First of all, welcome. You have come to the best bass fishing sight on the internet. You will learn alot here (I know I have) and all the people here are great and extermly knowledgeable. So with that said...If you are looking for live bait you have a few choices. With night crawlers you will catch anything from Bass to Catfish to Trout and a whole slew of other gamefish. If you want to concentrate more on Bass I would pick up some Shiners or minnows.You will still catch other fish with them but I dont think they are as general as the NC. You can get these at your local tackle shop and rig them a couple ways. One is to use a #1 or #2 live bait hook tied straight to your line and hook it through the nose or the back, just under the spine, and cast it out and let it swim around. The other way is to put a bobber on the line at whatever you would like the leader to be, I usually make it a two to three foot leader, cast it out and it will swim around. Another good live bait is the crayfish or crawdad. You should be able to get these at the local tackle shop too. With the same size hook as the minnow pull off one or both of the claws and hook it through the middle of the tail, cast it out and let it sit on the bottom. But you might want to reel in and recast every 20 min or so because they like to get under rocks or stums and other types of cover. Another choice is the muddpuppy or waterdog. As the two before youl need the same size hook and rig it the same as a crawdad. Or with these you can hook it through the face, I like the base of the tail becase they tend to live longer. Cast it out and let it sit on the bottom.These are a couple of live bait options. You could also use a number of Craink baits and plastics and all kinds of other things to catch bass and im sure these guys will have something to add, so I hope this helps. Good luck. ;D