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Everything posted by K_Mac

  1. I love music and it is a big part of my life, but with that said I agree with A-Jay. When I am fishing or camping I want to hear what is going on around me, and do not want music, news, or anything else making noise. I don't really care if others listen as long it is not cranked to the point where it is shaking screws loose on my boat...
  2. I am guessing you are in summer season? If so, do not be afraid of the steeper rocky drops into the channel. Often there are shelves on them that hold fish, sometimes deeper than expected. A Trickworm on a shakyhead, or a football jig and craw can produce well in those spots. Sometimes a wacky jig and Senko/knock-off will also produce. Good Luck!
  3. Interesting thread AJ. I wish you well, and respect your commitment to this pursuit. I will be watching closely. Like you, I am often tempted to do what has worked in the past instead of trying other techniques. Good luck!
  4. I knew when this thread reappeared it was not a good thing. I like the exchange of ideas here and have no reason to go to another fishing site. There certainly is no reason to talk trash about this site or individuals on this site elsewhere. Frank you are insulted that not everyone embraces your thoughts on the new bait as enthusiastically as you think we should, and you suggest that those who don't lack understanding or integrity. Do you really think that adds any value?
  5. Very well said Dinky. There has been much talk of special knowledge, special baits, special sponsorship, etc. Marketability is important; having a bait that works exactly for the purpose it was made is great; having detailed knowledge of the water using every legal means possible is just good business; but, none of these things are what separate the best from the rest. What is special about these guys is their ability to perform under all conditions while managing their personal and business affairs. Many pro athletes make the big time only to crash and burn. They make the big time based on their talent, and stay based on their ability to perform. Pro fishing is exactly the same IMO.
  6. Having my own boat is one of the major joys in my life. The cost of a boat can range from a few bucks for a used single-seater to 6 figures. Mine is much closer to the lower end, but it fits my budget and needs well. Buy what you can afford. Yes, it costs money and takes a little work to use and maintain properly. That is all a very small price to pay for the freedom to fish where, when, how, and with whom I want. I don't have a garage to store mine in and have to load and unload most everything for each trip. I have never considered that to be a burden though. I love fishing and having my own boat; giving up other non-essentials to have the time and money to fund my hobby (and my wife's) is not an option for me.
  7. Traveler having had some major health issues over the last several years, I completely understand your desire to go on with life. Having the good sense to take care of things properly while living life in a meaningful way is a challenge. I will pray that God give you wisdom in this.
  8. Excellent post Chris. I agree that it is critical thinking that separates the pros from the rest. Yes, knowledge and experience are major elements, but the way they process the information they get from their single-minded focus is the fundamental strength that make them great IMO. Many of us are good fishermen and have said if we had the opportunity to fish as much as these guys, with the equipment they have we could be great. While that may be true for some of us, talk is cheap and the guys that make the leader-board on a regular basis have the ability to evaluate and perform week after week without being overwhelmed by the distractions of life.
  9. ^Yep, me too^ Where things get interesting is pitching into/under cover. Getting into the right spot without making a lot commotion is sometimes the only way to get bit. Pitching allows for much greater distance, but takes more practice to do it really well. It is worth the effort though. Good luck.
  10. Excellent information by Wayne as usual. The digital speed controls are much more efficient than the multi-speed units, and I would never go back. Some love the electric steer units-I would not have one for the reasons Wayne mentions. The i-pilot feature is very popular with some here. I have had better luck with Minn Kota, but I think it really comes down to what you get used to. I have a MK Fortrex.
  11. My prayers are with you Traveler. May His peace be with you and yours.
  12. Sam I am also a boring old guy. I have been seeing a lot swimsuit adds with young women in revealing swimwear. Just a bonus for my wife doing some summer shopping. On a related note (to swimwear) did you know that only swimwear that is rated for chlorine resistance will stand up to swimming in a heavily treated pool like you find at the YMCA? I would think an $85 swimsuit would last for years-not so much I'M told. OK I'm done ranting now.
