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Everything posted by K_Mac

  1. K_Mac

    Mossberg 500

    A few months ago I was looking for a HD shotgun. I posted here and the general consensus was either the 500 or 870 would do just fine. I found a great deal on a 500 combo (18.5" and 28" with three chokes). Fit and finish is not quite as good as the 870, but it shoots and cycles well. Just my $.02
  2. Always down. I don't know if the bass care, but I do.
  3. I would not assume that. I would call tomorrow and place the order over the phone if not crediting your card is a problem.
  4. RW I agree that watching for sales is a great way to save. I also have hundreds of dollars worth of plastics as a result. : I have never seen GY baits anywhere near those kind of prices. Well done. 8-)
  5. An interesting and disturbing article. I think the rivers of the Ozarks are great examples of how "eco-social anomie" can destroy a fishery if we are not vigilant. We take for granted smaller fish and lesser numbers, when there was a time not long ago when trophy smallmouth were not too unusual. This is from the article by Professor John Waldman: Anomie is defined as a state or condition of individuals or society characterized by a breakdown of social priorities and values. Eco-social anomie describes a biological and cultural feedback loop that spirals toward this breakdown: As species disappear, they lose both relevance to a society and the constituency to champion their revival, further hastening their decline. A vivid example of this was highlighted in a recent study in Conservation Biology, in which researchers found that younger residents along China's Yangtze River knew little or nothing of the river dolphin, the bajii now believed to be extinct and the threatened paddlefish.
  6. An interesting and disturbing article. I think the rivers of the Ozarks are great examples of how "eco-social anomie" can destroy a fishery if we are not vigilant. We take for granted smaller fish and lesser numbers, when there was a time not long ago when trophy smallmouth were not too unusual. This is from the article by Professor John Waldman: Anomie is defined as a state or condition of individuals or society characterized by a breakdown of social priorities and values. Eco-social anomie describes a biological and cultural feedback loop that spirals toward this breakdown: As species disappear, they lose both relevance to a society and the constituency to champion their revival, further hastening their decline. A vivid example of this was highlighted in a recent study in Conservation Biology, in which researchers found that younger residents along China's Yangtze River knew little or nothing of the river dolphin, the bajii now believed to be extinct and the threatened paddlefish.
  7. An interesting and disturbing article. I think the rivers of the Ozarks are great examples of how "eco-social anomie" can destroy a fishery if we are not vigilant. We take for granted smaller fish and lesser numbers, when there was a time not long ago when trophy smallmouth were not too unusual. This is from the article by Professor John Waldman: Anomie is defined as a state or condition of individuals or society characterized by a breakdown of social priorities and values. Eco-social anomie describes a biological and cultural feedback loop that spirals toward this breakdown: As species disappear, they lose both relevance to a society and the constituency to champion their revival, further hastening their decline. A vivid example of this was highlighted in a recent study in Conservation Biology, in which researchers found that younger residents along China's Yangtze River knew little or nothing of the river dolphin, the bajii now believed to be extinct and the threatened paddlefish.
  8. An interesting and disturbing article. I think the rivers of the Ozarks are great examples of how "eco-social anomie" can destroy a fishery if we are not vigilant. We take for granted smaller fish and lesser numbers, when there was a time not long ago when trophy smallmouth were not too unusual. This is from the article by Professor John Waldman: Anomie is defined as a state or condition of individuals or society characterized by a breakdown of social priorities and values. Eco-social anomie describes a biological and cultural feedback loop that spirals toward this breakdown: As species disappear, they lose both relevance to a society and the constituency to champion their revival, further hastening their decline. A vivid example of this was highlighted in a recent study in Conservation Biology, in which researchers found that younger residents along China's Yangtze River knew little or nothing of the river dolphin, the bajii now believed to be extinct and the threatened paddlefish.
  9. That is decadent even by Caligula's standards.
  10. I have a 9.8 Tohatsu kicker on my boat to fish restricted horsepower lakes. Electric start was money well spent in my opinion. I had to have a third battery for pumps, electronics, and other accessories anyway. I don't know how many times the motor is started over the course of a long day on the water, but I have never regretted my decision.
  11. I agree with Stasher1 that the price increase seems to be a little random and arbitrary. On the other hand the cost is certainly not out of line with any other name brand plastic on the market. $.25 for a 9" worm is still a pretty good deal. RW you talk about buying cheap, but are always recommending Rage and Yamamoto baits. I use them at times also because I'm willing to pay a premium for a specific bait. My point is manufacturers charge what the market will bear. If enough people vote with their wallets and don't buy at the new prices, the price will come down. I suspect that the people who have confidence in them will pay the extra. Calling Gary Yamamoto greedy because he charges what he does may be fair, but as long as people are willing to pay $1.00+ for a Senko it is not likely the price is coming down.
  12. I have a Leatherman Blast that I've been carrying for years. It may not be the best, but it works well for me. It is funny how you get used to what you have. I was camping and fishing with a group of guys last fall and misplaced my leatherman. A buddy loaned me a Gerber. It was a nice tool (probably higher end than mine), just wasn't what I was used to. I was happy when mine turned up.
  13. While I don't have side imaging on my HDS units yet, I would agree with the others. When KVD won at KY Lake this year using side imaging, he said he found almost all of the schooling fish where in water that he would have over-looked with regular sonar. Lighter, faster reels, lighter more sensitive rods, and innovation like SK Rage baits and IR Sweet Beavers have all changed fishing in the last 5 years, but nothing comes close to side imaging/down scan IMO.
  14. While I don't have side imaging on my HDS units yet, I would agree with the others. When KVD won at KY Lake this year using side imaging, he said he found almost all of the schooling fish where in water that he would have over-looked with regular sonar. Lighter, faster reels, lighter more sensitive rods, and innovation like SK Rage baits and IR Sweet Beavers have all changed fishing in the last 5 years, but nothing comes close to side imaging/down scan IMO.
  15. While I don't have side imaging on my HDS units yet, I would agree with the others. When KVD won at KY Lake this year using side imaging, he said he found almost all of the schooling fish where in water that he would have over-looked with regular sonar. Lighter, faster reels, lighter more sensitive rods, and innovation like SK Rage baits and IR Sweet Beavers have all changed fishing in the last 5 years, but nothing comes close to side imaging/down scan IMO.
  16. K_Mac


