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Everything posted by GrundleLove

  1. Game was sick. crowd was awesome aside from the fact i had to break up a fight on my way out of the garden. Got stupid in the boardroom, the food was bomb as usual and there were skanky girls, patriot players, and celebrities everywhere, what was i doing? Getting drunk, being loud, and trying to mack some patriot cheerleaders. it was a good night.
  2. Just a heads up...still getting the same error message that is pictured in my original post.. wait...never mind the picture was deleted somehow.... Either way still getting it when trying to go to the main forum area.
  3. Official entries need pics to go with it correct?
  4. Just curious: you host server "in house" or at a data center?
  5. Hum, hope someone is not trying a DOS attack on the server.
  6. Everytime I go to the main forum site I get errors.
  7. I don't understand
  8. I see that post and raise you: (see attachment )
  9. See you there. I will be in the Heineken Board room.
  10. Do you teach home-ec?
  11. That is where I disagree. A critique is when you or a group analyzes a piece of work, trying to understand the meaning, what you like or dislike and why you like or dislike it. I used to hate this and used to think like you, where everything you need to know is from the first moment you look at it you make your decision. Wrong. Like a PSD an image has layers. Not just what you look at the moment you see it, but there are many other factors involved in trying to understand the image for meaning. Artists intent, how aspect of the foreground and background play to the image's tone, the linear composition and color palette in regards to how it makes you feel or how it contributes positively or negatively to the image. That is why my first response to Chris' image was so brash, all that stuck out was the hue/saturation extremes. But then I looked at it, examined how it made me feel, looked for his intent other than "hey that looks cool" (which i think it does) and saw that the over saturation creates a wild looking effect that almost looks, as i stated earlier, radiation-esque and creates an almost modern looking photo.
  12. A woman who was on the board of the FCC approved the Comcast NBC merger, even though it would pretty much create a monolpoy and the fact that a cable provider owns a network they could promote their network more than others and there is crazy room for abuse/corruption. Know what happened after the merger? That woman resigned from the FCC and is now president of ComcastNBC's government relations. I love this country...YIPPIEEE
  13. 300? Did he wear it in a tourney and is it autographed? That's crazy. I would much rather of got a BassResource tourney sweatshirt over that.
  14. Well put. I said I took Digital Art for 5 years. What that entailed was more on the creative side. We were encouraged to push the limits and make something out of nothing. I always like turning landscapes into "oblivion" or menacing. I like the clouds, I like how clouds by their own nature can be perceived as something else, like a figure person or animal, i think that what I did with the clouds still applies, but what the eye sees are images that tend to be more violent or obscure because of the opposites of what our natural perception of clouds are. To me the clouds set the tone for the rest of the image. A well known historic American landmark altered in an obscure way that invokes questions of how or why. The gradient map overlay changes the colors of the image to what I believe to be a wasteland-ish color, or representing an old photograph, along with the double bridge with a light opacity. All correlating to the images dark theme. But hey, like you said 5 min. The problem that I had with Chris's image was that the hue/saturation was off the charts. I like what he did with the clouds but would like to have seen the rest of the image different. But the other problem that I am having is that the more I look at it...the more it grows on me. It almost has this radiation-esque feel to it, and I think I like it.
  15. Maybe they should drug test people who ride public transport next ? Maybe every kid who goes to public schools needs to get tested. Maybe lawyers and politicians and kindergarden teachers and astronauts and everyone else. Maybe everyone in the ******* country needs to be drug tested. God this issue is so dumb. I never understand why people waste time on this dumb ****.
  16. Too me it seems like people dont like it, I'd rather take active criticism than passive. Art classes my whole school career you have to learn how to take criticism...lay it on me!
  17. I dont see why all the hate. I like it.
  18. Chris, I literally meant to disrespect and "beauty is in the eye of the beer holder" oops i mean "beholder" All kidding aside I decided to dust off the Photoshop and mess around. Did this in like 5 min, needs work. I like the more "ominous" "forgotten city" aspect of it. What is important here is you reminded me how much i miss and love Photoshop, thanks! p.s. NO its not sepia tone to whomever is about to think it. http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/6443/5miny.jpg
  19. Wont they cut their losses with the whole...spending money on running these tests? Centers need to be set up, personnel to run it, lab fees....seems like more wasted spending to me
  20. Even weed? That sucks. Also, there is no way in hell this will stand. Lawsuits like other said, will be tied up in the courts then eventually dismissed. Plus it's not like you can prove these drug addicts are using welfare for drugs. trufax
  21. if you were so inclined... you can get plans for these houses off of the net for free.. just saying.
  22. Sorry dude. It has been SOOOOOO busy for me. Seriously. Graduations, weddings, all that summer b/s. I am ready to start hittin the water. Set the date and local and i will be there.
  23. I will do my best to not rip that photo apart after taking 5 years of Digital Art. Filters are not a mans best friend. If you are an amateur Photoshop guy then props...if you like it...props, that is all that matters
  24. True, probably should of just said black. The strides that black players have made in the NHL is more than commendable and great for hockey diversity.. But when a player like Subban acts they way he does on and off the ice does not sit well for their community. I remember a quote from a former black hockey player who was on versus and called his antics "a disgrace"....trying to find it online
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