If your girlfriend is like this now, she will be worse when you are married. My wife used to fish with me when we were dating. She also used to go to Cubs games with me. We have been married for 10 years and she tells me how much she hated doing those things with me. She has this fear of fish, you know people have the fear of spiders. She also finds baseball to be boring. I say I was taken while we were dating, thinking I found someone who enjoys doing the things I enjoy. Boy was I wrong. She complains about all of the money I spend on fishing too. She tells me that if I stopped buying fishing stuff, I could fish for the rest of my life with all of the things I have. She does not get it because she does not have a hobby. You need to sit down and have a talk with your girlfriend and tell her this is your hobby and your spending is going to continue and she can either deal with it or get out. I have pretty much told my wife the same thing. She is still around, but still likes to complain. She cannot find any other fault in me, so she needs something to complain about.