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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. I keep hoping someone steals my information. Maybe my credit score will improve then. I mean hell I think the thief would be mad about it. Hard to steal something from nothing. I mean seriously what can they possibly do that I don't already do? What are they going to make payments on time and be nice to the employees of financial institutions looking for money? Heavens knows they won't be ordering any Asian cuisine in Alabama using my credintials. Might end up beaten to death by a soup ladle. I am sorry to hear about you having to go through this, and wish you a positive outcome.
  2. He was extremely short. So I figure he was Guatemalan and just claiming to be mexican.
  3. For the past 2 months I have been certain there has been a mouse in my wife's crv. We rarely drive it, preferring to ride in the luxury of our Expedition instead. Well after finding a half eaten acorn and mouse poop in the storage over the glove box. I was able to confirm today that there has in fact been a mouse visiting our car. Upon looking into the engine compartment I have now ascertained how the little buggers has been getting in there. Apparently there is a random door under the hood labled "frame number behind" that leads directly to the interior frame behind the dash and air vents. Unfortunately for Mr Mouse I closed this door. I kinda feel bad for Squeakers, seeing as he is a country mouse and not a city mouse. Kind of a tawny brown assuming he is the same one I've seen running about the drive way at night some times. Any way the little fella apparently just wanted to get out of the cold. I mean he even left us half of his dinner as a thank you. I wonder if he squeaks with a Southern draw? Kinda like Speedy Gonzalez squeaked with a central American dialect.
  4. I never said that. I just stated I look like the 1%er that I am. Never have I claimed to scare law enforcement officers. Especially not some of the ones down here. We tend to have big old corn fed country boy police down here. Besides there are lots of woods and mine shafts that no one goes too. That works both ways.
  5. Congrats
  6. I've been laughing at this all day. I got a new key chain last week. It's a luger cap gun. It shoots a single circle from the ring caps. I didn't notice until this morning. It has an orange cap over the barrel! Who in the world would mistake this for an actual fire arm!?! It's smaller than a lighter! No political comments. Frankly I don't want or care to hear anything about big brother, gun control, or any other garbage regarding that. I'm just amused that they even thought to include the orange cap.
  7. I found a pic! It's a wolf a gator!
  8. Bill I know what you are referring to. My friend has the exact same thing tatted on his arm. It looks like a wolf combined with an anteater. Sort of like something you would see on a bad acid trip. I feel you bro....
  9. Whose to say the Raiders ain't playing in that!?! Might improve our record just a bit. My buddy would go nuts out there with his dirt bike!
  10. I told my doctor is was my turn to give him a hernia check after he had finished mine. He looked at me and I informed him that this ain't no free ride. He laughed very nervous and hurried out of the room. I also informed that come prostate exam time I get to check his as well. You know all things being equal and what not.
  11. Well, I'm taking the leap. I've decided to take the job I applied for. Base salary works out to better than what I currently make at work. The benefits and working structure are pushing my base pay beyond anything I ever thought was possible for me to make. I tried my damndest to find every conceivable reason not to take the job. I guess just to keep the status quo of my chaotic life. Well something had to give. I just can't bring myself not to try something, because I'm afraid of failing at it. Or for the reason that if I leave what I am doing, it is truly good bye and I can't go back to the organization I have been working for. So unless something changes between now and tomorrow... I am taking the leap and praying it all works out the way I think it will.
  12. What's next? Tip toe thru the tulips, perhaps?
  13. That's cause you don't try hard enough. Or because I am irreplaceable. Now if you will excuse me the Mayor of Gothams secretary is calling. I'm late for my appointment with her. Up Up Andddd AWAAAAAYYYYYY! Or something along those lines....
  14. It's delayed my package of ear rings that I ordered. Stupid snow....
  15. Wow. I leave for a week and this is what I come back too. LMFAO
  16. I never said I had the best judgement in the world.
  17. Tell her until you see a blood test to buzz off. Don't play that game and get your self trapped. When in doubt bail the heck out. Females are a dime a dozen. You just happened to fall for a psychotic, emotionaly depraved, control Nazi. That wants you to be miserable. Or you can always sink to her level. Tell her that's quite the coincidence cause you just found out you are gonna be her sisters baby daddy as well. Or go for the ultimate. Announce to the entire staff at work that it can't be your child, cause you were with her mom every night of that month. You could also spread it around that there is the possibility that 22 other men may be the baby's daddy, if she is really pregnant. Play her mind games right back. Tell everyone she gave you a curable "disease". Be creative with it. I got a million you can use. However, I'm not allowed to go into details like that on here.
  18. Blah blah blah. Sum peep hole pay two much a ten shun, too speling and gramar.
  19. Could be worse brother. You could be doing like me. Catching three months worth of bills back up. Least I'm working again though. Caught a call working 7 10s into march.
  20. Gotta find a bike first. It will be six months at the most before I get started. Hopefully, it won't be more than 3 months before I get the funds up for it. It should happen quick. I don't like not having a motorcycle.
  21. In light of recent events. I will now be starting a bike build in a couple months. I'very narrowed it down to two ideas now. Either completely redo a elctra glide or Street Glide exactly the way I feel it should be. Boared out, stage 1exhaust and chipset, stage 1 air cleaner, murdered out, and painted up right. Or since they are dirt cheap chop a Road King and make it into a big wheel. That's about the only possible way I see myself EVER riding a Road King. I absolutely hate the style of those bikes and think they are hideous. Something interesting is gonna come out of this. I'm so completely excited about this.
  22. Probably doing machinist stuff. He said he was gonna be busy this winter.
  23. Sounds kinda like a punkin hitting asphalt.
  24. I like playing chess. I make Bobby Fischer look like a amature.
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