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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Glock Go Pop Fu. 10th degree black glove. Our motto, "You can't fight a bullet." I've taken many courses and classes in knife fighting. If that counts.
  2. I like Ike. That's what I tried to get my wife to let us name our unborn son. She shot it down though.
  3. I hear bean bag rounds ain't too bad.
  4. Boy, and I thought the ladel man was mad. Glad I've never patronized their establishment. I'm starting to see a trend developing with these owners though. http://www.wset.com/story/24666925/alleged-roach-infested-egg-roll-leads-to-refund-birmingham-restaurant-owner-firing-shot-at-customer
  5. I like mine quite well too. Plus the mags interchange with the Glock 17, 17C, and the big dog of all Glocks.... The Glock 18!!! My dream gun.
  6. And here at the end I thought you were being compassionate. Then you went and ruined it.
  7. Coal fired steam plant maybe thirty minutes to an hour north of you. Wouldn't throw a rock threw the window though. Power plant security carries guns and WILL use them. Then the two sheriff's deputies parked at the entrance/exit will have to carry you out. In the spirit of fun though. It would probably be a sand stone or lump of coal. Seeing as that's the most common thing laying around out there.
  8. Probably not to much to none. Especially if it gets an arm.
  9. Oh yes. That snake is a threat and must be eliminated. Its only right to give it a sporting chance though. Let it die a warriors death and all that.
  10. I know right. Haven't had any opportunity to use my rock knowledge at work yet. Maybe one day it will happen.
  11. My .338 Lapua Magnum looks pretty d**n scary. My buddies .50 Barrett looks down right terrifying. They make my AK47 with the hundred round drum look like a friendly little thing. Plus as much money as the AR platform is generating for the gun companies. As well as the accessory companies. Those rifles aren't going anywhere. Big Business won't allow it. Guns in general ain't going anywhere. The American people won't allow it. In the rare event some goofy politician does make it happen. I know my good ol state of Alabama with our sister state Mississippi will secede from the Union again. Thusly not impacting me. Not that it would impact me anyway. I shoot sniper rifles. Why pray and spray when you can drop em from a mile away.
  12. One of mine says "have a nice day"
  13. Depends. Glock 17 everywhere I go. If I'm in the mood my twin Glock 17s or my twin Glock 19s. Sometimes a single Glock 17 with a 33rd mag shoved in it. Sometimes my Glock 17C. Occasionally my Glock 22. 99.9% of the time one of my Glock 17s. Never more than 2 at a time. If I'm in the woods. One Glock is in my pack or on my hip. Plus either a .44magnum or a .22magnum revolver. Depending on time of year, and what I'm doing in the woods on that particular day. Also. I REALLY like Glocks! Got 3 more that stay at home or travel to the range every now and again.
  14. Well that's my general intention. Murder is a bit harsh though. I ain't gonna lie. I have every intention of trying to blow the mark in two. If I have to defend myself and it comes down to using my gun. I'm not shooting to incapacitate. I'm shooting kill.
  15. Gonna jam in a auto. Unless they put nosler on it.
  16. Still ain't gotten around to buying the dang thing yet. He now has a thick plastic blunted round point. Combat training knife. As well as bow. He wasn't a fan of his one shot with my .22 revolver. Said it was too loud. So we are gonna wait a few more years.
  17. I was in the process of getting my B.S. Geology degree. Then Auburn threw me out. So now I'm an electrician with an understanding of rocks.
  18. Nutria are the foulest tasting animal on gods green earth. I wouldn't blame the snakes for not eating them.
  19. That would be one dead snake. I have no problem blasting a snake. I got 33 little friends and one in the chamber. Then again i might be better off with my .44 mag. If the gun don't get him, my big honking knife sure as hell will.
  20. Well where is the picture homie?
  21. Well I believe I must now order a flask. Thanks chum.
  22. Never played battlefield. I have Ghost. Its a fun game. The unlock system is more like BOII. You get to level up more than one player, and can do itit while playing offline. Its definitely worth a look.
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