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Everything posted by ripinthem

  1. The way I break it down to keep it simple, is to decide between the natural forage(bream, shad, crawfish colors) and water clarity. Water clarity is big, and probably my biggest factor. If clear, go as realistic as the forage you imitate(white=shads, green pumpkin=crawfish). As the clarity dims, go either darker, or bright as you can. Dark baits seem to be easier for Bass to silouette, and bright baits announce their presence in visually dim waters. I fish in mostly stained water, and do better with black/blue/junebug type colors, and I feel they just see it better...nothing against other colors. Another key is making it dissappear. Its what their prey does, so why not. Match your bait exactly to the water...if its green pumpkin, watermellon....great! Believe me, they will see it.
  2. Yeah, its good. I like the pappa-bumpin. Love the big profile of that bait. Gets the big one's, which I like.
  3. LOL, got to like it when you guys flame the sponsors. Ya'll must be close...
  4. It slows, but never stops. One winter I was catching bass off the ice pack break-line with a buzz bait. I'd throw on the ice, and when it would hit the water ..bam! I know the slow when its cold, but you can always catch em on top water....
  5. Jigger rig..or..Jaberwacky...Pig Sticker..Pokemon...fillet sleigh...thump buster...wacknapster...Poke` one Kenobi
  6. Are you fishing in the US, right now? Its hot as hell, where I'm at. I've had my hooks melt through my worms. Keep em in the water is all I got.
  7. Rage thumper(tail down) and a senko are my favorite when Criging.
  8. Yeah, what he said. I don't use Palomar on flouro-types, unless I'm drop-shotting. Double uni, if you stick to light flouro, and never try to lift one.
  9. You guys need a girl, the pent house forums are getting to ya.
  10. Got mine, does have the eye appeal.
  11. I've seen the hawk, but I've never seen that worm. That thing is weird!
  12. Kevin and slow, does not compute...
  13. Top water ; popper, frogs, buzzers are all my favorite. Just something about them blowing up that still get the juices flowing.
  14. Yeah, its awesome. It was how wacky was first started from what I've gathered.
  15. Us, fish, it don't matter. Kevin is fooling everyone.
  16. 7xd, Hmm....Catch alot on it?
  17. They are OK trailers, but quit using them for other plastics. Now, their craw d'oerve on a shaky head is money.
  18. Thats where I think your wrong, the IOBEE is a frog. not a fluke.
  19. Football for rocks....
  20. I got a golf club from a friend. Works on anything close to the boat.
  21. Never agrue with success. I'd probably go with a worm/fluke in natural colors like Watermelon/GPumkin, if its a green bottom.
  22. I'd agree with the drop shot. When I get a pressured area, I usually either go big/small. Big topwater or small worm are always nice choices to mix things up from what they constantly see.
  23. I tried this but kept hooking myself.
  24. Any of the variations of blue, red, or green-style robo's for me.
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