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Everything posted by CSimon2

  1. This is the bait I am talking about. I will try the salt and see if that helps to firm it up. I am glad I asked on here before I went and started using the hardener. Thanks a lot guys!
  2. It is an injection mold. I have not made any of those with salt added yet. I will try the salt and see if that helps. Thanks again guys!
  3. The reason I want to use the hardener is because I have a fluke type bait that is a little too soft for my liking. I wanted to firm it up a bit. So it sounds like a little goes a long way. Thank you for the responses!
  4. I have a question for those that pour plastics. How much hardener do you add to your plastics? I know it is probably a personal preference to the hardness of the bait, but will a little do it or does it need to be mixed 50/50 to be effective? Just curious. I will do some playing around to see how much of a difference it makes. Start with a little and move on from there. I know you can always add, but you cannot take out. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
  5. Those look awesome! Great job!
  6. Thank you for everyone's response. I am going to try out these color combos. This is a great article. Thanks for sharing! I am going to have to browse that site a little more. Thanks again everyone!
  7. CSimon2

    Hair Jigs

    Thanks! Be sure to post pics!
  8. I need some help from the experts out there. As you know from my previous posts, I started tying hair jigs. I placed an order from Jann's and it came today. I ordered deer tails and powder paint. My question is which color combinations do you think would work best from the colors listed below: Deer Tail Colors: Yellow Red Orange Flo Lime Kelly Green Blue Natural Chartreuse Powder paint: Black Flame Red White Brown I have some ideas in my head of some patterns, but appreciate any other suggestions. Obviously pairing more than one hair color per jig is what I am after. Thanks in advance for your input.
  9. Those look great!
  10. Congrats on the nice slab!
  11. Happy Birthday Glenn!!!
  12. Great job! Looks like a ton of fun.
  13. I always rig mine tail up. Might have to start trying tail down though.
  14. CSimon2

    Hair Jigs

    Thank you!
  15. CSimon2

    Hair Jigs

    Thank you! I did paint the heads as well. I bought a container of the powder paint. I used a lighter to heat the jighead for a few seconds, swirled it in the powder, tapped off the excess powder and it became glossy after a few seconds. They turned out nice.
  16. One day my wife was getting my two year old daughter dressed. She was standing there in her birthday suit and she squatted down to pick up one of her toys and she sniffed the air. Then she said "Mommy, I smell my butt and it really stinks." LOL! My wife called me at work in tears to tell me about that one.
  17. CSimon2

    Hair Jigs

    Thanks a lot guys! I am officially addicted to tying jigs.
  18. CSimon2

    Hair Jigs

    I just started making my own hair jigs. I bought some new materials at Bass Pro yesterday. I also wanted to try powder paint for the jigheads. Below is a pic of the new ones I tied up last night. I was pretty proud of these. I just hope they catch fish. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks for looking! Chuck
  19. LOL!
  20. Those look awesome! Great job!
  21. Thanks guys! I wanted to get out today and give them a try, but something else came up. Now that I have some confidence in making these, I am going to invest into some more materials. It is funny, how I am now looking for things around the house that might make some nice tying material. I grabbed one of my daughter's fur lined hoods off of one of her old coats and made a couple of jigs with that. I have an Akita whose tail looks like it might have some potential to make some mighty fine hair jigs. LOL! :grin:
  22. Thanks guys! I didn't put any cement on at first, but I did apply some later. I got a little anxious making them and I forgot. I just used some clear nail polish.
  23. I have been thinking about making hair jigs for quite a while. Wednesday, I cashed in my Bass Pro rewards points and bought some materials to make them. I didn't want to put too much money into buying supplies in case I didn't like it. I figured what better way to use my rewards points. I got a little anxious when I got home from work and set up shop on the kitchen island. Here are my first batch of hair jigs: My first one was the plain leadhead and it does not look all that great at all. Plus I trimmed the hair a bit, and I don't like the way it looks. After we got the kids to bed I went down in my basement and tied 4 more. Obviously, it got easier as I went a long. Here are a couple more pics of my second batch. All in all I had a good time making these. I don't know if they will catch fish or not, but it gave me something to do. As time goes on I will invest into some more materials and better equipment, but for now what I am using works for me. Any feedback is welcomed and appreciated. Thanks for looking!
  24. Looks like a great bait! For only $3.99, you cannot go wrong buying one of these.
  25. If your girlfriend is like this now, she will be worse when you are married. My wife used to fish with me when we were dating. She also used to go to Cubs games with me. We have been married for 10 years and she tells me how much she hated doing those things with me. She has this fear of fish, you know people have the fear of spiders. She also finds baseball to be boring. I say I was taken while we were dating, thinking I found someone who enjoys doing the things I enjoy. Boy was I wrong. She complains about all of the money I spend on fishing too. She tells me that if I stopped buying fishing stuff, I could fish for the rest of my life with all of the things I have. She does not get it because she does not have a hobby. You need to sit down and have a talk with your girlfriend and tell her this is your hobby and your spending is going to continue and she can either deal with it or get out. I have pretty much told my wife the same thing. She is still around, but still likes to complain. She cannot find any other fault in me, so she needs something to complain about.
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