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Everything posted by K_Mac

  1. The problem with rescue dogs, esp the breeds that by nature are more aggressive, is you don't know what kind of baggage they have from the past. A friend of mine was bitten badly by a rescued German Sheppard that appeared to be friendly and well adjusted. No apparent reason, just mauled him while he was walking across his living room. The dog belonged to his daughter and two grandkids, and had been well behaved for the couple of weeks they had it. It will not bite anyone else. I think your reaction to the dog growling at your son was a reasonable response. I would not allow it, and I would not put a child anywhere close to that animal.
  2. I agree with flechero on this. I am a fairly latecomer to the tungsten party, but the benefits out-way the cost in my opinion. I don't lose many and for the cost of a few gallons of gas I can fish tungsten all year. Most of us have to make value judgments about tackle. I choose to use other gear that some would find inferior, yet it works fine for me. We each must decide if tungsten, fluorocarbon line, good crankbaits, premium plastics, jigs or any other fishing related item is worth the cost. It's all good.
  3. The 7' med should work fine for a topwater rod. The issue with most topwater baits is they have treble hooks which require a slower action or softer tip to keep the fish buttoned. A heavy power rod is sometimes appropriate in heavy cover, but it needs to be of moderate (slow) action. As far as speed is concerned, the trend is towards faster by all manufacturers. This is reinforced by most of the pros using the faster reels in many applications, including jigging and topwater fishing. Old guys like WRB and me remember when 5:1 was considered a very fast reel for bass fishing. My personal opinion (worth exactly what you are paying for it) is that both of these techniques can benefit from a high speed reel. Being able to move line quickly when jigging in deep water and/or heavy cover, or quickly working a topwater bait is of value to me. Ripping your bait back to the boat when you have covered the strike zone is another benefit. With that said if I had to have one reel it would be around 6.4:1, or more importantly and accurately around 26-28 IPT (Inches Per Turn of the reel handle).
  4. I have several PQ's and the above is what I do, with pitching lighter baits the exception. There I use only one cent brake. Enjoy.
  5. I'll add one more place to the mix. I agree with the others that finding the edges, especially the deeper ones, is a great idea. Don't overlook shallow edges though. I have been in spots where the fish were in the timber and nearly right up on shore. Casting or pitching to the outer edge produced nothing; pitching 15' inside the deep edge, into water just a few inches deep might get your arm broke! Figuring out the fish in lakes with a lot of standing timber can be really intimidating. Every spot looks like a good one! Unless you have one of A-Jay's crystal balls (where can I get one of those A-Jay?) I think Flyfisher offers the best advice. Find the timbered spots that meet the seasonal requirements and have fun.
  6. Enjoy the day!
  7. 60 yards more or less is all you will ever use. That does not mean the reel should not be filled though. I use backing on all of my reels and top off with my line of choice. A full reel, whether spinning or baitcast will perform better than one half full.
  8. It is rare for me to miss a bass on a wacky rig. As mentioned earlier, they usually take it and swim off. A sweeping hook-set or just reeling and keeping tension on the fish does the trick. Pan fish will sometimes take a bait, but they are most often easy to tell from a bass. Just ignoring them is my recommendation. Even without some type of mechanical reinforcement throwing a Senko off while casting has only happened a couple of times, and has always been user error on my part- whether using spinning or baitcast gear. With practice this will not be an issue. Good luck.
  9. Flyfisher I can't offer any advice on what's best for you. I can say from experience that working a job that you hate is no way to live. If teaching is what you are called to do, then figure out a way to make that happen. Good luck.
  10. I have become good friends with the architect who designed the church building that we have been working on for the last few months. When I first reviewed the drawings I thought many of the things asked for were a waste of time and money. As the project comes together though, I am starting to like the looks of curves and angles that make life more difficult in construction but make the building more interesting and even better suited to the purpose for which it was designed. Using chases for ducts and electrical services to change and improve the acoustics of a room are an example of how an architect can use available space for both form and function. Architects need a 'big picture' point of view that can challenge those of us who just want a building that works at the lowest cost. Without them the world would be a less interesting place. Good luck Scorcher. FWIW Raider is right that architects and engineers can be prima donnas. When you take the classes where they teach you to be condescending and offensive to those who work for a living, keep that in mind.
  11. I have never been confronted while fishing, but I have had several conversations with those who believe catch and release is a barbaric practice that should be illegal. I think the above comment sums up my view very well.
  12. A very compelling business proposal Redline. I can't imagine what could go wrong...
  13. The Pro Qualifier has a history of being a quality reel for the money. I have 4 with many hours of use over several years with minimal maintenance. I do not hesitate to recommend them. Bass Pro also has a long history of quality customer service. I would expect your reel to perform well for years to come.
