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Everything posted by GrundleLove

  1. Tips from an I.T. Professional: I would say, avoid an apple. Apple products are marked up beyond human comprehestion. For example, back in 2009 they were selling the new Ipod Nano devices for $250. Do you know how much it cost them to make? almost 60 bucks. THAT BEING SAID: They do tend to last a lot longer than PC's right now, almost double the life span, so does the cost outway the aggrivation? possibly. Also another tidbit: One of our clients had an IMac all in one. The power supply went on the machine and he needed us to get him a new one. Now, a Power Supply...is a power supply..is a power supply...the one difference is wattage. Wanna know how much apple wanted for a 300W power supply? $900.00. Those two examples should give you an idea of their business model....
  2. as soon as i can grow a beard that doesn't make me look like a pedophile, i am doing it.
  3. I used hand sanitizer before we ate, should of offered to others. I always get skeezed out after touching fish then eating food. I know nothing would probably happen but still never hurts...maybe you got some fish disease. Gills are next...get ready..
  4. Yup. Highly reccomend it. Same with me, I ignored it. Now look at me. I ruined! Ruineeeddddddd
  5. I can not do the weekend of October 15th...I'm down for the 8th or even as early as the first. its also 1.5 hours away from me.... sigh...
  6. Think its the Delaware rig...could be the Wisconsin rig....or the double uni super twist Montana rig..
  7. Sorry about taking my time with the pics. Here are some:
  8. Waiting for x rays. I guess I do have tmj ...caused by stress . Makes sense...been trying to quit smoking past few weeks and it's been stressing me out. Plus my job stresses me out aswell...god dammit im falling apart
  9. Im more upset at the fact there is a taco bell right across the street that I am planning to feast on after I leave and if I can't chew I'm going to loose it! I hate this little room.
  10. So here I am sittin in the waiting room waiting for a surgeon at my medical center. Why? Because when I woke up this morning I could not open my mouth past a certain point. Something called TMJ joint? Our some crap like that. All I know is that whatever needs do be done to fix this is going to hurt like hell...Which it does already. Apparently it's very common. I'm curious on how long I will actually be waiting here. probably 40 min then another 30 min sitting in that little room....i hate the little room. I always have to fart and spend 10 min convincing myself that the doctor won't be in for a while, rip it, then he walks right in. every.single.time. He knows. I know. God knows what it says in my chart.
  11. Next time I need a fish mounted ..THIS guy will be doing all my work
  12. I don't know about you guys but I have been having great luck with top water lately. Pop-r's, SPRO frogs, and a nice Strike King buzzbait that is HUGE but i caught a tiny baby bass the other day and could not stop laughing. I also took Rhino and Gramps advice and went over to Dicks in Brockton and picked up a Senko pack, some limited edition Green Pumpkin Magic I think its called? I liked it because i don't really see gold and silver flakes too often on those. Also picked up some G hooks for wacky and texas rigged. So far over the past two days I have pulled 6 bass, which is fantastic number for the area I was fishing on the Senkos alone, not including 4 more with top water. Hoping I could carry this hot streak into Saturday, but, probably not. I will say Fall fishing is my favorite hands down.
  13. It's a shame that this fellow has to be used as an example for cheating. I mean, it sucks, but I'm sure pro's cheat all the time. It seems like a sport where its so easy to get away with it. What he did was completely wrong no doubt about it, but there is no way in hell others dont do it as well. I do like the fact that they seem pretty pro active to abolish it. Also, have any other pros in his circuit made any comments about it? This seems like it could be just like the patriots when they recorded the other teams. "Every team does it, but they were the ones to get caught" It's funny because during the scandel no other teams came out and said "OMG the patriots did what?!? WHAT AN OUTRAGE!!" because they were doing it also...lol woah got off track there. That being said I hope everything works out for you and they are more proactive against those little cheaty cheaters.
  14. Maybe because an unbiased opinion is exactly what he needs. Talking to his friend? biased. family? biased. Internet? unbiased. Also maybe he realizes that the people floating on this forum are pretty honest (like me) and can express their opinions to him in a way that might be just what he needs (ehh..not like me). I dont know why you say "public". The internet is public? I dont think so. ....eh maybe But still. Hope you find the advice you are looking for.
  15. special brownies.......?
  16. Looks like I will be bringing my ultra light, wal-mart Shakespeare for the win! jk, it sucks, but still works. Actually I tossed a very small/light popper with my new rig about 50 yards yesterday, maybe i could just use that. Either way. I will be where ever needed me to be/whenever i need to be there. Literally someone can tell me "Grundle: Be at this location at this time" Also, Jones, I know you might have secured a ride but do you legit want me to just pick you up at your house or closer to home? Abington is not far from your house and if need be I could just pick you up. If its not a big deal meeting Tate, then no worries, just thought Id throw it out there.
  17. Yea, check out further down the Reel page I made a post about the new President line, such a good deal or the money. Just had a 15 min session with it yesterday pre-pats game and it was so effin smooth, I loved it. Caught a crappie on my first cast lol. Sure fire winner under 100$
  18. I'll be there whenever told, early is fine. Its far from me so already planned on waking up at 4 anyway
  19. Took a nice Sunday drive over to BPS in Foxboro and was in the market for a new spinning reel/rod, as well as to get tips on why my Johnny Morris bait-caster casts legit 25 yards if that. Went to the reel section and a great guy there pointed me to the new Presidents that they got on Saturday and put out that day. He did not even have to sell me that much, all I had to do was hold one of these bad boys. So solid, feels so durable. The 10 ball bearings make an extremely smooth retrieve. At a $59.99 price tag I felt like i walked out of there ripping them off. Compared to other reels they had that were similarly priced this one wins hands down. These redesigned reels were supposed to have a release date of October but he said they got an early shipment? Or they got released early? Not sure, but I am d**n happy I went in there and saw them. Highly recommended.
  20. I was "hoorrayy"ing the fact that he was out for the season, not the fact he was injured. I'm done with this thread you guys are crazy i cant believe this is real life right now.
  21. MA outing on the 17th. Be there
  22. Pfft what has this come to seriously guys? all the down votes for my post? Is this real life?. I may think hes a crybaby, but he is a threat. I am a patriots fan, thus, me being happy when the opposing team(who is a THREAT) main player is out.(along with fantasy football to whomever had him as a QB helps me out a bit) I am going to assume the negatives are from Colts fans to whom i say : deal with it, i did with sissy boy brady hurt his foot All this "boo-hoo" nonsense is for the birds, the only "boo-hooing" that will be done is probably by Colts fans, have fun not making the playoffs Seriously bro? Thanks for the laughs.
  23. Update: He is out for the season....HORRAY!
  24. I would have done it for 2000.00 Kidding! In all honestly you did do the right thing, I always thought about how easy it must be to cheat in bass tournaments, i bet people do it all the time.
  25. Amen.
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