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Everything posted by GrundleLove

  1. Tell Subban that he is probably the most disrespected and hated player in the eastern conference and he is the opposite of everything that African American hockey players before him tried to establish for their community and respect from other hockey players, somewhere Aanson Carter is rolling in his grave. Go B's
  2. Callin me an idiot eh? Also, side note: Why the hell do people live in tornado alley? ITS CALLED TORNADO ALLEY. Seriously, you choose to live there. I don't get when I watch the news and a woman is like "Look at my house..my god i CANT BELIEVE this could happen" Really? because I'm pretty sure you live in tornado alley and this is EXACTLY what you expected to happen. you choose to live there...
  3. people in kansas are laughing at us.
  4. Wanna know what the sharks are only good at? Choking in the playoffs.
  5. Boston in 6. ...maybe 7. I love that both teams are so even for the most part and the fat that we both have a reason to look towards the past. My guess is the expectations will get the better of the Canucks and they choke under pressure...actually who the hell knows. its going to be a blood bath.
  6. reppin da South Shore eeeee hollllaaaa
  7. you should change the title to "biggest bass in MA" the cape has some of the biggest hogs around. Mainly because of the cranberry bogs.
  8. is there anything in the south that isn't corrupt? yea i went there. what of it?
  9. just scanned the page. everything turns out ok. probably not that link.
  10. Drug abuse is a serious thing that effects more people than yourself. If you need help please do not hesitate to visit : National Drug Abuse Hotline or call: 1.866.874.4553 We are all your friends here Captin...
  11. You know what the #1 disease that is plaguing Koala Bears in the world? Approx 70% of them? Chlamydia. This thread does not surprise me Mother Nature's a mad scientist!
  12. I can just picture what the fish under the water are saying to each other while watching this nonsense ( No offense Rhino...) There is no doubt in my mind fish have lost respect of humans after that display. Fisherman: "Ha! I caught you, oh wow you look like you are close to 7 pounds, I'm to quick for you" Bass: "Lady in Redddddddd.................. "
  13. that is a "method"? HA! I have been doing that every time, i literally thought that's how you cast baitcasters rofl
  14. You stole my heart.
  15. wha chu b talkn bout fo'?
  16. Yea but what does that have to do with anything? I still understand the reasoning for what I said and IF i had kids i would still have the same point. Look, a majority of who a child becomes in the future relies on the parents anyway, not the schools. I think that the main goal when being a parent is to make sure your child is not : a druggie, a criminal, a prostitute, etc...all the major stuff. If you can do that, you have succeed as a parent. All the other stuff about who they become and how they treat others thats all based on you as well, but not the schools. If my kid came home and said " my teacher taught us about people who are not male or female" I would say "hey cool! what's that all about" Now if I were like this morons i would say " OMG! WHAT?!?! AHHHH *calls school and channel 5* ..screams..yells on the phone" Now you tell me: what is going to mess your child up more? being relaxed and interested in their teachings or flipping out in front of your child as he looks in horror.
  17. My GAWD who cares...seriously. "omg a teacher is teaching my child about genderless who-ha" WHO CARES I hate things like this because it just feels like people argue for the sake of arguing. It has nothing to do with my life whatsoever So I do not care. Wanna teach my kid that? Fine. it will probably not have any effect on them in life at all and maybe it will actually teach them something so that when they see a Pat walking down the street they dont freak out. Seriously it boggles my mind why ANYONE would give a **** about this at all.
  18. Tornado sirens save lives. With all that mother nature hath forsaken the Midwest i am pretty sure it is better safe than sorry.
  19. Classic. "I eat the turtle" maybe you should of been kept back..
  20. yo como la tortuga
  21. wow. I officially hate bow fishing
  22. my new car gets 33MPG.... what gas price problem? roflll
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