I placed my order and requested 4 egg rolls with it. While reciting my order back to me. He said three egg lolls. I corrected him and said, "Uh no sir. Its 4 egg lolls." I immediately realized my mistake, as did he. Before I could correct myself or apologize he blurs out, "You no make fun of me in my shop stupid American." I tried apologizing but he was getting madder, and calling me a stupid American. Well I figure he is already mad. So I blurt out, "I no make fun of you in your city shop!" Oh boy that set him off. He is storming around yelling in sing song Chinese and throwing stuff. Me being the young man I was, continue egging him on. He comes flying out of the back swinging a soup ladle like a freaking sword. I ain't gonna lie. I booked it out the front door, before he could attack me with his ladel. I figured if he hit me with that dang thing it was gonna be all over. Cause then I would have to retaliate against him. And that wouldn't end well, for either of us. It was definitely a bad experience.