From the research I have gathered and from what you guys and other boards have helped me out with I am going to go with the Optimax (2 stroke).
On a side note, From what I have gathered the new two strokes, built after 2001, have lower emissions than most of the four strokes out on the market today. Performance was not the main deciding factor with the motor but I can't see how having too much motor would hurt. I also looked at the restrictions for all the lakes in C.A., N.V., and N.M. and the ones that do have the 2 stroke ban in affect are allowing only the DFI Ficht or Optimax motors witch at this time are the only 2-stroke motors that meet the EPA 2006 or the Carb 2001 standards. Witch is good for me because I plan on traveling with the boat. It seems like the 2 stroke is the all around best choice. The con list was way shorter for the 2 stroke.
I have already decided to stick with the tin boat for a couple years and then look into a glass boat after awhile that's why I am going to get the largest motor rated for the hull, better resale value. Plus haulin *** can't be all that bad.
One more question. Everyone keeps saying if you want reliability go with a four stroke. So what's the deal? How unreliable are two strokes? Do they have problems not starting or something?
Thanks again for all the help I cant even begin to tell you all how much I appreciate it.