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Everything posted by K_Mac

  1. Same here.
  2. The "dirt" they will be eating is a composite mixture of sand and rubber according to the manufacturer. There will be less of it by the end of the game.
  3. I think there will be plenty of dirt eaten by both teams. Should be a good game. I'll take the Giants 20-17.
  4. Josh I think most of us go through seasons in life where how we see and interact with the world changes. I used to be driven to catch fish, esp bigger ones. Now I am more concerned with enjoying the experience. The funny thing is now I don't worry about it as much I am a better fisherman. It won't be but a minute or two and you will have time to focus on lunkers again. Enjoy the moment.
  5. SirSnook and .ghoti. are right. While I still ask for recommendations and trust the opinions of many on this site, it comes down to what works best for you. I love CXX and use it on most of my reels-spinning and baitcast. It offers good strength, sensitivity, and abrasion resistance IMO. Some find it has too much memory and hate it. I am going to try Seaguar fluorocarbon line this year based on recommendations by Hooligan and others. It is a good starting spot based on trusted opinion...time will tell if it works for me.
  6. Goose those are some fine looking old reels. I am a believer in keeping my reels reasonably clean and maintained, but when it comes to avoiding boat rash not so much. My stuff has a tendency to look its age-much like me.
  7. I like the Giants and think it will be a great game. Since I haven't picked a winner since the end of the regular season my predictions are not locks...
  8. I have had fantastic days fishing in the teeth of the wind. I have way more trolling motor than most would on my boat for this reason. On the other hand I have been soundly out-fished by others fishing in areas sheltered from the wind on days when I was working hard to catch fish in the wind. My point is sometimes the wind is my friend, other times it is not. It does add to the work load of maintaining proper boat control. It is just one piece of the puzzle of finding what works on any given day, in my experience. Hang in there Bass-minded. One day when you find them stacked up on a wind blown point or bank you will forever change your mind about fishing in the wind. Good luck.
  9. Yep. Flip, pitch, side arm or backhand cast, roll cast or overhand; shallow or deep; fast or slow; swim it, crawl it, shake it, hop it , rip it; warm water or cold; or any other way you want, it's all good.
  10. I am getting ready to order some line and tackle, and am going to give 100% fluorocarbon a try on one of my spinning and one of my baitcast combos. I see Suffix has a new Castable Invisiline that doesn't completely break the bank. Any thoughts on this or any other options. Thanks in advance guys...
  11. Captain Shane I completely agree with you. People fishing for sustenance don't bother me, and I have also given away the occasional fish over the years. Within the confines of the law, more power to them. Those that disregard the law give them all a bad name, and if I see it happening I will tell them directly and call the hot-line. Unfortunately there are not enough agents to go around...
  12. After a very limited time (30 days?) to assure no defects, I have no problem with the manufacturer not replacing the rod. The cost of replacing rods after years of use has to be built in to the purchase price, and as costs rise the legacy costs make all rods made by that manufacturer more expensive. Why not give me the choice? Extended warranties at additional cost are available on nearly everything. I don't know why fishing equipment should be any different. There will always be some willing to pay a premium for long term protection, and others who just want to pay what the rod is worth. I don't really see much difference at any price point. At $100 or $500 the value of a rod is based on price and performance in my view; looks may also play a small part. If I break a rod due to my negligence, I do not expect the manufacturer to replace it even if it is a higher priced rod. That is just part of the cost of ownership IMO. I have been fishing for many years and have had one rod replaced that broke right out of the tube while trying it out in the back yard. All others have been my fault. I am fine with companies offering lifetime warranties with their equipment for those who want them, but if I can buy that same equipment without that cost I'm good with that.
  13. Good story Avid. As Dwight said, some of my most vivid memories are of the ones that got away. There is always next time...
  14. On the power plant lake I fish, a 3" or 4" whiteish grub on an 1/8 ounce darter jig has caught more schooling bass and hybrids than any other bait over the years. An eighth ounce Roadrunner has caught a lot of fish as well. These smaller baits seem to work when nothing else will, and they seem to work well for whatever size happens to show up. Color can make a difference, but I think size is the key.
