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Everything posted by K_Mac

  1. One of the biggest reasons I like, and use TW is their customer service. When dealing with other vendors you will sometimes talk to a person who may want to help, but really doesn't have a clue. That is not the case with TW. Give them a call...
  2. Glenn I think you make a good point. We have a tendency to see and try to make sense of only that which immediately effects us. 1941 was a long time ago and I'm afraid that many don't understand the costs and dangers of a world at war. What worries me even more is that many don't know and don't really care. Maybe it is a lesson that has to relearned by each generation?
  3. I remember. It was a frightening, horrific day for the entire country, and world. I don't know if anyone else had a chance to watch the History Channel special, 102 Minutes that changed the World (I think) last night, but it was as chilling as anything I've ever seen. It was video and audio of eyewitnesses and participants. I was reminded that things can spin out of control in a heartbeat, and that life is fragile and fleeting. I was also reminded that as evil as humans can be, there is still much good in this world.
  4. A topwater fish at night, esp a good size fish, is as exciting as it gets in bass fishing. A 4 lb fish on top feels and sounds like a monster. Well done.
  5. Rootbeer that is a great quote. I am a big fan of words myself. There are times when more than words are required though. It has always been so. To think otherwise is not being willing to see IMO. Peace.
  6. I tell my grandsons that walking away from trouble takes more guts than fighting sometimes. There are times when protecting yourself or others is what is required though. One good solid punch will not likely do any real harm, but will probably stop any further incident. All four of the kids, including the baby girl, are taking karate class to learn how to protect themselves. I am good with that. Mothers are never going to understand how little boys (or men) work in this regard. Boys need mom to kiss it make it better, and dad to train them how to be a man. There will always be some tension there.
  7. Nice! Make sure you have everything stowed, and cinched down good before you are ready to see what it will do. I'm guessing with that ProXS it will fly!
  8. No, it would not turn me off to the company. After months of use, the likelihood of a manufacturing defect is slim. Still, the company has agreed to do exactly what they told you you they would do when you bought the rod. Seems fair to me.
  9. As already mentioned, the answer for me is yes. For the standard light line, smaller bait applications spinning is my choice. For conditions that require heavier line and weights (and often bigger baits) I prefer baitcast.
  10. Fortunately I don't do that often, but with gas pushing $4 and a 30 gallon tank I've done $100+ a couple of times. Although I'm told there is no inflation, my expenses seem to indicate otherwise...
  11. I think this sums up my feelings on the topic. I don't have anything near that price range and do just fine, but I have fished with a enough high-end stuff to appreciate the difference. For many of us it is collecting that drives the purchase of all varieties of gear. Whether that makes sense comes down to personal choice and income. I don't think $105 to fill my truck makes any sense, but prices are what they are. ​
  12. ^^^^I think it really just comes down to this. I quit several times over the years, a couple of times for a year or more. I always went back to smoking. By the time I quit for the last time, I was ready to quit. I didn't like the cough, the the elephant on my chest every morning, the smell, the cost, or the example I was setting for my daughter. It was still not easy. I thought I was going to have to swim for shore once several months after I quit when a fishing buddy lit up and the smell wafted across the back of the boat. It took everything I had not to bum a smoke. It took years for me not to reach for my shirt pocket occasionally, but over time I lost the desire and the inclination. Find your motivation and do it.
  13. For us older guys, one manufacturer for life may not be that hard to pick. The fact is I may already have enough! For the rest of you guys, the choice is not as clear. It is imposible to predict what any company will do over time. The major players now may be making something else down the road. Remember when anything Japanese was junk? Times and companies change...
  14. Of all the topics discussed here, this one will almost always generate some of the most passionate, and vitriolic comments. Selective harvest, done right, can greatly improve a body of water. Indiscriminate harvesting can ruin it. Jaybird, you don't say how long it will be before the lake is no longer fishable. I am not a fan of keeping bigger bass, but in this situation it may not matter much. I do feel your pain though. When you find a honey hole that produces big fish the last thing you want is everyone to know about it, and some knothead eating them all. Good luck.
  15. Good luck man. Stop in once in while. I'm guessing they have the interwebz wherever you're going
  16. Nitro we all go through different seasons in our life. You are part of the family here and many of us enjoy your posts, rambling or not. I wish you well and hope you will continue to hang around. Good luck my friend.
  17. Using the GLoomis jg and worm rods as an example, they are all Fast or XFast actions. They come in power ratings that are designed for baits ranging from 1/8 oz to an ounce or more in baitcasting rods. The weight of the bait, the hook being used, the line being used, and the type of cover/structure being fished are all factors that need be considered when selecting a rod.That is the justification most of us use to carry a wide variety of combos.
  18. X2
  19. The problem with those of us who have been swimming nearly as long as we can remember (a very long time for some of us) is that we just take for granted that we will be able to swim to safety if we need to. I lost a good friend not long ago because he was fishing alone in less than perfect conditions without wearing a life jacket. He was in the prime of life, fit as he could be, and could swim well; it did not matter. With that said, unless there is some handicap that prevents you from learning to swim, there is no excuse for not doing so. Spending time on and around the water is a great life style choice. Doing so without being able to swim is just silly, and dangerous in my opinion.
  20. Nice review. It is good to read an honest assessment of the new toy after the honeymoon has ended. It sounds like a great boat. Thanks.
  21. Nice fish. That does not look like a 6# frog to me though.
  22. I have taken several over the years. The amount of reading required will bury you in a hurry if you don't stay focused. The up-side is you can do most of the work in your own time. It is a double-edged sword...good luck.
  23. I really like BamaBassChaser's comment! If you had a nickle for every word written on the interwebz on this subject, you would be very wealthy. Either one, on target, will do the job just fine. I think the .45acp is a fine cartridge, and would love to have a good 1911. I would not conceal carry it under normal conditions though. A "plastic" 9mm is my choice for this. Like FishinDaddy I carry an SR9c. It is light enough, concealable, has been completely dependable. As important, I shoot it well.
  24. Outstanding!
  25. LMG When you returned to this board I was, and am, glad to see you back, I hoped that after a little time away you could settle back in as the leading proponent of Shimano reels. I still have that hope. You are a passionate guy, with a shorter fuse than is good for you. So am I. I have just had more years to have some of the sharper edges knocked off. I have learned that life is too short to worry about the small stuff, and it is almost all small stuff. Relax and enjoy the ride my friend.
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