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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. LOL Arsenal would make my father in law happy. However I wouldnt even name my dog Arsenal. As for the other two. There aint enough gold in China to even consider them. Not even for a grand would I consider them.
  2. Depends what you want and what you wanna spend. Depends what type bow you want and what you wanna hunt. My horsebows were built for me in europe. I think I paid 650 for one, and 700 for the other one. The draw weight is well over what a stock bow will handle. Ones at 95 the other at 125. My long bow was custom made for me in exchange for some electrical work I did for him. My compound bow is a PSE. I personally prefer their compound bows over the other companies. Matthews makes some freaking amazing compound bows. They are probably the most popular of all the bow brands. I just personally don't like the way they feel. I would have no problem dropping a grand on a Matthews Safari. It just doesn't feel right to me. Hoyt makes some awesome compound bows. Many people swear by them too. My buddy swears by Bear bows. He won't shoot anything else besides them. Your best bet is gonna be go get measured for a bow and go shoot the different brands available. Get what feels good to you. Dont buy it just cause its the "cool" thing. Find what feels best to you.
  3. Might as well post it here too. DVOR.com is having a sale on a bunch of dishing reels. I know they got Curados and other Shimano reels plus a lot of others. They also have rifle scopes knives. Tactical gear. All kinds of stuff.
  4. A website I frequent fairly often has a bunch of fishing reels on sale til midnight tonight. I knoe thet got a bunch of Shimano stuff. I saw some other brands too. The website is DVOR.COM. They have been real good as far as shopping through them.
  5. Ain't seen a thread like this in a while. So here goes. Who else here loves what they do for a living? Me. I love being an industrial electrician. The people are interesting. The work is fun. The pay is good. I get to travel if I so choose. I can stay close to home if I chooses. I wouldn't change my career path for anything.
  6. I already pushed for that one. She shot it down real quick. We are still working on boy names. Samuel is leading the name race right now.
  7. I honestly think the family will bail on the show if they don't bring Phil back. Blood runs thicker than water. As has been stated before, if nothing else they will jump to a different network. Assuming they are still enjoying making the show. If the media would actually report things the way they are supposed too, and stop trying to drum up ratings and stir people up by twisting peoples words. This country would probably be better off.
  8. You know it. I got one reserved too. My cousin ordered three Chelsea onsies too. If the baby is a girl. We are also naming her Chelsea. We take fandom to an extreme.
  9. Agreed. Thank you.
  10. Definitely try with a bow. Stalk hunting is my prefered hunting method. Its a freaking blast. Especially cause your not stuck sitting in a tree all day long. It does take time to learn to do it correctly though. Heck I'm still learning how. I love my compound bow to death. I love shooting it and love how it shoots. Especially in brush and dense cover. However my go to bows for deer are one of my two horse bows or my custom long bow. All three hit harder than most any compound bow will. The skill to use them and be proficient is in my opinion way above a compound. Especially with the horsebows when using a thumb ring. I fe the more primitive bows give the deer a fighting chance. If I want to distance shoot a deer I'm using a rifle not a bow. For swine its the compound bow hands down. Its honestly the whole reason I purchased it. Mainly because if you make a mis shot on a deer its not gonna try an rip you apart like a pig will. Plus I can get better accuracy at range with the compound over the traditional bows. Best of luck to you. If I can be any help let mr know.
  11. The Sonogram didn't show anything to be worried about! The baby is developing normally as of now!!!!!! I feel as if a 40ton weight has been lifted off my back. Thank yall so much! Yall have helped me through this! Thank yall! Thank yall! Thank yall!
  12. At the doctors right now. Ahould have answers before long.
  13. No news until tomorrow. We go to the doc at 1030 am. I will have an update for yall tomorrow. Again thanks for the prayers and positive thoughts. Yall please continue to pray for us. Thanks everyone.
  14. This is some of the softer stuff I listen too. Ill see if I can't find something a bit more extreme for you.
  15. Haven't seen it yet. I will be checking them out now though.
  16. The senseless people seem to do a pretty good job of getting rid of themselves. If only we could help them along some.
  17. This was voted as one of the greatest and most fun videos ever made. I love how Corey controls the crowd towards the end.
  18. Dang it boy. That made for a fun friday I'm sure.
  19. They believe the baby may have a cystic hygroma. We won't be sure until next week though. They can be caused by any number of things. Some known others unknown. The effects vary too. From reading around it appears not much is known about them and what is known is generally bad most the time. Thank yall for yalls prayers in this difficult time.
  20. Something is going on with our unborn child. Ill post more about it in a bit. Thank yall.
  21. Please send prayers our way.
  22. Talk on the Birmingham sports station today, was saying Texas offered him a stake in the radio and merchandicing rights to supplement his contract.
  23. Almost looks like a wannabe viper from some angles. Not a fan.
  24. Theif!!! :D
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