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Everything posted by MarkMartinFan_1989

  1. I have a Nitro 482 with the 115..its a great boat for the money for sure! Never had any problems, I have had it since feb of this year..the only problem I have had is the trailer is a big ole pos!! If you are thinking of going with the 135..I wouldnt, atleast not on the 482..I have drove mine as well as one with a 135..and not much difference for the money..if you looking to spend alittle extra..the 591 is the best choice..comes with 135 and wider and longer..good luck
  2. They are made by stratos, and I really never heard anything about them, in my area there used to be a dealer, but it went out of biz about 5 months ago :-/
  3. Gotta love them Gamblers!! ;D
  4. I would always tow with one one for sure!!
  5. Whats everone's take on the 06 Nitro's? Are they good boats, I have heard good and bad things...but mostly good, I get the feeling that they get a bad wrap from some people, and that they have got alot better in the last few years. I nkow there prob. not as good as ranger or skeeter, but rangers are nice indeed, but what is not nice..is the price . Anyways I am new to this forum, and thanks for the imput. God Bless
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