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Everything posted by K_Mac

  1. When I'm fishing my home lake and someone tells me they have a few short fish in the live-well, it doesn't bother me at all. The lake is healthy and fishing is good. One fish over 18" is allowed on the lake, and when someone tells me they have one over in the live-well I don't much like it, but they have every right to do it. If over-harvesting becomes an issue I will campaign aggressively to stop it. To directly answer the question I would prefer to fish a healthy C&R lake for bass. Most of us would, but I am not offended by people who keep smaller bass, unless it is hurting the fishery. Even if it is, lakes cycle and people eat fish. Life is too short to be angry at people who legally keep fish on public lakes IMO.
  2. CXX is my current favorite. It works well for me. My wife likes it as well.
  3. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/bass-fishing-fish-biology.html This topic comes up regularly. The link above addresses the idea that catch and release is always the best solution to lake management. It is not. Controlled harvest can improve the size and numbers of bass in many lakes. My home lake has a huge population of bass, and the best potential for a trophy fish in the area. The DNR encourages keeping small fish, and I do keep a few ~12" fish a couple of times a year for the table. On most lakes I don't even consider keeping bass, but there are times when it is the right thing to do. The idea that nature will take care of balancing things out on a lake is valid, it just doesn't always do so in a way that we like. I know the owner of a couple of lakes that are very rarely fished. 25 years ago both lakes were full of large bluegill and bass. Bass have always been released. These lakes are now full of small bluegill and tiny bass. Controlled harvest could have kept these lakes far healthier.
  4. The PQ reel will do a fine job pitching. They are excellent reels. The Extremes are decent rods for the money. I would recommend handling them before buying. A MH-F Extreme is a pretty stout stick.
  5. I have 8 rods that I use regularly. All 8 cost me less than the price of this rod. This rod certainly would not be for me, but if a person has the money to fish something that is completely unique more power to him.
  6. Bowfish12 brings up a good point. Going back to school after you've had a chance to get some life experience is not always bad. That is the route I took. I didn't really have any choice about going to work after high school. The problem with the idea of going back later on is that life often gets in the way. I'm not saying it can't work, but more often it does not. I wish you well either way.
  7. As a father who had a child in this situation some years ago, I will give you my opinion. I agree with those who say college is not for everyone, but if you have the opportunity to go, and the intellect to handle the work there is no reason not to in my opinion. I say this for a couple of reasons. The first one is not directly related to money. You will be exposed to ideas and information that will make you more aware of the world you live in. Knowledge is a powerful thing. Next are the doors that will be opened simply by completing a degree. It may be arbitrary and even stupid sometimes, but there are many positions you will not get without a degree. Some of them you may be qualified for in every other respect; it won't get you the job. The job you have now may work out just fine, but the odds are against it. It may have the potential to meet your needs in the future, of course you don't really know what those needs will be at this point. You may not like school at this time. I get it. Go anyway. You will be glad you did. Not going to school dramatically increases your chances of working in a job you don't really like for the rest of your life.
  8. And he will be a problem. Watch the team start to have internal problems. It will have an effect on the number of wins. His presence on the side line, in the locker room, and in front of the cameras is more negative than anything he might do on the field IMO. They can have him.
  9. That has always been my approach. 8-) As has been mentioned, the most beat up baits sometimes seem to work best. I have thought about touching up jigs and cranks, but never seem to get around to it.
  10. Well done! A day you'll never forget.
  11. I just read an article saying St. Louis was a possibility. I hope not. I would rather have Favre starting with a broken foot and stitches in his head (or throwing hand) than Moss on the team, and for the record I think Favre should have stayed retired the first time.
  12. Norcal I said if I was a betting man I would put my money on the Rangers. Good thing I'm not. :-? No doubt about it: the Giants were the better team. The Rangers had a great run, and both teams represent baseball very well in my view. Congratulations San Francisco.
  13. scratch that! I am afraid you're probably right.
  14. Jack I have to say that was the dumbest answer to a bass boat floataton question I've read today. On the other hand it was it also the smartest answer. :-? Feel better? ;D
  15. Ok. Now we have a series! Go Rangers.
  16. When you get to be my age you do not need alcohol for this to happen. :-?
  17. RWSCHMITZ you sound a lot like dodgeguy. Dodgeguy is that you? ;D
  18. I completely agree that a well educated thumb is required to use a baitcaster effectively in all conditions. Pitching in tight spots without good thumb control will not be fun or pretty. Most of us could get by with no brakes if we had to, and in some circumstances (pitching is one) that may be the best, but understanding how your brake(s) work, and having the reel set correctly sure makes it easier IMO. Some of us think dual braking is good, some think it's silly. That is true of many things when it comes to fishing equipment and tackle. It gives us something to argue discuss when we can't fish. 8-)
  19. Cian pitched a gem, and the offense played well (again). I would not count the Rangers out just yet though. They beat a couple of good teams to get here. That's why I love baseball, you never know what is going to happen. My Cardinals were big favorites a few years ago against Boston. That did not not go so well. :-[
  20. I have several of the BPS Pro Qualifiers with dual breaking. I generally set two or three of the centrifugal brakes and adjust the the spool tension. I only add mag breaking when the wind is blowing. I like the way it works. I think Shimano centrifugal or Daiwa magnetic is better than either the centrifugal or magnetic brakes on my PQs respectively. The combination of the two brakes on my PQs are better than either Shimano or Daiwa IMO. If that is a gimmick, it works for me.
  21. I have several, in both baitcast and spinning. For the money they are decent rods. I would buy an Extreme or Pro Qualifier (my choice) reel for it when they go on sale and use it. A man can never have too many combos. 8-)
  22. That's funny. : Neither team looked very impressive. Pitchers dual my foot... :-?
  23. That is sound logic in my view. Any team that beats the Yanks is OK with me. ;D
  24. Ike is as enthusiastic with his hook-sets as he is in everything else he does. I've seen him (on TV) break at least two rods (I think three but can't say for sure). To say he is hard on rods would be understatement in my opinion. It is surprising he doesn't break more.
  25. Confidence is the key. It is what enables you to keep that bait in the water. I used to have dozens of different brands, color, styles, lengths, etc. What I ended up with was pounds of plastics I never used and a hand full (or two :) of stuff I used all the time. I still carry a lot of plastics, but it is in large part stuff I use regularly. Zoom, Netbait, and BPS plastics are what I use most of the time. Throw in a few RI Sweet beavers and a SK Rage bait or three and I'm about done. Well maybe a Kalin grub or two...I still may have some trimming to do... :-[
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