  14. Thanks aceman. I don't want to hijack the thread, just add my voice to those who advocate lifting as a major part of total fitness. I have used whey protein and creatine to supplement my diet along the way, but not on a regular basis. I think that used in moderation there are some benefits, but most of the real builders that I know go way past moderation in the amounts taken, and many take products that are dangerous IMO. If hormones and other supplements are needed to reach healthy levels, and monitored carefully, then I am a supporter. If someone is looking for a magic bullet for the sake of ego while risking damage to their body, I am not.
  15. 17 months ago at 55, 5'11" and 338 lb. I was one cheeseburger away from going on to Glory to paraphrase my cardiologist. Since that time I have been focused on getting into shape. Up until 6 weeks ago I was religious in my commitment to lifting and cardio work. I am down under 200 for the first time in about 30 years. While I am still not ripped or shredded I have spent the last 2 months building a church, and doing things that I could not have done a year ago. I look and feel better than I have in years, and although I still have health issues, my quality of life is so much better. There are only so many hours in the day, and right now I am only working to maintain my weight and strength. I do know very well that both weight and cardio training is essential to my physical and mental well-being. Raider your commitment borders on insane! Most people don't have anything in their lives they are passionate about, You do, and that is a good thing my friend.
  16. The level of quality that works for me is Pro Qualifier baitcast reels, and President spinning reels. Some will tell you that these reels are junk. They are not. Others will say they they are just as good as any. They are not. I have used many high and low end reels, and have been around long enough to know the difference. The reels I use meet my needs at a price I am comfortable with. If my disposable income was higher I would probably have a couple of high-end combos; not that I need them, they are just fun to use! I would rather have 10 of my combos than a couple of high-end ones. That decision comes from on-the-water experience, and it is right for me. How anyone else spends their hard earned dollars is their own bidness!
  17. At the lower weights, line makes a big difference in your ability to cast without problems. A soft mono like Trilene XL will work better in my experience. Braid is an alternative if you like it. I do not. I used to have trouble throwing 1/4 oz cranks with a baitcast combo until I started using a glass rod with a soft tip that loads well. Now I can throw 100 series Bandits all day with little problem. I am not telling you that a new rod is required, just that having the right gear makes a huge difference. That is the rationale I use to justify all of my fishing related purchases. It is a slippery slope...good luck.
  18. Hooah, I've been following this thread with interest. As a boater I share the local honey-holes with other boaters just like everyone else. Respecting the rights of others is not always common practice. With that said, if someone getting a little close to you while fishing, whether from the bank or a boat, is going to cause you to howl at the moon you probably should find another hobby. Throwing jigs, spoons, or anything else at someone's boat is dangerous and illegal. Some boaters are as protective of their boat as others of their spot on the bank...
  19. In my experience you can often find fish in both. I am a deep water guy, but the last few years I have fished a lot with a guy who grew up fishing a river system. He is most comfortable if the trolling motor is kicking mud. Last year, in the middle of an historic heat wave, we fished one of my favorite local lakes. We fished all of of my deep water spots with little action. He said we would go up into the creek and pitch some shallow brush. I thought he was out of his mind and told him so in no uncertain terms. We blew over a sand bar sliding in the mud to fish a little deeper water (~3' deep!) along a chunk rock bank. We caught a bunch of nice fish in muddy, hot, shallow water with the air temp well above 100. It was a valuable lesson for me. I will always look to deep water structure when it's hot, but if that ain't working I will not hesitate to pitch a jig or plastic into the nastiest shallow cover I can find.
  20. JT, Friday was a good day fishing on one of the local strip pits. I noticed my line was a little roughed up, so decided to re-tie. On the very next cast I had the same thing thing happen. My partner laughed and said, "it's a good thing you re-tied!"
  21. TK22, I would guess that weak spots from backlashes are the problem. A little overrun won't hurt anything, but one that cinches up tight can cause damage. I don't care for braid and would suggest removing 50 yards or so and respooling. YZ is strong and cheap, and the issues you're having are not typical. Good luck.
  22. A-Jay the good thing about going through the trouble to raise mudbugs is you can always boil up a mess if the big girls won't eat them. I do like some crawfish boil...
  23. I agree with everyone that a tip that will load with the bait being tossed is a vital part of accurate pitching. Much of what I pitch is lighter weight (1/8-1/4 oz T-rigged plastics, generally smallie or regular beavers), and an older Medium X-Fast 7' BPS PQ rod works very well. A shorter rod when pitching under trees,bushes, and such is also handy, just makes distance a little more challenging. I use a 6'8" MXF for this. There are times when MH or H is needed, but M does the job most of the time for me.
  24. Great news! Good luck in your recovery.
  25. Yes, there are situations where one will work better. Like most things bass fishing, you have to let the fish decide. I have thrown a beaver much more the last couple of years with great success. In heavy cover a beaver is almost always my first choice lately. I always have a jig ready...good luck.
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