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Everything posted by bigbassctchr101

  1. I think the carbonlite series may have something that could possibly work also?
  2. I live about 15 mins from Douglas...Its a sweet lake. You should have a ball fishing it!
  3. Hmm... Thank you very much. You say a re-packaged spiderwire. I had once heard rumors of it being more flat and would not lay aw well on the spool and such.... Is this true? I currently use power pro....how is this stuff (if it is re-packaged spiderwire) going to differ from power pro?
  4. Ok, I'm sure its something obvious. But I am not that familar with braid. What is the difference in these two? 100M 90LB MAXX POWER PRO BRAID Fishing Line DYNEEMA http://cgi.ebay.com/100M-90LB-MAXX-POWER-PRO-BRAID-Fishing-Line-DYNEEMA-/320670262974?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4aa96fe6be (I know this is not "Power Pro") Powerpro braid 65lb(moss green) 300yds http://cgi.ebay.com/Powerpro-braid-65lb-moss-green-300yds-/180639717149?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a0ef7571d I know the obvious things, color, #test, stuff like that. I imagine one is probably for saltwater or some other type of fishing where casting is not as much of a problem? I don't know. So, how do these compare and contrast. I see dyneema and spectra a lot. What does this mean? And is there a reason I couldn't or shouldn't use this on a baitcasting bass set up? (not neccassarily the #test, just the two types of lines in general)
  5. I'll chime in a little. I fished CollegeBass...kinda along the same lines. There are several guys that are truly great fisherman that fish college tournaments. I have no arguments about that, do they deserve the air time??? Sure, but not more than anyone else that has spent their time and put in the hard work just because they fish. Yes, BFL guys and Stren should also get some of the media attention to. I don't think its a bad thing to put these college anglers on like they have been doing, just because you go to college does not mean you are fishing these tournaments. Its like any other sport, just because you enjoy and play basketball, it doesn't mean your on the college team. Even as a college angler you have to work at it, and stand up and out above the others to make it where these guys are. The reason I think it IS a good thing is that it gives these younger guys another incentive of going to college. I'm sure it won't pull in a huge amount of people, but every one it does pull in, it helps. These anglers must first be part of a fishing club in their college, a club is usually made to do so much community service for the community or the college. They usually offer seminars, prizes, and a helpful hand to anyone that is willing to want to learn. That is why, IMO, they stand out above BFL and other tourn trails and deserve the publicity. These guys are ambassadors for the school, for fishing, true sportsmanship, and for a helping patron of the community around him.
  6. Standing and balancing on one foot while the other is bouncing on the trolling motor with one hand on the rod and the net in the other at the same time swooping for a fish all while keeping boat position, tight line, and a 7lb fish in the net..... Yep....no athletic tendencies at all ;D
  7. Looks like its possibly a front bilge hole? The plate that fell off was just to make it pretty? I don't really know though.
  8. I usually do it in the water too, or as my buddy is pulling me up the ramp.... If the ramp is not steep though, I'll just ride it up.
  9. The orra is very nice. A little heavier. My buddy upgraded his to the revos for $20 more with a trade in. I kept the orras. I don't mind the extra little weight on a c-rig rod or frog rod. Other than that, it feels very solid and smooth.
  10. Some people put talcom powder (non scented) on them... Keep the rubber fresh I guess.
  11. Thanks! So, is there a way to put a deeper spool in an E5 for not much more $? It sounds like you are a little confused about the amount of line a reel can hold. According to the above specs. That particular reel will hold 180 yards of 8lb test line or 155 yards of 10lb test line or 110 yards of 14lb test line. The numbers don't indicate a different spool just that an 8lb line has a smaller diameter than 14lb line so you can fit more 8lb line on a spool than 14lb line. No, I get that...(I meant is was this line correct 8(180)-10(155)-14(110), or the above line that said 14 (140), Uncle Leo got it... ) I want a bigger spool capacity because I would be able to use more before re-spooling. I re-tie a whole lot. And 2-3 foot each retie sometimes. So, thats a yard each re-tie, I may retie 5 times in one spot. 4 spots on a 120yd spool and I only have 100yds of line left. So thats one day of fishing. I'm not KVD and don't normally cast 70yds each time, but it wouldn't take long before i'm only down to 70yrds of line. If I have a deeper spool, I have a longer intreval before getting down to only that much line.
