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Everything posted by BASSMAN1301599783

  1. Those are some good lookin worms.
  2. I know the more Horizontal the angle is the deeper the bait swims, and the more Verticle the lip angle is shallower it swims. But thats about all I know :-?. Is there any science to it? Thanks, -Bryce
  3. Is there any way you could post a picture of your new boat. I am sure it would help us with some ideas for you.
  4. I like the scroll saw better because you can get more detail with the thin blades. It is much eaiser to do more intricate stuff.
  5. They look good ;D What size are the heads?
  6. Wow. Those look like great baits. Be sure to put up pics when you get em done.
  7. Here is a link for some lip paterns. You can print them out and trace them onto a peice of lexan. I got some lexan at Home Depot. It is more expensive but it is easy to get. http://www.luremaking.com/catalogue/download/making_crankbait_lips.pdf Oh and once you start making them you wont be able to stop. Good luck.
  8. I made the line tie out of 17ga SS wire. I bend it around a nail, put the nail in a vice and use an electric drill to spin the wire.(thanks John) Then find the center of the lip and drill a hole. Put the tie through and bend it with some pliars. Then you have to carve a place for the wire to go into the bait, just under the lip. Epoxy the lip in and put a dab on the end of the line tie and your done. ;D Line Tie Bottom veiw Another And Paint before you install the lip. That way It wont look as messy as mine.
  9. LOL. No thats my mouse pad. I got it from a riding pant company that was giving away free stuff.
  10. http://www.completelycolorado.com/forums/video/Pescaria_Meques.wmv ;D
  11. I jsut found out there is going to be one opening up in about nine months ten min from my house. I think I am going to apply for a job.
  12. Thanks for all the sugestions and complements guys ;D. They are all great names. I cant choose. :-? Thats exactly what my dad said : He also said I should get a better hand model if im going to keep posting pics of them.Whittler, I am hooked... I went out and bought about 600 bucks worth of tools for myself for christmas. I do this now more than actually fish them. And the wife says thanks for creating a monster :. I say thanks for all your help ;D
  13. Can anyone think of some names for the color paterns? I made them, They just need names now #1 #2 #3
  14. 3 Bassresource ;D Tackleunderground AZbasszone
  15. I'm not sure about your questions but if you want more people to answer your posts be a little more specific about what you are asking about. Instead of "Help" put something like "new boat owner needs maintenance help". I am not trying to get down on ya, Just trying to get you the best advice these guys have to offer.
  17. Thanks ;D Whittler told me how to make hook screws and stuff. So hopefully I will get to try it out this weekend. Thanks for the advice everyone.
  18. Well it was another long day at work so I had a little time on my hands to make this cool contraption. I was geting tired of my fingerprints getting stuck to my freshly painted popper. And here is the paint job... What do you guys think? I hope to get an air brush soon cause the paint brush and little bottles dont look that great :-/
  19. Oh man....I just laughed so hard my face hurts. ;DThanks for that.
  20. Thanks to everyone on this site that shares their knowledge with guys like me. I'm not so sure I contribute that much but I am very glad all of you guys do. I hope someday ill have enough know-how about this great sport/lifestyle to be able to help people like y'all have helped me.
  21. I changed my mind and decided to go with a crankbait for the first one....... This is the pattern I drew then cut out with a jig saw This is after some rough shaping with a knife This is after sanding it down and prepairing for primer This is after I painted the primer on Next is making a bill and installing it. I had to cover two shifts today at work and got bored so, I cut the end off a broom handle and carved out this little guy. He is gonna be a popper. ;D
  22. Thanks will. I figured I would get at least two baits out of this peice of wood. Do you think a Popper is a good choice to start out on? Or is Thair a more "beginner friendly" design? Thanks.
  23. Does anybody make their own crankbaits? Got any Tips for a beginner? Im going to try and make a topwater popper. If that goes good... I may make more. This is as far as I got today. ;D
  24. Well said sir.
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