The way I break it down to keep it simple, is to decide between the natural forage(bream, shad, crawfish colors) and water clarity. Water clarity is big, and probably my biggest factor. If clear, go as realistic as the forage you imitate(white=shads, green pumpkin=crawfish). As the clarity dims, go either darker, or bright as you can. Dark baits seem to be easier for Bass to silouette, and bright baits announce their presence in visually dim waters. I fish in mostly stained water, and do better with black/blue/junebug type colors, and I feel they just see it better...nothing against other colors. Another key is making it dissappear. Its what their prey does, so why not. Match your bait exactly to the water...if its green pumpkin, watermellon....great! Believe me, they will see it.