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Everything posted by K_Mac

  1. Y'all are completely crazy, yet I have done many of the insane things mentioned. No one in their right mind goes fishing when it's too cold, too hot, too windy, too wet, too late, too early, too much rain, not enough rain, waters too high or too muddy, waters too low or too clear, and 3 pounds won the big tourney held yesterday...except us. When your reel and rod eyelets keep icing up. When you have to wear rain gear to stay dry and it ain't raining. When there is so much wind, boat traffic, or both that standing on the deck requires gymnastic skills. When it's 3:00 pm, 106 degrees, you've been fishing since 5:00 am, you've caught 1 dink, and instead of talking about a cool ride home it's what spot and technique to try next.
  2. Put an old reel on it and spool it with heavy line, then attach a lure retriever to it and you are ready the next time your favorite crankbait is eaten by a hungry piece of cover or structure. There is always the tomato stake option...
  3. A philosophical question. Excellent! I was away from fishing for several years after my brother was killed in an accident. He was my fishing partner and best friend, and I was lost for a while without him. It took me a while to find my passion for fishing again, but thanks to a great wife and good friends I finally found my way back to the water. When I did it was like coming home. My wife has become a very good bass angler and as good a fishing partner as I could hope for, with benefits that are beyond the scope of this discussion. On the water I can talk about the verities and vagaries of life, or nothing at all. There is a spiritual element for me as well that is also beyond the scope of this discussion. While I can not begin to put into words all that fishing means to me, I do know that without it I am not complete. I would be remiss if I did not mention the role this site has played in me finding my way back to fishing. It was not long after getting back into fishing that I found my way here. I was encouraged and welcomed by folks who have become freinds though we have never met. Thanks guys.
  4. Bankbeater you make a reasonable point. I have had other BPS reels that have not been as good a deal as the PQs. What has always been exceptional with Bass Pro is the customer service. The PQ has proven to be a very good reel, for me and many others. I also know if I buy one that does not perform up to the standard of the others BPS will make it right. I don't know of another reel that can routinely be purchased new for $80 that is a better value. Just my opinion, YMMV, etc.
  5. Congratulations Mike. Like me, you must be married to a loving and patient woman. Well done.
  6. I have 4 that are my primary reels, 3 of which have seen many hours of use, the fourth was added this year. All have worked flawlessly with minimum maintenance, and at $80 on sale (or even at $100 full price ) they are the best bang for my fishing reel dollar. Dialed in properly I can pitch or cast light weight baits without any trouble. The dual braking system is a very nice feature that just works IMO. Goose52 has a five year review in process, and has more hours on his test reel than many will ever put on a reel. It has performed very well. Mike of DVT, a site sponsor who professionally services reels will likely be along soon. He speaks well of the PQ reels. Many others here have had excellent service from them.
  7. Thanks for the heads-up shimmy. I used a friends RH version a few weeks ago, and other than the handle being on the wrong side it is a sweet reel. I may try one if i ever get an extra dollar or two.
  8. I think A-Jay is right that discipline is needed to work a bait or technique that is not one we prefer. I do think finding your own style and mastering it, is the key to being extraordinary. KVD can, and does catch fish on a wide variety of techniques and baits, but he will find a crankbait bite if there is one to be found. Even though he is using a faster moving technique, he may spend an entire tournament carefully working a very small area. The point is he will adapt his favored style to the conditions as they happen. Generally speaking, I am most comfortable working something bottom bumping and slow in deeper water. I enjoy trying to figure out exactly what the bottom structure is and how the fish are related to it. That suits my personality best. Someone else might accomplish the same thing with a deep diving crankbait. It's all good.
  9. BB having gone this route a time or two in the past, I am resolved to not discuss the above. Leaving early does have its merits though... Have a great day all y'all!
