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Everything posted by K_Mac

  1. Location, location, location...
  2. I also use many including Senkos, but In My Opinion the BPS Stickos are a very good alternative. There has been much discussion of "better" and "best" in the past. Too far down that road will get this thread locked...
  3. I guess if you make a gazillion baits a year, a few defects get through. I've used thousands of zoom baits over the years, and I don't think I've ever had one that wasn't made properly. I am willing to bet the cost of those baits, that Zoom makes it good.
  4. I love big jigs, 10-12" worms, brushhogs, 8" lizards, etc. and will use them anytime the fish will let me. I have learned that sometimes a light/small bait will work when my preferred big baits won't. When things get tough 6# line, and a Zoom finesse worm on a 1/8 oz shakyhead has saved the day more than once.
  5. Until they come up with a less "intrusive" model, I am not interested. ;D
  6. K_Mac


    A 4000 gallon increase is hard to imagine without a break somewhere, or some kind of accounting error. It would take a faucet or toilet with a BIG leak to make that kind of difference. Hopefully they will get it figured out. FWIW $18 for water and sewer is dirt cheap compared to anywhere around here. I live in a rural area with poor well water, so I have a hook-up to county water. I pay about $65 a month for 2000-2500 gal of water. I have a septic system that also has to be maintained.
  7. I'm always surprised and saddened when I read a story like this. Yes, the world is full of people looking to take advantage and make a quick buck, and there is plenty of evil in the world. There are also many who find themselves in over their heads, not knowing how to get out. He didn't set out to sell guns to violent criminals. There are many slippery slopes that once on are very hard to get off.
  8. Another vote for Spot removers. 1/8, 3/16, or 1/4 oz depending on the fish and wind. I use a Zoom Trickworm or finesse worm most of the time. Any color as long as it it is green/red or junebug. 8-) Good luck. I fished about five hours this afternoon/evening, and the shakyhead was the only bait that produced. It is a good arrow to have in the quiver.
  9. I don't know if you have really bad luck and picked up two spools of line with damage, or are somehow damaging the line while spooling, tying, casting, or what. I have 12 and 15# CXX on my baitcasters, and my issue occasionally is getting it to break. I think I could go to 20# and remove stumps. It is the strongest, toughest line I've used and with a little KVD Line and Lure it handles well for me.
  10. It's the guy directly in front of the bull, whose face we can't see, who is really in deep, dark trouble. Most of us don't have enough money, power, or celebrity to get those seats. Redline, you could be that guy...
  11. Never mind. : All I had to do was mention it, and now it works. Thanks Glenn. 8-)
  12. Fixed! Not fixed on my IE.
  13. RussBert may be right about people not selling higher end gear to buy cheaper. That is not the usual progression. I have fished higher end, brand name reels. I liked everyone of them. I don't like them enough to spend more money for them. I am happy with the PQs. I could buy better, but see no need. If you can afford high end tackle, and it makes you happy, buy it. You do not need it to catch fish. Entry level gear will limit you though. For me the PQ is a good compromise between high and low. Just my opinion.
  14. There are many here that use BPS branded stuff. My experience has been very good with the equipment I have. I also use some of their plastics regularly. As with any large retailer, there are plenty of folks here that do not like their products. Many feel that as a long-term equipment investment there are better options. All of the major brands have loyal supporters. I have several of the Extreme and Pro Qualifier rods and reels. I think the Pro Qualifier is easily the best reel on the market in its price range. Just my opinion.
  15. That is exactly what I thought. My mother warned me about playing with this sort of thing. I do want one.
  16. I agree. I have recently been reminded of how civil this forum is compared to some others. I am in the process of upgrading my firearms collection. I have spent hours reading reviews, commentary, and opinions about a variety of weapons, on several gun forums. Good grief! You need body armor just visit some of them. I really appreciate the way Glenn and the rest of the gang maintain the peace here.
  17. I have not used the CX. I love the CXX. For me it is clearly better than YZ Hybrid. I guess that is why there are hundreds of different lines available...
  18. Mike I've been using the glockschlinger knot for years. :-? For most applications the 9mm version works well. For larger diameter lines the .45 is my favorite. ;D
  19. That is the real issue I believe. Determining if there is impact damage seems to be a pretty straightforward process. When and how are more difficult questions. That a rod could be damaged in the distribution process, has to be considered by the company I think. Many companies handle that by giving a warranty limited to an advertised period of time; 90 days, 1 year, whatever. If damage has occurred it would be expected to show up in that period of time. A rod crushed in the car door would obviously not be covered.That seems reasonable to me.
  20. What if in a year or two Daiwa offers free Wiley X-II glasses with their latest and greatest? ;D When it comes to quality reels, I pretty much like whatever I've got in my hands... 8-)
  21. You would if they said that was part of the deal when you bought the gun, though. Should have bought a Glock anyway ;D That is an entirely different argument.
  22. All of your accessories (lights, pumps, electronics, radio, blender, etc.) will run off your starting battery. You absolutely, positively need a bank for all four batteries IMHO.
  23. That is a very slippery slope. If I only had a dollar for everytime I used that "logic"... Since it is such a good sale, maybe I'll buy a couple bags of... ;D
  24. When I first started using plastics, Zoom was just about all I used. In the last few years Netbait, Reaction Innovations, SK Rage Anacondas, and some BPS house brands (Stick-os primarily) have taken a place in my rotation. I still use Zoom Trickworms, finesse worms, Ole Monsters, and 6 or 8" lizards regularly. A Finesse or Trickworm on a shakyhead will almost always be on deck. My biggest fish this year was on a Trickworm...
  25. You would if they said that was part of the deal when you bought the gun, though. That is a valid point. If that were part of the deal, I would have to ask myself, "self what is the cost of this policy? Do I want to subsidise the cost of this policy in my purchase price? Is this good for as long as I own it? My children? Their children? Are there any circumstances that would cause this to change? Is it reasonable to think that such a policy is written in stone? Is a company that makes such promises viable in the long run?" I once joined a gym, buying a "lifetime" membership, with a very low monthly maintenance charge. It was a "great" deal. A year later it closed. It was a good lesson learned. Give me a good product at a fair price...
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