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About jchief

  • Birthday 12/15/1959

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Sulphur, LA
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Toledo Bend and Sam Rayburn

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  1. Sure is nice to hear "grass edges" on Toledo again.
  2. Looks like I'm FINALLY going to be able to get back up to Toledo next week and spend some time. I fish out of Buckeye. Last year found some grass in the Housen area. Hopefully it is still there. Anyone got any info they'd be willing to share? Hearing some trap and chatter bait action shallower and c rig in deeper water. I'll post up what I find. Thanks
  3. https://www.srala-toledo.com/page?menuId=28 There is grass coming up. Just gotta put the time in to find it.
  4. I really want to thank all you SOB's for making me want to be at the lake more than ever........... Just kidding, well maybe............. Been battling hip issues and had surgery on it a month ago. No boat on doctors orders. I have not been to the lake in about 3 months. Plan on heading up in a couple of weeks if the doc says ok. Go back the 8th. You guy's catching on jigs, are you pitching the grass edges or grass at all, or timber?? Thanks. Can't wait to get back to the camp at Buckeye
  5. Made a trip up last weekend. 11 sacalait Friday afternoon and a limit Saturday morning. Newell's ramp is open.
  6. Saw an article in the paper today. SRA bought a stump cutting barge and is going to dredge all of thier launches. Should start next month.
  7. Howdy everyone. Been trying to catch up on this thread for a while. I have a camp at Buckeye and spent last week there. I was able to run from the cove to Hickory ridge. I would crossover on Boones and run the TX side. You have to be careful in the Housen area especially where it comes out of the river at the Community hole. Caught fish early on topwater and TX worms next to the grass in 8 fow. Spent most of my time riding the lake filming areas I fish regularly. Buckeye is still usable, but if it gets down about another foot or so, you won't be able to get out of the cove.
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