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Everything posted by bigbassctchr101

  1. Now this right here is AWESOME! It'd be cool to have one lure and have someone fish it and catch one nice fish on it and send it on. Especially if it was a topwater or something that caught multiple species. Bassn Blvd- thats an awesome treasure as I'm sure you know!
  2. I can't remember who it is, but one of the elite guys fish a bubblegum bandit for reaction bites. I think pink and chart are awesome fluke colors for aggresive and territorial fish.
  3. I can't think of a color that I haven't thrown and caught at least one fish on. White/Albino flukes are confidence baits as well as chartruese and bubble gum flukes. Sapphire blue jig chunks Yellow floating worms on the back of buzzbaits green pretty much a mainstay for many people reds-blacks-purples- all night time colors Maybe grey! just cuz I can't think of any reason why I would want grey over a white or black.
  4. What are the differences in the triple grip hooks? Triple grip trebles, KVD Elite, 1X-2X (is this just strength?). I was looking at them and it looks like the KVD elites 2X are the only ones with the smaller shank; so you can replace a size 4 with a 2. Also, where do you guys buy your hooks. I'd like to purchase them (the short shank) in more larger qtys instead of 5-10 at a time. Thank you for your help.
  5. Is it camera angle that makes it look like the bank is way off...or is he actually casting that thing a mile? lol
  6. I store them in boxes by brand and model. Norman DD22's another box for Spro DD, another for Bandit 200's, etc. Before I actually go out for a tournament I usually raid a couple of these boxes, taking usually 2 of each of my preferred colors each of different brands that I will be using--- 2 sexy spros dd, 2 rootbeer dd22's, 2 etc. etc. etc... I just arrange these in boxes of depth. So when I'm fishing in a tournament, I usually have a box of several brands for top, shallow, mid, deep, spinnerbaits, buzzbaits, terminal, several totes of plastics and jigs. That keeps my boat lighter, easier to find things, and I still have plenty of choices.
  7. Watson's open house is about as big or bigger than the fishing show they had in Knoxville two weekends ago. Awesome place to go!
  8. It would make more sense that pre-spawn activity could start in that time.
  9. Lindy makes some kind of Xchange jig head where you can switch the weights and sizes of the head but I am not sure if it is lead or not? http://www.overstockbait.com/Lindy_X_Change_System_p/mx2.htm More crappie based
  10. I started with thick line (heavy braid or 17+ mono) and had my brakes and knobs set tight. I just backed my tensions down from them. Practicing on cemet would be easier with a jig or something else that would easily slide. I started skipping under docks with hollow body frogs. Once you get the feel down you can switch to baits that don't really skip as easily (a heavy jig with big creature hangin from it) and start to go lower on your line size and brake settings... I almost always do it with short/hard roll casts and use momentum to get the bait where it needs to go. I can skip better more accurately with a baitcaster than a spinning reel. I can skip a lure like a rock with a spinning reel though, i might as well close my eyes as for where it lands lol I hate spinning reels.
  11. I agree, you put this around some smallies and you'll be tying yourself one lol
  12. I know your probably looking for someone specific, but...some options. Glass (jobberlures) they have an unusual look to them but should easily be crappie worthy. Tin, aluminite...Its lighter than lead instead of heavier, but i believe its also a little cheaper. If you could have someone find a mold that hides a lot of the mass under the skirt and on the shank (like some spinnerbait makers do) then you could get a 1/2ounce cast to weigh around 3/8. It may make things a little more difficult, but its not entirely impossible to get these things. Brass, steel, are other options that weigh closer to lead, but also cost a little more to get.
  13. Yea, i'm not all up for enforcing the life jacket rule myself... I understand its for your own good and everything. But, I look at it a little like a seatbelt. Why should we HAVE to be forced to wear one? So I don't die in a wreck? I can understand that if my projectiled body was a health hazard to innocent bystanders once I flew out the window, but... I think that should be my right to be stupid as long as it will not hurt anyone else. Saying that you have to wear a life jacket borders too close to saying, you cannot smoke because it could kill you, or all them other on the fence decisions that people do or don't do but would live longer if they did one over the other. In most tournaments we do have to wear them while being under power of the gas motor. Perfectly fine with that, I pay to fish in their tournament, they get to make whatever rules they want...dumb or not. If I don't like it, its my right not to fish it. I personally do wear a life jacket when running the big motor if its widy and have a lot of big waves, but thats about it. Would also make since that the captain of an offshore boat would have to wear one when guiding (or at least someone that could stay alive to be responsible for other members of that boat). But due to insurances, I would hope a captain of a guided trip would make passengers wear it anyway. Other than that....this is America. We should have the right to be stupid if it doesn't affect others in a harmful way.
