It has been my experience that pencil bobbers seem to be pulled under easier than the round type, so it would be easier to detect a hit. I also like them because I can see it better in low light or choppy water because of the high profile.
Get some Herculiner and do the whole inside of the boat, the stuff is about 60 bucks a can. Plus it makes it look nice, softens the sound transfered to the water, and makes a non slip surface. ;D
I wish I could buy a new one. Maybe next years tax return. Ben, whare did you see ones that cheap? Around here a used one in the 25-35 hp range are still 800-1000 bucks.
Cool. I am looking to get a biger motor for my 14' Alumacraft. how much did that motor run ya? If you dont mind me asking. Right now I have a 2.5HP evinrude. Great little motor but it takes forever to get anywhere on the lake.
WOW ! didn't expect this post to get so many replies. I guess a lot of fisherman smoke. I have to pick up some cigars to keep those little bugs out of my face, great idea. I dont like to put any thing on my hands that smells, like bug spray or sun screen, so ill put on rubber gloves then put on sunscreen then take them off again and throw em away. Maybe im just weird ?
Some people tell me that fish dont like the smell of tobacco or nicatine (sp) I have never noticed a difference. My buddy spits his dip onto a new lure before he throws it out and i smoke while i fish. what do you all think?
I just started fishing from a boat after being a shore fisherman since i was a kid. I like it bettter on my boat because it gets kind of crowded on the shore some times and with the boat you can get to alot of places that you wouldnt be able to by foot cause the brush is to thick or something like that.
I get the same kind of thing on the back of my wrist. It started after i broke it. The docs say it a tendon that gets a bubble in it or leaks fluid out of it when it gets agitated. Ya might want to get it checked out.
I like both, In Fisherman covers alot of different species, so i guess it depends on what you fish for. If its strictly bass id go with bassmaster but if you like bass, pike, muskie, trout, panfish and catfish then go with in fisherman. Or just pick up an issue of both and see what you like more.
Thanks, thats what I had in mind. But how else do I present it? Do I bounce it off the bottom, swim it back, let it drift back, etc? There are lots of options, but which are the best?
Can anyone tell me the most effective way to fish a finesse tube in current below a dam. I will be casting at the bank in search of small eddys.
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