I will be fishing a Jr. Bassmaster Tournament here in KY in the State Championship in October 1st and 2nd. Nolin, the river lake i will be fishing, was created in 1963 as a flood control impoundment, so the water depths on the lake can vary as much as 70ft. per year. It covers about 6,000 acres, has a mazimum depth of 95 feet and an average depth of 55ft (at summer pool). Most of the shoreline is heavily wooded, but there is also a lot of residential development nearby. As is the case with other flood control impoundments, aquatic vegetations is limited in Nolin River. Most of the fish cover is downed timber, stumps, and broken rock, shich accompnies numerous fish attractors. The size limit on all largemouth and smallmouth bass is 15in. which can speak well for the size of the fish located in this body of water, and spotted bass are 12in. And the base forage is baitfish. Also because it is a river system, the oxygen count near the surface is as high as 8.0.
PLEASE, do you have any suggestions? I will be going there to pre-fish, and am looking to build some confidence, after a startling ZERO there in the March of this year. Any specific patterns you would look for or try to pull together, or any baits / techniques that you would suggest.