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Everything posted by K_Mac

  1. These are what I use. They work fine for rods to 7'1." They are $1.00 more than they were a few years ago when I last bought some, but still a good value IMO. There are covers of all sorts available, including for longer rods. They save much wear and make getting a rod out of the locker much easier. http://www.basspro.com/Bass-Pro-Shops&-x00ae;-Adjustable-Rod-Sock/product/21141/-698902?cmCat=CROSSSELL_THUMBNAIL
  2. GrundleLove you are way too young to be that cynical. It usually takes a few more years to get there. I don't think we are at the end just yet. I do have hope. Having hope is not being naive about the situation, and it is not a weakness in my view. It gives us the the strength to do what needs to be done, even when it is tough. Peace.
  3. SirSnookalot and Lund Explorer you both do a great job of making your points. There is disagreement on why and how we've gotten to this spot. There may be even more disagreement on what the solutions are. The common ground is agreement that what we have is not working, and changes have to be made. I think it is fair to say that the two of you represent opposite sides of the political/ideological spectrum, yet you can discuss the problems civilly, rationally and intelligently. I would bet that there are some solutions that the two of you could agree to that would change the course of this big ole ship. It is unfortunate that the knot-heads in DC have placed politics ahead of their duty to do what is best for the American people. While there are no easy solutions, there are solutions.
  4. I just clicked on to post exactly this. You beat me to it by a smidge. In answer to the question, yes I believe it does.
  5. I think you will be fine with that combo. The reel gets good reviews here, and the Carbonlite rods are decent rods for the money. I have one that I use regularly. What line you use on the reel will make a difference. I would use 8lb copoly or mono. A super line will give you a little more options, but I am no fan. Add a MH down the road and you will have most of the bass fishing bases covered. Good luck and welcome to the forum.
  6. For years I was an advocate for black lights and fluorescent line while night fishing. I now find them to be more trouble than they are worth. I do like red headlamps when rigging, etc.
  7. I agree that the system is broken, and a collapse is possible. There is much uncertainty in the world. This nation and this form of government is not perfect, yet I do not believe that we are doomed to fail. We've been through tough times before. While I am too old and cynical to have the optimism of Pollyanna, I still have faith in the system and the American people.
  8. Rapalas, Mepps spinners, and all sorts of other hard baits is really a little too vague to offer much help with what you have. Rapalas of all kinds and Mepps spinners are good lures. Crankbaits (from shallow to deep) are good lures. Spinnerbaits are good lures. Topwater baits are good lures. Jigs are good lures. Plastics baits are good lures. Swimbaits are good lures. There are many good lures out there. What a "GOOD" lure is for you very much depends on many things including as Stasher1 said, a good understanding of how and when to use them. My goto baits are plastics and jigs. That covers a huge variety of baits, conditions, and techniques. Texas rigging those powerworms with or without a weight might surprise you. My advice is spend a little time reading to understand the basics of bass fishing, or find someone to teach you these things. There really are no magic baits, and no substitute for knowledge and experience. There are many articles on this site that will answer some of your questions. There are many here who are happy to answer specific questions on different baits and techniques. Good luck. Edit: Welcome to the Forum.
  9. I am not sure if you're asking for comments or just giving your opinion. If you want to know my preference it is Lowrance. I have an older Lowrance and an older HB that are "defunct" also. To compare either of those units to the latest technology of my HDS units is apples to apple pie and ice cream. The new units of either company are amazing. It's all good.
  10. While I have not been a paying customer he has on a couple of occasions been free with advice that has very helpful. He is quick to help all who ask questions on this board and he has been around long enough to have a history that speaks well of his abilities and character in my opinion.
  11. A great line and fine movie. "A little revolution" probably is a good thing, but revolutions have a way of moving in unpredictable and unexpected directions. The old adage, "be careful what you wish for, you just might get it" comes to mind.