  14. Thats a ridiculous deal! I got 15 lucky crafts for and 5.50 each the other day. Still pretty happy about that as well.
  15. Doesn't POE have a cedar bait that is suppose to reach 22ft? Does anyone know if it will actually hit that depth? I like the 6XD's but I have found that the Spro's and Lucky Craft's have a more finese application (the spro due to the rattle-not the action at all, and the LC's due to action) The 6XD's work well, but I don't like the way they come out of cover... A DD22 will actually back up when given slack, the 6XD, not so much. The DT20 is a heck of a bait, but I always seem to throw it in more open water. I don't trust the bill (because of other DT series being fragile) and it seems like it will reach out and get hung up more so than other baits. I never gave the bandit 700 much of a chance because I never thought it would fully reach it max diving depth. I like really banging more baits into rock, brushpiles, etc... so the norman gets the thumbs up when it comes to that. The DT20 for open water stuff like running against a ledge. The Spro DD is my new number one bait though. The rattle is good for a more subtle sound, but it has enough action to get a schooling bite going. Its made REALLY tough and will cast a mile. DD22 gets the nod for color selection though. I wish I could get the Spro and DT with the gel colors of firetiger, and couple of the other sweet colors.
  16. At one point in time, GPS coordinates were only good up to about 30 ft. Once that was changed, I think it got down to about 3 ft. But I couldn't swear on that. Maybe thats what he meant?
  17. The current law in Tennessee, as it reads, says that each blade of a spinner bait would be considered as a bait. But, that has recently been clarified.
  18. Music would just let them know where to find ya lol Smart move!
  19. See, I was going to say Tennessee/Alabama. Only because in TN there are all kinds of boat manufacturers, lure makers, pro fisherman, etc. But, it may be like that in a lot of different areas. I just think its neat that from Knoxville you can be on a major lake in 3 hours. Kentucky, Chic, Guntersville (3 plus a lil I think?), Dale Hollow, Douglas, etc. You can fish Northern Resevours, Lowland Resevours, River systems, rivers, clear, stained, grass, etc... I didn't know if other places were like that as well though...
  20. Where do you guys think the bass fishing capital would be? Why do you think that?
  21. The way I understand this is... You don't have to wear it. But if you have a regular vest style and an inflatable laying out, then technically you only have one life jacket. For the inflatable to be considered a life preserver, it must be worn. Otherwise, have two jackets in your boat for two people, and you won't have to wear them.
  22. http://www.ebay.com/...=item2318e6f1b7 IT WORKS!!
  23. I've got so many reels I don't need that I will not buy them unless its a steal! I have a bad habit of continuing to buy stuff I can't put a use to lol Especially on ebay I search for weird things. JM, Johnny Morris, J Morris, reel, bc, baitcaster, etc... You can find some awesome listings by changing up your search and spending time. The search can only find what is listed. So, if someone was to list a ShimOno Curado, nothing will pull up when searching curado 200e7. So, little mis prints and someone that doesn't list an item right can really mis out on the number of people that can view their item. So, the 3 E7 curOdo's I have were $57/each cuz compitition to bid was much less =D If one person is selling fishing items, I make sure to look at all of their items as well... You can get some great great great deals like that. There is EBAY Hunting 101, as far as finding comparable pricing, J Francho has it down.
  24. This is what I do if I do use mono as a backing. But I am usually putting braid on a reel I have already been using so it already has mono on it. Cast, walk it out 20 or so foot and cut.
  25. I was prefishing with my partner one day who has a stereo system in the boat. We decided to turn it on for the heck of it. We've actually done is several times since then and have done really well. We joke and say its a poor mans hydrowave lol. I don't think I'd do it while flippin, but I now have no problem with turnin it on while deep crankin lol I wouldn't do this any time, but its just another way to goof off and have a good time for us.
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