    Another good reason to go to a range where you can rent different guns if you don't know someone who has the gun your interested in. My SR9c is more comfortable to shoot with a 10 round mag than with a full size 17 round mag. You just can't get a real feel for a handgun standing at the gun counter, you have to shoot it IMO.
  17. If loving high priced fishing gear makes you an idiot, you're in good company here. 8-) I don't have the dollars, but if I did I would probably have high end tackle also. On the other hand, I'm happy with my lower end stuff. It's all good.
  18. Go to some of the gun forums and you will find that many would consider Frogtog seriously understocked on ammo. I am not kidding. Personally I have around 200 rounds (each) of 9mm, .357, and 12 gauge including ~25 of 00 buck. I don't think 1000 rounds in several calibers is excessive. Having enough to be able to buy on sale makes good sense to me. When it comes to guns or fishing good sense and foolishness are just a matter of opinion. 8-)
  19. BBWV asking good questions is a great way of learning. Everyone of us has learned a thing or two from hanging out on this forum. Welcome aboard. 8-)
  20. K_Mac


    thats what he said, a handgun in the wrong hands is dangerous. also, i think one could argue that a loaded gun is innately dangerous. A vehicle in the wrong hands is dangerous. We are surrounded by many things that are dangerous in the wrong hands. A powered table saw is innately dangerous. This conversation is dangerous in that it will quickly turn political if we aren't careful. Gun ownership comes with the responsibility to handle and secure guns properly. Anyone not willing to do that has no business owning them. If that is done however, the only thing more dangerous than having guns is not having them IMO.
  21. It sounds like the judge is going to push the limits as far as penalizing this guy. Good for him.
  22. K_Mac


    There are rifles that shoot pistol ammo, so that's not true. There are carbines that shoot pistol ammo, but I don't know of any local dealers who will sell pistol ammo to someone underage, even if it is "for a carbine." On topic I have a Ruger SR9c (DAO 9mm compact) for personal defense and concealed carry. I also have a Ruger GP100 Stainless Steel 4".357 mag for HD, to carry in my boat, and maybe some hunting in the future.
  23. If your wife/significant other finds out the smell attracts European/redneck women she may burn the garage/boat for you. Good luck.
  24. Franco I've never heard of any of these issues from Lowe owners. I don't have either one, just curious what your experience has been?
  25. Who is holding the rod, and what kind of cast is being made will decide the issue. The XF will load up much faster allowing for longer, easier, and more accurate pitches and in close work. The slower rod may give a little more distance on a full overhead cast. Just my experience, your mileage may vary.
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