  13. I don't think it matters. I have a 9.8 Tohatsu kicker on my boat for fishing the local 10 hp limit lakes. It was the best price of all that I looked at, and has served me flawlessly for several seasons. I know a few other guys who own them without complaint. Good luck.
  14. I think many of the adds are based on your internet history, and are targeted to those who might be...interested.
  15. I think this could also be said of Burley. They both made things more interesting though. Life happens, and priorities change. I wish them both well.
  16. Flux capacitor, muffler bearings, and mass spectrometer notwithstanding, I would take it somewhere else and get something more than "I think it jumped time" before spending any serious money. It could be many things and a good mechanic should be able to diagnose it before spending a lot of time and money fixing things that may not be broken. How much money to put in old car is hard to know...good luck.
  17. Way to go Brian. I will make my contribution through the above link. FWIW Don Barone is one of my heroes, although he would not be comfortable with that label. I have not met him, but having read his words and the words of others about him, he is an inspiration to me and countless others. Thanks for the post Brian.
  18. As usual when this topic comes up, it makes for an interesting thread. I have fished with many people who without constant action soon become bored and ready to fish for something else or go home. Unless they are kids or new fishermen that attitude will not get them a second invitation to fish with me, or I will find a reason to say no if invited by them. For me catching fish is only one of the reasons I fish, and my enjoyment of the day is not dependent on doing so. I fish is to relax, enjoy the time on the water, and the fellowship with whoever I'm fishing with. Too much stressing over catching fish (of any size) takes away the enjoyment for me. That is one of the reasons an occasional tourney is more than enough for me...
  19. Better late than... Happy Birthday Sam.
  20. Nope. In every sport there are technological advances that change the game. That is not what separates the pros from the rest of us though. Put an Elite angler on any body of water without electronics and he will soon be out-fishing most of the local guys. Most of us tune in to see how, where, what's working, and to see how they figure it out with the technology that is currently available. I have no interest in seeing them fishing using yesterday's equipment.
  21. In the interest of full disclosure, I did once receive free baits from a site member! Roadwarrior sent me a good size box of baits, mostly Netbait Pacas that he no longer used. I neither know nor care whether free baits are made available to members by sponsors. If a moderator promotes a sponsor I am good with that. I won't question his integrity because he does so. We trust and respect the opinions and people here based on our history. Having a strong opinion about anything will often bring a person criticism. It just keeps things interesting IMO.
  22. I will look forward to seeing your results. I have a friend who is thinking about adding it to his boat, but neither of us have seen it anywhere but the Humminbird commercials. Congrats on the new toy!
  23. Reading, watching. studying, LEARNING and DOING are the keys to becoming a good bass fisherman. With all the information available you can learn just about any technique without ever getting in the boat with someone who can show you how. Having someone show you how is still the best way to learn in my opinion, and if you can join a club or find others in your local bassing community to help you, you can shorten the learning curve. I completely agree with Sam: I like the military analogy. I would suggest that no soldier is ever going into harms way with only one weapon available given any other choice. Limiting yourself to only one bait or technique until you know that is what will work on any given day can be frustrating and counter-productive IMO. Using the same metaphor, a handgun is a very limited weapon in most situations, but there are times when it is exactly the right one for the job. Like the spinnerbait, having the right tool available and knowing how to use it properly is something that takes time and effort. There is no substitute for that. Good luck.
  24. I think the record shows that when it comes to inexpensive alternatives in tackle choices I am an advocate. I also understand that inexpensive is not always good value. We all make value judgments based on income, personality, experience, testosterone levels, whatever. For some of us there is great satisfaction in saving a buck, especially if a little creativity is involved. For others the thought of using a cheaper substitute for a proven product is silly with fishing time such a very limited resource. I think Big-O has earned respect and if some are loyal beyond what others like that's OK with me. I have given RW and others grief about their unwavering loyalty to some products but I respect their reasons and commitment. Independent thinking shows itself in many ways. Senkosam whether your craw is a perfect substitute for anything or not, if it works for you, enjoy.
  25. The answer to your question is also a no-brainer for me...YES!!!
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