Me and a collegue was fishing, with my son in between us, and we heard this loud spin-out on the lake levee. We all looked back, which wasn't that far away, at the loud screeching of tires. Big cloud of smoke was noted, and I dismissed it as kids doing doughnuts on the fresh gravel on that site(they were prepping it to pour a new boat ramp). Then, through the smoke, comes a truck speeding out of control, and literally Dukes-of-hazzard-it out into the lake, off the levee. We cranked up and got to him as he was swimming with one arm, and calling 911 with his other. Another Fisherman beat us there, and threw him a Lifevest. Found out he was arguing with his GF on his cell, and wasn't paying attention. When he hit the gravel, he lost all control, and over-corrected. That truck floated for about 5 seconds and then was sucked to the bottom in an impressive fassion. I marked it on my GPS, but they pulled it out the next day(20ft of water). >