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GrundleLove last won the day on October 1 2011

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About GrundleLove

  • Birthday 01/22/1989

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  • Gender
  • Location
    South Shore, MA -Whitman
  • My PB
    Between 9-10 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Mashpee-Long Pond- Douglas

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  1. Dang! She got a bigger belly than me! Actually...that's not true but still nice catch!
  2. Hey guys been a while just hoppin back in trying to get more involved in the community. Do those Eastern Mass Get Togethers still happen? I had some of the most fun on those and wouldn't mind participating my boat for another one. Also--Saturday Monponsett in Halifax, 6 bass all small 2< but very active. Sunday--local pond in Abington caught a whopper pickerel
  3. This might not be the right forum to be posting this in so mods, feel free to move. Looking to support a fellow BassResource member with amazing brush skills. Looking to buy some custom brushed crank baits. I know (at least last year) some of you guys had some websites but alas i can not find them Feel free to PM me or respond to this thread, point me to your website/quote me on prices. Thanks Thanks guys G.L. ~Adam
  4. Hey strangers. Thought I'd share my latest catch. Hitting up Mashpee Wakeby This Sunday the 19th of May. Maybe I'll see you guys out there. Adam
  5. Yea i was there, and saw it. I twas literally the size of a beach bonfire....tiny.
  6. I think that its too much of an undertaking and you probably will never do it. but maybe its a good idea idk...what is your demo? is it larg enough to make a profit? doubtful.
  7. Though very informative, rebooting his computer and draining its power have no effect on software related issues like we have here. It is very possible that you MAY have been hacked. perhaps someone got your username and PW and changed it that is why it is no longer working. when you say that your computer "no longer recognizes" your email..what does that mean? when you open up windows mail does it say that your email account pw is wrong? is you email data file corrupt? we need more info. pm me and i can help you out no problem.
  8. To many people flip floppin/not giving a **** about going out and having a good time.
  9. Being from mass,needless to say this story is pretty big around here. All i can say about it is that i wish that this guy did my graduation speech. probably the best advice ive ever heard PREACH BROTHER PREACH
  10. Come on man, that's the complete opposite of my philosophy on here.
  11. I have a RAZR MAXX and its probably the best phone ive ever had. ever. peroid. what is the #1 thing people ***** about when it comes to smartphones? the battery life. i charge my MAXX once every 3 days. its 2legit2quit
  12. First off, I don’t think I’m cynical, i think I’m a realist, an honest one at that. And i don’t have the "life suck, then you die” mentality, like i said, I’m just trying to give another side's opinion and not so much colored bubbles and rainbows that a lot of these users bestow around these boards 24/7. Look, let me clarify. the point that I’m taking is that i just don’t see how everyone around here is saying how awesome it is to get married when in fact i can point our probably hundreds of examples of these same members whining and moaning about the whole marriage/family stuff. And it's not like I’m making this stuff up either like some revolutionary thinker, these opinions have been around for aloonngggg time. What I’m trying to say is yes, it will suck. And yes, you probably will most likely be somewhat happier not getting married. And don’t put the whole "well if you aren’t married you will die alone and sad" b/s on me because it’s not like you can’t have relationships. Example, I’ve been dating the same girl for almost 5 years, she wants marriage. I do not. Why? Because like i said before you literally start to lose some of your "privileges”. You mean to tell me if your wife is home, just doing her wifey thing maybe folding some laundry, maybe making herself a SmartOnes because she thinks she’s fat or whatever and you are leaving work and your buddy calls you. "Hey man, we are hitting up this local bar tonight it’s going to be sick come along" you reply "Ok sounds like fun" ...you call your wife "honey I’m not coming home I’m hitting up a new bar with my friends" and you mean to tell me that in some MAGICAL WONDERLAND of having a wife that she isn’t going to either A.) Flip her **** to you over the phone or B.) Silently flip her **** and at some point in the next 3 days this is going to turn into an argument. Yea. It will. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a ******* liar. Know why? Because that's what happens. Come home one day with a mo-ped or a go kart that you bought with your own money because you wanted to? Forget it. Prepare for a ****-storm. Also. Why limit yourself to one ****** the rest of your life? You really think your sex drive (or hers for that matter) is going to last for a while? No. she will get sick of you, and you of her. Great. Now you cheat because she’s all used up. Great, then you get caught, bam. Divorce. Seriously did i really make up that statistic about the % of marriages ending in divorce? No. Seriously getting married is like betting someone half your money that you will love them forever, and guess what? It’s like a casino: the house always wins. Do yourself a favor, don’t get married, bang a lot of chicks, buy things you want, find friends and girlfriends that make you happy, and if they don’t? Move on. DO NOT get trapped in the false American idolization that marriage is freaking awesome. It's not. Seacrest Out~
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