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Everything posted by BASSMAN1301599783

  1. The lowrance units usally have a few more bells and whistles but thats about it. Eagle is owned by lowrance. You pay for the name in most cases. I went with eagle for my console and lowrance for my bow and I am happy with both.
  2. That takes care of the sleeping part. Does the front seat turn into a bathroom with a shower?
  3. Here is my dilemma.... I camp allot at different lakes and I am getting a boat and I am sick of the tent camping thing. I would like to know what you think I should do. Buy a motor home? Will a motor home pull a boat out of the water? Double tow with a fifth wheel? The only thing I do know is I would like something bigger than a cab over camper. Thanks for the help guys, Bryce
  4. I just bought a Stinger 195, witch is the same exact boat as the 175 only a foot and a half longer. I like the setup of the 195 better than the 190 because of the longer rod locker and the extra livewell upfront. I fell in love with them after I saw how wide the front deck was. It is a great boat and the quality is great too. I would highly recommend a Lowe to anybody. It is by far the best tin boat in that price range.
  5. I found this one while looking for stuff for my boat. Not many people yet but they are nice and you can do product reviews and stuff. Check it out. http://tinboats.net/
  6. I said that when you first asked about it. : http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1164665757
  7. Thanks for all the help guys. I have pretty much narrowed it down and figured I can install most of the stuff I am going to buy on my own and if I need any help I can just ask you guys. here is the accessory list... 3 bank charger factory cover SmartCraft gauge set 10 micron fuel filter Manual jack plate keel shield, because I go to the river allot and beach on a sand bar rod holder tubes circuit breaker instead of the TM fuses another FF for the bow An upgraded FF with GPS for the console Bearing buddies Spare tire for the trailer How does that sound? Anything I forgot? Thanks again, Bryce
  8. Hello everybody. The day has finally come, I get to order my boat. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D I need help to figure out what things I should have the dealer install before I take delivery. I am getting a Lowe Stinger 170 with a 75hp Opti. http://www.lowe.com/fishboats/stinger/170.html I am going to upgrade the TM already from a 12V 46# to a 24V 71# but that's all I got so far. The salesman told me a huge long list of things I should put on it but I get the feeling he is just trying to sell me a bunch of stuff to get the price higher. Money is not a huge issue. I don't want to kick myself later for not spending the money in the first place to buy something that would have made boating life easier, more enjoyable or saved me a headache in the long run. I am completely in the dark on this because the only other boats I have owned are little tin cans with low hp outboards so any help at all will be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks, Bryce
  9. Thanks for all the help guys. I wanted to get a rod that I could feel out before I bought it. I don't have a BPS near my house until august so I went to Cabelas and tried all the ones you suggested. I decided on the St. Croix Premier 6'6 Med. I just liked the way it felt in my hand. Thanks again gentlemen. You're all a big help, as usual. Bryce.
  10. Hi everyone. I got a $100.00 Gift card to BPS last night and I need a little help choosing a rod. I would like to use it for plastics. I am going to put it with a Shimano Stradic 2500FH. I have 10lb Yo-Zuri Hybrid Ultra Soft on the reel. I am going from a one rod for everything kind of guy to a more specialized approach, so I am in the dark a little for these specific applications. Thanks allot. Yall have never steered me wrong before.
  11. From the research I have gathered and from what you guys and other boards have helped me out with I am going to go with the Optimax (2 stroke). On a side note, From what I have gathered the new two strokes, built after 2001, have lower emissions than most of the four strokes out on the market today. Performance was not the main deciding factor with the motor but I can't see how having too much motor would hurt. I also looked at the restrictions for all the lakes in C.A., N.V., and N.M. and the ones that do have the 2 stroke ban in affect are allowing only the DFI Ficht or Optimax motors witch at this time are the only 2-stroke motors that meet the EPA 2006 or the Carb 2001 standards. Witch is good for me because I plan on traveling with the boat. It seems like the 2 stroke is the all around best choice. The con list was way shorter for the 2 stroke. I have already decided to stick with the tin boat for a couple years and then look into a glass boat after awhile that's why I am going to get the largest motor rated for the hull, better resale value. Plus haulin *** can't be all that bad. One more question. Everyone keeps saying if you want reliability go with a four stroke. So what's the deal? How unreliable are two strokes? Do they have problems not starting or something? Thanks again for all the help I cant even begin to tell you all how much I appreciate it.
