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About Nosoup4u

  • Birthday 11/13/1959

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  1. Maybe you always do anyway, but bring a net. The vertical lift of getting a fish of four pounds or more onto a dock puts a lot of strain on your line. I was assuming you meant you will be fishing from the dock.
  2. You shave before going fishing? But seriously the best part is I'm not in the office.
  3. Tom Osborne. College football coaching legend, big time fisherman. Might let Bobby Bowden come along to.
  4. Maybe I just got a bad batch, but I tried it again with new backing and only about 100 feet on the spool. It broke on the first cast. It has never broken at a knot and I have no problem with this rod and reel with mono.
  5. Has anyone tried this stuff yet? I headed out with it for the first time yesterday. It cast well, and I had no problem with knots, but I had trouble with it breaking somewhere around the bail on my spinning reel. The usual scenario was that after catching and reeling in a fish I would get my line again and find my jig falling in the water with about six feet of line on it. This line is tough, I can't cut it by biting it and it's even hard to cut with a dull pocket knife. I've never had a problem when using this rod and reel with mono. Anyone have an explanation?
  6. I know that this is a bass board, but I would like to see a little more variety, kind of like the articles in InFisherman. I'd like to see someone fishing for two pound bluegills and red ears, crappie, big carp, hybrid striped bass whatever. Like someone said constantly watching someone catch 2 to 5 pound largemouth bass bores me to death.
  7. Honestly that sounds pretty good. The bass can't all be huge and if you are getting some 5 to 8 pounders in a five acre pond I wouldn't complain.
  8. I think that a pond with no fishing pressure will tend to go toward a balance. However it depends if you like that balance. A pond can be managed for big bass or big bluegill but it's hard to get both. Head over to pondboss.com and you'll get a lot of good advice.
  9. Yes, since I fish mostly in my own pond. Ever see that episode of the Simpsons where Homer buys a really small lobster, fattens it up and it kind of becomes his pet, then cries while eating it? That pretty much sums it up with fish in my pond.
  10. Watch this video by Mike Webb. It helped me a lot.
  11. I'd like to buy someone a baitcaster for a present. What's a good one for under $100
  12. Saturday evening my daughter and I were fishing from the shore. I was about 200 feet away from her when about a 3 pounder hit my jitterbug. My daughter said from the sound of the splash she thought I fell in the water.
  13. I used Real Magic last year and liked it. I haven't noticed a difference this year, using the same bottle. Does anyone know if the stuff looses effectivness when it gets old or freezes?
  14. Tell that to anyone who works in a big city emergency room.
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