  12. I throw 12# mono as well. 10# when I want to get it down a little deeper in the creek channel and clearer water. I also use a limber rod. I don't fish grass (we don't have to much of it) so I don't have to have a stout rod to snap or pull it out. A limber tip can work well, but when you get into big fish its easier for me to allow more of my rod to give. It will keep the fish from throwing the lure as easy and gives more when the fish starts on a power surge...My 12# rod has more limber tip with not as much rod, and the 10# it feels like the rod starts bending at the handle lol jk I've found though, that if your rod loads up and launches a 1/2ounce trap about 3 miles, then you've probably got the correct rod action that will work
  13. SKEETS RIG!!!! That truck and trailer combo is awesome!!!
  14. Who throws a white jig and when? How do you fish it?
  15. I know several guys that don't even tie a not and just use a piece of tape. You shouldn't ever have a reel down that far anyway. If you do, you are not using your reel to the best of it's abilities, and what the use in having a curado if your not getting the most out of it? I personally don't do this and never would (preference/confidence thing). But like he said, if you get a fish to take out line down that far you've lost the fish already more often than not.
  16. If you take care of the rod it shouldn't happen. A fly fishing friend taught me to use the oil in your hair to keep your rods from locking together when using telescopic or two/three piece rods. If you can place it back where it needs to go each time you can realign your guides to where they need to be everytime you go to use it.
  17. I use it alot in the spring on spawning flats. Especially as a backup to a trap. When I think about it, i usually use a c-rig when fishing structure and a t-rig when fishing cover. For the most part. A c-rig will allow you to cover more water.
  18. I think they are athletes. I think that anyone that can bare 8 hours a day for 4 days of standing, casting, driving, then head back out to go do it again the next week is an athlete. Look at Vandam or Skeet and watch how many pounds they drop from the beginning til the end of the season. It takes a toll on your body, mentally and physically. But, if you only consider a sport something that you have to run, jump, and make physical contact with and don't consider bowling, golfing, or nascar a sport then I guess they wouldn't be considered athletes in your eyes. But don't tell that to the guys that make the money playing these SPORTS! ;D
  19. I will be doing the trail. but I will not be making it to the first one.
  20. I'm not really familiar about out in the western part. But the eastern and NC has quite a few. I know of 4 guys fishing the ELITES, FLW Tour, or PAA within 100 miles of the house. I realize this doesn't make them PRO, but they rely on these tournaments and guiding for their income so that is what I am calling a pro. And about 10 more "SPONSORED" guys. I " " sponsored meaning, free boat deal each year and most of the big tournaments paid for. The number of us other guys with bait, rod, etc.... sponsors is unreal! I don't know if it is like that in many other places or not? Wasn't Billy Westmoreland from out that way He was the man!
  21. Thanks! So, is there a way to put a deeper spool in an E5 for not much more $?
  22. How much line capacity does the E5 have? I'm reading different things? I know the citica doesn't have much either....But, I already have a citica so it would just be cost of upgrade. SHIMANO CURADO 200E5 GEAR RATIO-5.0:1 WT.- 7.6 LINE CAP-14/140 8(180)-10(155)-14(110). WHICH ONE IS CORRECT??? Is there an option to add a deeper spool to the E5? I'm not so much worried about IPT with any of the reels. I do want something that isn't going to wear me out, but I think I can handle anything under about 24"PT (which I imagine I'll get with anything lower than a 6.0:1???) as long as its geared correctly. I will be able to figure out how to adjust my reeling speed accordingly. When thinking about a cranking reel it sounds as though the citica should just be left at home and only consider the curado or the winch in my case?
  23. I know these two are not really comparable in price. But, I crank a lot. Would it be better to do the BOCA and drag upgrade to my shimano citicas or to buy a Revo Winch? I know most of the Shimano guys are gonna say Curado...and I've thought about that as well. But these are really my two main considerations at the moment.
  24. 23' MoodCraft with 250SHO with fiberglass laid and squeegeed out. Extended flipping deck option. Lowrance units with Syrius weather and GPS. BlueWaterLED in compartments and livewells, with LED Blacklight built into the gunnels. Tandem axle trailer (BassMobile- which I don't believe was ever sent to actual production) If your going to dream.....DREAM BIG! lol
  25. I thought the same when I seen them. I don't like that you are not able to change the hook size or shape on them. I think I am going to try and drill through a lead egg weight big enough to insert a snap swivel in. Then I'll be able to have all kinds of something like these expensive little things for not much money and I will be able to switch hooks. Who knows if it will work or not...
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