  12. Anything is possible. Weight would be my main cocern. I would suggest making the deck out of aluminum to keep the weight down though. It would only be one and a half maybe two sheets of plywood at the most but that marine grade stuff is not exactly light
  13. I am going to be ordering my new boat soon (Lowe Stinger 170) and would like to get some opinions about the motor. I am going to have to choose between a Merc Optimax 75HP or a Merc 4stroke EFI 75HP. This is going to be my first "Big Boy Boat" and I don't know much about outboards so any ideas, opinions, notions, or experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bryce P.S. Here is a link to the boat if it helps. http://www.lowe.com/fishboats/stinger/170.html
  14. I just got back from Cabelas and I looked at the "symetre'' and the "stradic". The symetre I looked at seemed to not be as smooth all around as the stradic but it was a very nice reel. I ended up going with the Stradic because of that reason. But I also bought the symetre for a backup. Thanks for all the help guys.
  15. My price range on the rod is less than 200 bucks. What action and power you recommend for my application? What lb test line should I go with?
  16. I got a $100 gift card for Cabelas and I need a good spinning reel. I want to use it as a good all around setup for plastics. DS, finesse, t-rig, c-rig. All that stuff. Could you also recomend a good rod and line. I have been looking at the "Yo-Zuri Hybrid Ultra Soft", I hear good things about it. I have no idea on the rod to finish the whole kit up with.
  17. I didn't realize that both full livewells was 400 extra pounds . I just thought that more room for the fish the better. I am seriously now thinking about the 170 now instead of the 175. I think I am going to stop by the dealer tomorrow on my way home and really look at the 170. I am also going to hold off on the big purchase until late spring like DELee36 said to see if I can get a better price. I am definitely going to test drive the thing before I buy it. Thanks allot for all your help guys. Your input may have saved me allot of money misspent. Thanks, Bryce
  18. Wouldn't two livewells be good for tournaments so the boater and non boater can keep their fish separate? What's your top speed with the 90 on there?
  19. RSBreth, The 170 is nice. I chose the 175 because I liked the layout of the compartments. Plus the fact that it has two livewells instead of one and It is a little bigger all around. I don't know why it would be considered any less of a bass boat than the 170. They seem about the same. What makes it a crappie boat? cart7, How would I go about taking them out on the lake? I am new at this boat buying thing. Will a dealer take you on a test drive? I looked at the G3 boats but there is not a dealer within 300 miles of me so I figured ill stick with what I can go see for myself. I mean no disrespect but I am not trying to get others to choose for me. This is a huge decision for me and I am just trying to get as much input as I can. Weather it be one has better color choices than the other or someone has had allot of experience with the manufacturer or something along those lines. Thanks for the help.
  20. Hey everybody . I don't post very much so when I do, you know I really need some help, and I know I have come to the right place. So I do hope that yall can help me make a choice. I have come to a point in my life where I can finally afford a boat ;D. All be it not a fantastic fishing machine I think one of my two choices should get the job done. So here goes. :-/ The first is this one, http://www.trackerboats.com/boat/index.cfm?boat=1957 My second choice is , http://www.lowe.com/fishboats/stinger/175.html# I would like a 60Hp four stroke. That's pretty much it for options, unless there is something you think I really should have. I plan to use it for recreational fishing for now and maybe in the next year or so get into some tournaments. I know you guys and gals can help me out with picking the best boat for me. Thanks for the help, BASSMAN
  21. Here is a post that talked about all that stuff http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1135802893
  22. This is a good guy. You can buy a kit that will give you everything you need to get started. http://www.del-mart.com/shop/home.php
  23. Field & Stream has been a good magazine for me. They have great customer service too. I didnt recive an issue because my address changed, I emailed them and the next day they mailed me back and sent me the issue I was missing.
  24. Make sure you do it in a well ventilated area. The fumes will make you very sick. ( they did to me at least) Just remember.. you are working with molten metal. keep flamible stuff away, pay extra attention to what you are doing and just use common sence. Respect the lead and you will have a good safe time.
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