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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. Everyone likes a little "butt". No one likes a smart "butt".
  2. I don't care if its open carry or not. One look at my beautiful bronze skin, and the cop is gonna scream "HISPANIC!!! DROP YOUR GUN!!!" To which I'm gonna look around confused, because I ain't Hispanic. Which is gonna further his suspicion. Then he's gonna yell again. To which me probably finally figuring out what is going on is gonna respond either, "que or no comprende" or something in German. Too which Mr. Cop is gonna drop me with either his .40 or his taser. Neither of which end well for me. In conclusion. I will just keep the Glock tucked away in my pants or under my arm.
  3. 3000 and something. I think. Possibly. Maybe. Hell I don't know. Ain't a dang one of the 3000 been informative either. Or helpful. Or gramatically sound. Or probably even spelled correctly. Congrats by the way.
  4. Ain't no doughnuts on this job so HA! So to continue. Q. What's the difference between a pipefitter and a box of puppies? A. The puppies eventually stop whining.
  5. That filthy bogger doesnt have an aquarium. Otherwise he would have cooked them and sold them. I used to make bank selling him carp back in the day. That man paid top dollar for them too. I might have to go snag some carp and offer them to him as an apology. Paid good money for turtles too.....
  6. On occasion. It depends on whether or not I feel like going hunting or not. Sometimes I fish while I hunt. Especially in my one secret woodland refuge. The best hunting ground is only accessible by boat. Soooooooo what else whould I do while tracking up a river to my magic hunting ground. Generally, I also bass fish while stripe fishing too. Same with cat fishing. I can't sit still and watch a bobber for hours or even 30 minutes. I have ADHD and rarely drink to get buzzy. So that nixes drinking.
  7. Hey Yankee's and Northern lying Southerners y'all enjoying that white crap and frozen water yet? The winter storm here is producing rain! Looks like I get to go take the boat out and go fishing for green fish again this weekend. I believe its supposed to be a frigid 60 down here. Just figured I would poke the bear a little. Oh, Slonezp, my little home told me to tell ya something. A pipefitter ain't nothing but a boiler maker that had his brains knocked out! Anyway y'all enjoy the blanket of white goodness covering the ground and everything else.
  8. Why yes. Yes it does. How the hell did you even manage to stumble across that!?!
  9. Very insightful. Wise old crawfish.
  10. ROFLMFAO!!! that is too hilarious!
  11. Me thinks I better say something. I seem to have hijacked this topic. To the OP I apologize. I didn't intend to hijack your thread. To everyone else. Try an keep the Government bashing to a minimum. This is actually kinda a interesting thread. I really don't want them to lock it up. That is all. Sincerely, RNF the Mighty
  12. What about when the cell signals drop and the power goes off cause of a EMP caused by the squirrel invasion. What then smart guy? I'm just funning with ya.
  13. I stand corrected. Rifles like that aren't really my deal. I like AK47s as far as auto/semi autos go. Just something about them. I do like the MSAR a lot. I'm a fan of bull pups. Otherwise I'm all about bolt actions and sub machine guns. More so Bolt actions. Unless it's an auto pistol.
  14. On an AR platform too. Not a bad way to spend 400 dollars. Unless it was purchased from a few years back. Then not a bad way to spend 200 dollars.
  15. I feel ya. I am too right now.
  16. Its also better to die on your feet than serve on your knees. Just my little piffy quote for the topic.
  17. Fill out the forms. Shell out the cash and wait 4months. Fully auto MP5! They are so much fun to shoot. Cons. They spit ALOT of ammo in an extremely short amount of time. Cost as much as a cheap car to purchase. (One of the MAC series are cheaper and more intimidating. Especially if you tie a blue bandanna to your wrist and fire it sideways.) I don't think they make a drum for them. Pros. They spit ALOT of ammo in an extremely short amount of time. Entirely possible to saw something in half with one. Great for home defense. (Think 9mm shotgun!) Make a very impressive sound if you squeeze the trigger and hold it. Almost like the chatter of an AK spitting fire while chewing through a 100 round drum. I like guns that chatter. They make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Cause I ain't just trigger happy I'm trigger ecstatic!
  18. I like the ants and hornets.
  19. ROFLOL! That's funny right there.
  20. Works the exact same as a weather rock. I wonder if its regional or differs by state.
  21. What in world is a tax return? You mean they give money back to people? I hope all the IRS fall out of a tree, get hit by a truck, roll threw a briar patch, and then get pooped on by a fox.
  22. Anyone on here have one? We got a 25 pounder hanging from the tree next to our apartment. It is the greatest weather device period. On the extreme side. A boiler maker in North Alabama that we work with. Has a 2 ton weather bolder hanging in his yard. Apparently if it comes up missing from a tornado no one will ever know. Cause the whole town will be gone.
  23. I beg the differ. Apple slicing is one also.
  24. Freaking hurt! Don't they?
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