there is no shame in community college. i mean, whats your major? business administration? liberal arts? pfft, that literally taking 100k and flushing it down the toilet with how hard it will be to get a job when you graduate. like i said. there is no shame in community college and NOT being in debt for life. my advice? get into the technology field. with out QUESTION. Best decision of my life. I literally dont want to sound pretentious or anything but I am 22 and make great money, and i went to community college. Got a brand new 2011 car, moving into my own place soon, and best of all? I am in NO debt. Which means I am able to go to a university in Boston or where ever and continue my education while i work, maybe get my bachelors degree and just pay off the classes, its great. Thats my advice, get into the tech field, skip those sissy fluff majors that will get you NOWHERE. Focus on something specific that you know you will make good money in and drive that mother ***** home, crush it, own it. then make bank when you graduate.