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Milton Waddams

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Everything posted by Milton Waddams

  1. Although they also only keep codes in the system for 10 years and they are purged, which means they no longer have the info in the computer system.
  2. While proudly showing off his new apartment to friends late one night, the drunk led the way to his bedroom where there was a big brass gong. "What's that big brass gong for?" one of the guests asked. "Why, that's the talking clock" the man replied. "How does it work?" "Watch", the man said, giving it an ear-shattering pound with a hammer. Suddenly, someone on the other side of the wall screamed, "For christ's sake, you wanker, it's 2am in the *&(%&*^# morning!!"
  3. Could be a multitude of things best thing is to have dtc's checked.
  4. Ford keys (Later 1998-newer Ford, Lincoln, Mercury) If you want to initiate a new master key.... 1. This requires that the vehicle be connected to special dealer equipment. There are two ten minute delays involved while this device erases all existing key programming and sets up the vehicle computer to accept new key codes. Two new keys should be ready because the system requires a minimum of two keys in the program. After the first two keys are programmed, additional keys can be entered individually by following the instructions for adding duplicate keys (below). If you want to add a key.... **You must have two original keys to perform this procedure. If you only have one key, you WILL have to take it to the dealer to get it programmed** 1. Insert and existing (working) key into the ignition cylinder. 2. Turn the ignition cylinder ON (RUN) and back to OFF. Ignition should stay on for at least ONE SECOND. 3. Remove the existing key and, within TEN seconds, insert a second working key and turn it to ON (RUN) and the back OFF. Ignition must be in ON for at least ONE second, but no more than TEN seconds. Remove the key. 4. Insert the new key before TWENTY seconds have elapsed and turn it to ON (RUN). Leave it the ON position for at least ONE second and turn back to OFF. 5. The security light will light up for THREE seconds to indicate that the new key has been successfully programmed. 6. To program additional keys, repeat steps 1 through 5
  5. Actually Nascar fans are very brand loyal to what is on their favorite drivers car. They will buy what is on their drivers car and detest and void like the plaque whatever is on the car of a driver they don't like. That has been proven over the years many times.
  6. Agree with all that. They do need to reward the winner of a race significantly more than the rest and the top five as well. This would do away with point racing where there is really no racing at all and force them to go out and actually try to win. Nascar garnered such a following because they would go out and beat and bang and crash and do whatever it took to WIN not place.
  7. You may be able to get a key from a dealer, Ford coded keys to the VIN starting in 1996. Although they also only keep codes in the system for 10 years and they are purged, which means they no longer have the info in the computer system. You will most like be finding an automotive locksmith that can make the key from the cylinder and then program it to match the cylinder computer chip. You'll be looking at $75-$150
  8. Sounds like a bowfin recipe. Where you fishing? Rhode Island
  9. Mid July 85+ bluebird skies no wind 10" Hudleston back in creeks 80* water 2-4' deep.
  10. I get what your saying now, but I rarely get that when playing avideo on there.
  11. Videos don't take that long to load for me.
  12. All you need to know is ***.com
  13. 1963 Impala SS 409 convertible
  14. I agree. I think back in the day when they used to try and rescue animals that are being abused and issues like that are good, valid points but once the extremists came in, there whole point of existence really changed for the worst. That's what the ASPCA is for, peta is completely useless and idiotic.
  15. I would think that the sanctioning body of a tournament this big would have a guarded secure area for the anglers to park their boats and not have to worry about them.
  16. First off, one of those pics isn't you and second the fish in the first pic isn't even close to 7.
  17. I have a hard time feeling bad for the teachers having to go a couple extra weeks before a 2 month break. Let's see you get to set at home and not work when it snows and is extremely cold and you also get to set at home and not work when it is extremely hot during the summer. You can do this while you make fun of the mechanic and repair men that work on your things because they are not educated and dumb. My sister and s-i-l who are both teachers know not to even try and complain about their jobs or poke fun at those who don't teach. Especially since I work on their cars and do most of the repair work around their houses.
  18. Go all out and get the enema too.
  19. Watched it last week, ajnd really liked it. I was afraid that it would be so far off from the original as to ruin it. It actually follows the book better than the original and was very well made. Bridges plays Cogburn differently, but how can you really compare Wayne and Bridges? Thought for a second Robert Duvall was playing Ned Pepper again. I could have gone the rest of my life without hearing about Burn After Reading, that movie should have been burnt after filming. I agree the only good part in the whole thing is Pitt getting shot in the head.
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