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About Pierre

  • Birthday 11/22/1990

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  • Location
    Grand Rapids, MI

Pierre's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. My Grandpa, he has a handicap and now he loves to see me out fishing
  2. I hear ya man I just took that test a couple of weeks ago, I have my next accounting test next monday. I'm not prepared for it yet. Accounting is a tough class. No doubt about that. But good luck with the rest of the semester.
  3. This QB from UConn doing some sweet trick shots
  4. I think its one bad@$$ gun, I wouldn't mess with you thats for sure
  5. Pierre

    new gun

    Thats one mean looking gun
  6. This is my favorite, cause I'm from the mitten the darth vader one was defiantly next
  7. How much do you pay for a lifetime license?
  8. I could listen to them all day long
  9. 20
  10. Thats funny, I got a good chuckle out of it
  11. Here where I live: somewhere between 14-18 inches is what I have been hearing, with some where around 40 mph winds. Another note, Michigan State University is having their first snowday in 30 years. Crazy
  12. I use this website to download all of my music... http://www.youtube-mp3.org/ All you do is go to youtube and find the song you want, copy the URL, paste it into the website and press convert, then download. Once you do that you can open it into your iTunes and put it on the iPod. Best of all, its free!! good luck, if you cant figure that out, I can help you with any other questions.
  13. It was a fluke, I was waiting in my apartment for a video to load that was posted on here and I accidentally pressed my up key and BAM, I saw the loading circle move up and I didnt realize what happened, so I tried again and there was snake. i wonder how many people have actually figured this out
  14. yea I just skip ahead now so I can play snake, its kinda hard because you have the video playing in the background.
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