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Everything posted by ripinthem

  1. Had great luck with their beaver-stlye baits, but thats it. Hadn't had any luck with the others. I think its more of a reaction strike,so it makes it hard to tell if the UV is actually drawing more strikes, but I do like their UV green beaver bait.
  2. Great hooks, and yes, they save you more baits. Their flipping hook is awesome. The 3-0 and 4-0 are the only hooks I use, anymore, for flipping heavy cover.
  3. NCBassmaster is right. You stick with your fish, but then move shallow. Alternate thought; I'd really look at the water temp when you put the boat in the water. If its 65 or higher, I'd start shallow first, then check your spot later, when the sun is up. The reason I say this, is I had a tournament a few weeks ago(I'm inthe south), and I had a pre-spawn hump that was loaded with big females..it was awesome in pre-fish. I spent 2 hours on it on tournamet day....nothing. Moved shallow, and eeeked out a 2nd place finish. My great spot almost cost me, cause I didn't fish the conditions. It warmed, they moved.
  4. I've heard about orange belly rogue's here. What floating brand should I invest in? Or which is best?
  5. Just my preference, go with the 50's. They just feel better, and line capacity hasn't been an issue for bass fishing.
  6. Spawn has done come and gone, here. I usually bed-fish most of April, but not this year. I'm all in on everything is happening a full month ahead of schedule. Crazy!!!
  7. Gloomis with Kistler coming on strong with their z-bone line.
  8. Things have been crazy here, fish spawned very early. Still catching a few with eggs, but the long spawning season with bedding bass just ain't going to happen this year. I think it just got too hot, to quick, but whatever.
  9. If you are buying high modulus/sensitive rods, you are going to have some breaks. Listening to some of GLoomis's talks, its just the nature of pushing the blanks to the limits(ying/yang). I've broke some rods on the hook-set, and some flipping the bass in the boat. I've also broke one on a boat compartement lid(my fault). Its just apart of fishing, and always pushing the limit, which is whats so much fun.
  10. Agree on finding the fish, which is a huge key on any method, but you also have to look at the stage your fish are in. I took that one on the chin on Sat. Pre-fished on Wed, and fish were schooled at 12 feet, catching studs on every other cast, big pre-spawn females. Left 2 spots, cause I didn't want to burn them( it was sweeet). Tournament on Sat, fished 2 hours on the sweet spots, and zeroed. The water had warmed, and pushed the fish to the banks, in thick structure. Rallied for second place, catching 2 nice female on beds in last hour, and lost another at the boat. A-rig played 0 role in any of the places, but wait till post spawn when they school back up ..............Remember its just another tool.
  11. Heck yeah, one of the best spinners out there.
  12. My unscientific eyeballs say they don't matter much to bass. That being said, I've had luck with JJ's magic when the water is cold. I've tried most brands , and comparing the bite in real time with/without, I'd focus more on action/texture/weight of the baits,than their smell, but whatever gives you confidence.
  13. I've used them, but never caught anything with them. I donkey rigged them in schooling bass, and nothing. Really have moved on to other lures.
  14. Well, the "rig" was legal for the tournament I fished this W/E, and I guess everyone was scared to get it out. Was won on a floating Rouge. I finished 4th flipping soft plastics, which is what 2nd place guys were throwing, cause I was close enough to see them. The jerkbait did the trick, and never saw the "rig" get thrown, and believe me, everyone had one in their boat.......kind of funny, cause I was expecting to see it.
  15. I don't know what to say? How old are you?
  16. Is there going to be some discounts at the time of the classic from on-line sites? I know the Bass Pro rod/reel trade-in has been out there, but was hoping some lure discounts were going to strike while the juices are flowing.
  17. Lot less things on them. Line just comes off the front. No significant feeder controls, magnetic brake, or centrifical brakes etc., etc. But if you look at the high end bearing reels like the Stella, you can drop enough on em to forget this question.
  18. Try a keel weighted hook and let them glide down on slack line. Its a change of pace, when they are pressured, and not hitting that good reaction strike.
  19. Got a Buzzjet, and some of those swivel dropshot hooks, war eagle spinnerbait, some flouro(sunline), and a couple core 50's.
  20. Haven't caught anything on them. Probably a true bed bait in very clear water.
  21. Also, if you cut one leg shorter than the other, it gives the long side more drag, and a nice-natural walking action.
  22. I have a worse story. I took a guy, and we caught em pretty good. He then brings all his friends, and shows them the spots, and baits. Lost all my spots. Didn't talk to the guy for 2 years, until fate put us together. Was a life threatening-type thing, and I basically saved his life. Guy eventually appoligizes, and said he'd changed and wouldn't do it again, and would love to go again. Did the same thing, caught him on my new spot with 3 guys he worked with, after I took him the day before. They disbanded, and denied they were fishing there. Guy with him later tells me the whole story, and they didn't know it till I was at the landing, and they were all told to scram. When I got in from fishing, they put worms and trash on my hood, and they melted into one nice cow pattie. Had to go to the Sheriff, and get him involved. Now, they just watch me, and I fish paranoid. Crazy to have to be packing to fish, but there are scoundrels out there that will screw you for a fish, in a heartbeat!
  23. I actually caught fish on the flying lure. It had the marketing of a gimmick, but I can't put it there, with all the fish I caught on it. I still use keel weighted lures to get that gliding action.
  24. Agree Hooligan, I've tried to break it down to this as well. Heck, I've got rods that are $400 more than this rod, that will be back-ups to this rod. Crazy, but my hands don't lie, and thats what matters.
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