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Everything posted by K_Mac

  1. I am sorry to hear the bad news Snook. I wish you the best as you move forward. Good luck.
  2. RW the weather is the same here. My AC condenser fan failed yesterday. It was 90° in my house before I could get it fixed! Listening to that track does make a man feel a little cooler though. Stay cool.
  3. Mackroper the problem with interweb discussion is sarcasm isn't always easy to read. Yes, baseball is as messed up as the rest of pro sports. The difference is I really like baseball!
  4. I have to agree with A-Jay that the way this has been handled has hurt football and is disappointing to even a casual fan like me. I also agree with flyfisher that it is hard to care much at this point. The history of the Patriots playing outside of the lines, and the bias and incompetence of the league in dealing with everything from player and team discipline, drugs and player injuries, to expansion and teams moving from one city to another makes the whole thing look and feel like another bad reality show. Thank goodness baseball doesn't have any of these issues!
  5. Well done A-Jay! When read correctly (from bottom up) it reminds us that attitude is the key. Your attitude inspires me. Thanks man. Edit: After reading it again, it reminds that attitude is key whether read from the top or the bottom!
  6. I've been stung by the weight, but never the hook. Glad it was in a spot that you could get to. Take good care of the wound.
  7. I agree Raul. I don't believe that pork is any more appealing to big bass than plastic. Pork is an anachronism in today's bass fishing in my opinion.
  8. I haven't used pork in years. Some say it is better in very cold water. For me it is more trouble than it's worth. There are just too many quality plastic options.
  9. To quote Forrest Gump: Stupid is as stupid does.
  10. Best and most durable are not the same thing IMO. The best I have used are are the Netbait and Rage products. I have tried many others. I always come back to these. The cost of a few extra baits is small when compared to all the other costs of fishing.
  11. LED lights are about as good an investment as you can make when it comes to boating. For less than a tank of gas you will save a lot of headaches.
  12. x2
  13. Just to make sure of terms, you are talking about flipping and not pitching? Flipping is a short line technique that generally puts a lot of stress on equipment. Pitching is simply a way of casting that is extremely accurate and delivers the bait very quietly. My favorite pitching combo is a 7' MXF with 15# fluorocarbon in light cover and a MHF 7' with 20# in the thicker stuff. A 7'3" HMF with 20# also doubles for pitching and is my choice for flipping. I don't do enough flipping/punching to justify a dedicated combo. I am not a fan of braid. If I were, I would use heavier than 15# just to reduce the digging in on the spool when any serious pressure is applied. I would also use a heavier fluorocarbon leader around rock or wood. Good luck.
  14. I am in better shape than I have been in years, but a full size bucket is too much work. I prefer to finesse a soup can on a 7-6 MHMF and 15# fluorocarbon.
  15. At 10 feet number 6 shot is absolutely going to leave a mark! It may not stop a determined attacker though. As has already been said, without adequate penetration there is little chance of incapacitating an attacker. Incapacitation is achieved by loss of blood, or catstrophic damage to the skeletal system or the central nervous system. That is the only guaranteed way of stopping a committed bad guy. There are volumes of research studies done by military, law enforcement, academics, and curious enthusiasts worldwide to support this. The tests have been done and many years of physical evidence all prove this central truth. Adequate penetration cannot reliably be achieved with birdshot. That is a fact. What you believe, and what you load in your shotgun is up to you.
  16. I have caught, cleaned and eaten many catfish over the years. I rarely target them anymore except when catching with/for the grandkids. With that said, they are not a dangerous fish (I have no experience with the saltwater varieties). Yes if punctured by their barbs it will sting. I dropped a smaller one and tried to catch it once! Drove the barb into my palm. Do not do that!! It is those little "stingers" that will require the most care: Use pliers. Anything bigger than a pound or so up to several pounds, just grab them with your thumb and index finger behind the extended barbs. Grab the bigger ones behind the head like you would a pike or muskie. Enjoy!
  17. delete
  18. I will echo A-Jay's above post: Welcome to Bass Resourse alwayshungry. Your first post shows you have a clear understanding of the capabilities and limitations of firearms, especially when it comes to stopping predators. Thanks for stopping by! I look forward to getting to know you better.
  19. Roger he is still alive and touring according to his web site. Still as obnoxious as ever...
  20. Very well said.
  21. Slone we all knew that hard crusty persona was just an act! Knowing that there was an eye witness could come in handy if someone tries to make a dishonest buck.
  22. Great truth in that! I will take the copoly every time. Catt manages to catch a few fish on the Big Game though!
  23. Choporoz it just shows there is a Zen-like connection of mind, body, and spirit that allows one to master the art of baitcasting!
  24. A-Jay a good pellet gun could change the balance of power...
  25. Reducing quantity while maintaining the illusion of business as usual has become a real art form. I won't bash any brand, so let's just say the potato chips that come in a round can is a good example. I bought a couple of these last week for the grandkids. The standard chip flavors have the standard amount of chips. A few of ounces less than a pound I think?! The more popular flavors come in the same size can, cost the same amount, but have less chips. Unless you are paying close attention you would not know this. Like the the three missing ribs it is a devious way of doing bidness IMO.
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