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Everything posted by BASSMAN1301599783

  1. Im not sure how to go about geting your club registered. And I dont think you would need money, exept to fish. I would just see if you can get some guys your age together. Post flyers up at your school saying something like, "if you like to fish stop by the cafeteria after school on this day". then make up a sheet telling people what you want to do with your club, what its about stuff like that. Pass them out to people if they come by.Or im sure you could ask a teacher or your guidence counsler to help you out. I would go about it as, you are just looking for some fishing buddys. Then if you get enough people interested you could get a small tournement going. Say everybody puts in five bucks. if you got five guys to buy in thats 25 bucks to the winner. Just do fun stuff like that. Hope this helps. ;D
  2. I fish the ponds at the local golf course at night once a month or so and have almost been arrested twice! But the fishing is usally great so its worth it.
  3. Look for a youth fishing club in your area. If you can't find one start your own. Just make up flyers and ask the manager at your local tackle shop if you can post it in the window.
  4. Thats funny. The boat JD power & associates gave thair best rating to, nobody has even mentioned. I have never heard of a "BassCat".
  5. Hookhead wgere do you live? I fish Dixon and all the other lakes in San Diago county every weekend.
  6. Most places you can apply for a new title. It costs 15 bucks around here and they issue you new numbers and everything. But you might have to take your boat to the DMV. Or you could say you built it and have them issue a vin number. My buddy did this.
  7. Im moving to Surprise AZ in a few months and roosevelt is about an hour away. If you ever get out thair let me know.
  8. Barrett Lake in Southern CA. But I would only fish it if it was free. You have to buy tickets through ticketmaster. 40 bucks a day! http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/0A003AE899DD68A6?artistid=821868&majorcatid=10004&minorcatid=102
  9. I just picked up some of these from Wal-Mart today.Stand out hooks.They look like they will work good. Ill let you know for sure after this weekend. http://www.standouthooks.com
  10. EWG = Extra Wide Gap
  11. I pull my 14' Alumacraft with a 2001 Ford Ranger 4.0. Cant even tell it back thair. My friends pulls his his 12' aluminum Sears Robuck & Co. with his 1989 Honda Accord. Its one of the funniest things you would ever see. ;D
  12. First of all, welcome. You have come to the best bass fishing sight on the internet. You will learn alot here (I know I have) and all the people here are great and extermly knowledgeable. So with that said...If you are looking for live bait you have a few choices. With night crawlers you will catch anything from Bass to Catfish to Trout and a whole slew of other gamefish. If you want to concentrate more on Bass I would pick up some Shiners or minnows.You will still catch other fish with them but I dont think they are as general as the NC. You can get these at your local tackle shop and rig them a couple ways. One is to use a #1 or #2 live bait hook tied straight to your line and hook it through the nose or the back, just under the spine, and cast it out and let it swim around. The other way is to put a bobber on the line at whatever you would like the leader to be, I usually make it a two to three foot leader, cast it out and it will swim around. Another good live bait is the crayfish or crawdad. You should be able to get these at the local tackle shop too. With the same size hook as the minnow pull off one or both of the claws and hook it through the middle of the tail, cast it out and let it sit on the bottom. But you might want to reel in and recast every 20 min or so because they like to get under rocks or stums and other types of cover. Another choice is the muddpuppy or waterdog. As the two before youl need the same size hook and rig it the same as a crawdad. Or with these you can hook it through the face, I like the base of the tail becase they tend to live longer. Cast it out and let it sit on the bottom.These are a couple of live bait options. You could also use a number of Craink baits and plastics and all kinds of other things to catch bass and im sure these guys will have something to add, so I hope this helps. Good luck. ;D
  13. my buddys dad gave me a Humminbird LCR8000 Its really old and has only been used once, so tis in great shape. Before installing it on my boat I wanted to make sure it worked so I took it to my pool and droped the transducer in about a foot down and the bottom contour was all weird. The depth was reading 8 then 23 then 19 then 36. I was just wondering if any body has done this? Is it because of the pool or what? Thanks for the help. ;D
  14. Ok, thanks. ;D
  15. If the Buzzbait is a reaction type lure, would the color really matter at all?
  16. What exactly does a Buzzbait mimic?
  17. What is it?
  18. Great interveiw. Good job. ;D
  19. Nice boat man. How much did you pick er up for?
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