  12. I enjoy this sort of conversation, and am pleased it hasn't gone too far down the partisan, "us versus them" road that often happens when the economy is discussed. There are real ideological differences in play that stir passion and sometimes cloud vision. Look at what's going on in Washington and that becomes all too apparent in my view. My .02 is this: Until the "money as speech" idea and political campaign funding is changed politicians are not willing/able to make the hard choices required to stabilize the economy. As long as special interests are able to to contribute unlimited and often undisclosed amounts of money to political campaigns, politicians are really accountable to those interests and reelection, not the greater good.
  13. I am in the seasonal pattern camp. The time of year sets the parameters. Everything else is just details. Experience and confidence come into play when the fish don't act right.
  14. Bassn Blvd you make a good point. While it is unlikely I will spend the money on a custom rod, if I should decide to do so, I will do exactly as you suggest. Thanks.
  15. As has been mentioned, whether it makes sense to spend the money for any high-end rod is an entirely personal decision. Since the NRX is a relatively new rod that raises the bar a bit, if one is to believe the GLoomis spin and the testimony of many here, I was just curious if that quality of blank was available to custom builders. Conjecture notwithstanding it appears that comparable blanks are available. A custom rod built from a high-end blank using the proper components and detailed to order sounds like a beautiful thing. Again, whether the form and function is worth the cost is another discussion. Thanks for the responses guys.
  16. Goose unfortunately I can relate. I haven't lost a combo...yet. I am still more comfortable using two hands much of the time. I have fished a lot this year from the back of a friends new boat. He likes to pitch to cover. I thought I knew a little about pitching until I started fishing with him. He is amazing to watch. He hits almost impossible spots without any splash most of the time. As a result of watching him my pitching skills have improved and I am much more comfortable and confident pitching. I now often find myself pitching even when fishing in deeper water unless I'm using a "moving" bait.
  17. Whether from the bank or the boat, I use two hands for greater distance.
  18. I do admit that.
  19. That attitude is one that raises my blood pressure. Yes size matters, but many use this to justify taking advantage. If you don't think return policy effects the bottom line, you really don't understand business. On topic, I have had extremely good service from BPS.
  20. I was just reading another thread about NRX rods, and a couple of comments were made about having a custom rod made for the same money. Are blanks available to compete with the weight, strength, and sensitivity of an NRX rod? Other than asthetics, can a custom rod offer the same level of performance? In the interest of full disclosure I don't have either of these options. I am just curious.
  21. Yep. Excellent advice.
  22. You are going to have to be careful to note where you park it now. Nice truck.
  23. The method that DB used is the standard starting spot. As has been mentioned it really depends on a variety of things. If DB was pitching a 1/2 oz jig and craw, the total weight of his bait is >3/4 oz. Even with heavy line he can hit spots with it like he was using a scoped rifle. He is using a rod, reel, and line perfectly suited to do this job. If he was pitching a light finesse bait my guess is he would have the reel loosened up a bit, and probably use an entirely different set-up. The point is you have to determine what works best for you. Turning off all the brakes and adjusting the reel to only remove side play may work for you. I have been using a baitcaster a long time and the only time I would use a reel adjusted this way is to pitch a lighter bait into cover. DVT hit the nail on the head. Good luck
  24. Watch "A day on the Lake" and you will see how a pro breaks down a lake he doesn't know (or know well ) we are told. Sometimes they do well, other times not so much. I like watching and listening to them as they work to figure out the lake. That is the premise of the show. Most fishing shows though are about catching fish and selling product. That works for me; I like watching them catch fish, and I love fishing stuff. If it takes them a week or two to put together 30 minutes of great fishing, I'm OK with that.
  25. Like Goose I use dual braking most of the time, and agree with his post completely. Finding the "sweet spot" takes a little time, and it varies a bit depending on bait, technique, and conditions. For pitching I normally use one (of six) centrifugal brakes, no magnetic, and little if any spool tension. Use that same setting for a long two handed cast...
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