  15. Nice truck Rooster. I have a 95 Ram and a 2002 Durango that have served me well. Enjoy!
  16. I am a locationist with latent opportunist tendencies (not that there's anything wrong with that) . I almost always know exactly where I'm fishing based on conditions and experience. Even on new water I'm generally looking for spots that meet my specific criteria. Once I've figured out they ain't biting where they should I might do some shotgunning. Great question Roger.
  17. There are many who love to find fault with the anyone who is revered for their celebrity, talent or anything else that sets them apart from the crowd. When anyone gets the press that Tebow did coming into the league, rocks will be thrown at every opportunity. The Germans even have a word for feeling pleasure or joy for someone else's misfortune-schadenfreude. I think that is in play with young Mr. Tebow. Tebow appears to be a charismatic leader who doesn't pretend to be anything he is not. Time will tell if he has the talent to be a superstar. I hope he does. He has already proven (to me anyway) that he has humility and integrity. I value those above his skill to throw the ball or read a defense. This is not an attack on anyone or anything. Just my opinion.
  18. It was certainly a fun game to watch. I am not a Broncos fan, but Tebow is a class act. I hope they make it to the SB and would not be unhappy to see them win it all. A Saints/Broncos match-up would be a good time.
  19. With all due respect John, you are as guilty as anyone in offering your opinions as gospel IMHO. A classic case of pot calling kettle black, if you ask me.
  20. Redboat, it used to be that she would almost always catch greater numbers and I would catch the bigger fish, That is no longer the case. I have to stay focused while fishing with her or she will whoop me in numbers and catch the biggest fish. I grumble when this happens, but the truth is when I'm fishing with her I get as much joy from her catching a nice fish as I do catching one. Do not tell her though, I like to whine when it happens. Now if she catches a 10-6, which would be a solid 3 lbs bigger than my PB and 4 lbs bigger than hers, it would be big deal. I would be jealous but I would try to be gracious about it. I use 6# P-Line CXX on all of our spinning gear. It works well also.
  21. Me too. Happy birthday.
  22. I am a big fan of the PQ baitcast reels. I have not used the PQ spinning though. Like many others I use the Pflueger President spinning reels and think they are a very good value.
  23. A very interesting and informative thread. I have been married to the same women for 35 years also. She likes to fish nearly as much as I do, and often outfishes me. She also understands that an occasional fishing trip with a buddy or a weekend trip with the guys is a necessary part of my mental health program. She is far more patient than I am, as shown by her not throwing me out years ago. We both enjoy a trip to Bass Pro and treat it as a date. We have more than once spent more on gas and lunch than tackle, other times we have spent a bundle. We have a great time either way. Now on topic, I will say that money issues probably cause more grief in relationships than any other. This is not based on any scientific study, just my own experience and observation. It took my wife and I several years to learn we had to work together as a team when it came to how we spent our money, and it is an issue that we have to revisit from time to time. It is worth the effort. As our very smart ladies have pointed out, women are complex creatures. A smart women who is an equal partner is a wonderful thing. She has strengths in areas where I have blind spots, and we are better together. I learned a long time ago when I treat my wife as I should, I am rewarded many times over. Just my thoughts. Good luck.
  24. I agree that Ike appeals to a demographic that the more traditional guys do not. As a result he has been good for the sport IMO. I also agree that he should not try to be anything he is not. His honesty is what makes him a favorite of many. With that said he still has a responsibility to the sport, the fans, the sponsors, and the other anglers to conduct himself in a professional way. Bad behavior cannot be justified with, "that is just Ike being Ike." I am often a loud, passionate, opionated, know it all. I believe this is part of my charm. "I am what I am" works to a point, but I will also confess I sometimes cross that line. When I do it is not charming or cool, it is wrong. That is also true for Iaconelli.
  25. I have not used the Maxxum. Over the years I have used a variety of MK and Motorguides, including a new 36V MG on a friends boat. I have a Fortrex 80 that is by far the best I have ever used. I think lifting a larger motor many times over the course of a day is a big deal, but I am old and not as healthy as I used to be.
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