between 14-17 feet deep. Also saw a good amount of baitfish in the area. I figured these fish weren't catchable, and most likely werent LMB but fished anyways. Fished for 30 minutes, caught 1 white, and a dink large mouth on a crank. I threw some other stuff but no takers. i scratched my head, and decided to do what i hate the most and started beating the banks and covering water. After a little while, i got on a run of fish very shallow. I got 5 fish, 3 keepers and the biggest was nearly 4lb, all in a 100 yard strech and within 20 minutes. All of these fish were in less than 9 fow in the grass, caught them on spinnerbait and sq.bill crank. I figured the area had alot more fish, so i recovered the area, multiple times with spinnerbait, sq.bill, texas rig, and attempted to get a light weight fluke out there but the wind was just too much. No more fish from this area. Continued covering water with spinner and crank for another hour and a half and only caught 1 more fish. So, in conclusion, i never really got a pattern figured out. I hope this helps. BTW i spent the whole day in 6mile.
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