I think you make some great points. I believe the idea that nudity and sexuality are two different things is valid. I disagree with the idea that nudity for the the purpose of selling products is acceptable. Your idea that music is just entertaiment makes sense also, but my questions are: Can you listen to music that is graphically sexual, violent, misogynistic, and profane without it effecting you? Does the use of nudity and sexuality in advertising and entertainment have an impact on the mores of our society?
I could not agree more with your statement that it is parents who are responsible for teaching their kids right from wrong. It is not society's job, or entertainers, or sports heros, or government, or even the preacher. It certainly isn't advertisers job to teach our children anything. It is my job, as a parent and grandparent, to protect my children from offensive material in advertising, entertainment, education, or anywhere else, until they are old enough to make up their own minds; on that I think we can agree.