Yup lead is being banned. There was a few guys talking about it at the BPS Spring event on Saturday (which was awesome). There are actually a few new england states that ban lead if im not mistaken? perhaps?
But honestly. It literally will not stop me from fishing with lead. Call me ignorant, but if a trillion bazillion gallons of oil can spill and KVD can still destroy bass in an area said to have been effected? I cant imagine my swim jig causing a LMB holocaust
but i know that you cant use them in tourneys in MA in 2012. Its all tungsten. which is WAY more expensive then lead. Also, they said that a BPS guy said they can still SELL lead stuff...but you cant "use it" in MA which makes no sense and just sounds like the "save the planet " yahoo's needed to get their grubby little hands on SOMETHING to make it seem like they accomplished something. I have the utmost respect for fish, the ponds and lakes, the wildlife environment in which i am fishin or hiking or biking, but to me...this seems ALL to political and completely unnecessary.