  10. Some very good advice here, as always. I will add my $.02. There is no substitute for time on the water, and spending some of that time with those who have already been there and done that can make a dramatic difference. Another simple suggestion that some just never get, is pay close attention to details. It is what separates the the guys who always seem to get it done from the rest IMO. Once you have learned the basics, you will begin to discover that there are many ways to catch bass and that some of these will suit you better than others. Versatility is a wonderful and necessary thing, but knowing what you are good at and mastering those skills will make you one of those guys who always seem to get it done. Enjoy!
  11. Thank you A-Jay. I wish you and yours the same. I am thankful for those who are serving and those who have served, and will keep them and their families in my prayers. As you said there are many empty chairs, and some of them will remain empty.
  12. Rhino with your personality and experience, number 3 may be worth looking into... I'm getting the same messages. This forum must attract an interesting demographic?!
  13. I used to carry many colors. Now I carry greenish (maybe with a little red), brownish/orange, and some combo of black/blue. Works for me.
  14. Like Ratherbefishing I was once seduced by the pretty, cheap, knock-off crankbaits at WallyWorld. A whole handful of baits for the price of a good one, how could I go wrong?! I did actually catch a dink or two on one of them. Why I still carry them (and even throw one occasionally) I don't know-just too cheap to throw them away and would feel guilty giving them to anyone else...
  15. very cool! I imagine Jeff only drove it to church on Sunday mornings, so it probably doesn't have any real wear...
  16. I use BPS River Bugs (in both sizes) more than any other "beaver" baits. Crawberry or something in the neighborhood are my favorite colors, with Junebug as an alternative. With that said RI Sweet beavers (in both sizes) are my favorite, and if money were on the line that would be my choice. California is my favorite color.
  17. Most of us learn by trial and error with much practice. Learning from someone who knows how (see Flukes videos) will save much time and effort. Once you get the basics it's just about developing the muscle memory and hand/eye coordination to become consistent. If your neighbors don't wonder what's wrong with you "fishing" in the yard when the weather is too bad to actually fish, then you probably aren't practicing often enough. For longer casts most any target will do. For pitching to tight cover a bucket or can laying on its side is a fine target. When you can silently (and consistently) place your bait in the target you will catch more fish in tight spots or your money back.
  18. Well told story RW, and a cautionary tale for many of us. I have lost a couple of good fish this year on lighter line, due entirely to slight abrading of the line caused by hungry rocks.I am careful with knots and re-tie often, but checking for burrs only takes a second or two and I am resolved to get into the habit of doing it more in the future. In answer to the OP, Murphy's Law is always at work, and casting a lure on a poorly tied knot dramatically increases the chance of a better than normal fish slamming it...
  19. I started working on it this year. There are places where pitching with my left hand gives better access to a tight spot. I fish with a guy who is really good at pitching, and as I watched him pitch to what looked like impossible spots, I noticed that at times he used his left hand. I am a long way from good, but I have reached a point where it doesn't feel too awkward and I can get to spots that I once could not. I am far better in the back yard than on a boat, but if I live long enough I may master it yet...Good luck!
  20. Glad all is well with you Ronnie. Will keep you all in my prayers. Kirby
  21. A 12 pound LM would be my choice. That would be a legitimate monster in the waters I fish, and be almost 4 # bigger than my PB.
  22. Rod, reel, and line should match the technique and bait being used. Brand, color, or any other characteristic that does not effect performance of a particular combo doesn't matter much to me.
  23. I'm with Hooligan on this. If I am working on a drop shot and fish start blowing up on top chasing shad, I have shot myself in the foot. There are times when I am locked in on a bite as Captain Shane mentioned, but I will still bring a wide selection along-just in case.
  24. I can't really say if there are smaller batteries available. Even if there is, the problem with smaller is less capacity. I think putting in the work to modify the boat so that you have room for two TM batteries will be a better long term solution all around.
  25. I use a lot of both 5 3/8 and 6". The only difference is length. I have not bought any since re-stocking last spring (2011) while they were on sale, so there could have been a change made this year that I'm not aware of. I hope not, I have caught many fish on them. A "magnum" size might work though...
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