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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. I can only hope to be as cool as him when I'm in my fifties.
  2. That is a down right lie. I would definitely keep a coon for a pet if the opportunity presented itself. Those things are better than a guard dog.
  3. Family comes before all else. From someone who spends a ton of time away from home. Take the pay cut and enjoy your kids.
  4. Not allowed to touch the PA microphone at work. That's a big no no.
  5. I still buy albums on vinyl too. Sound is better than the digital crap being peddled by the RIAA today. Not paying for digital copies of my wife's extremely massive music library. Too lazy to upload them all too. Cuts into my hunting and fishing time. So as of now yup we are still using CDs too.
  6. Freddy is quite the spooky little evil critter. Whereas Jason is a hulking mass of evil. Both are driven by revenge. Or maybe just out of a sheer joy of slaughtering teenagers and early twenty something's. However, which is better at his craft? Not which would beat the snot out of the other. We already know the answer to that as Jason walked off holding Freddy's grinning winking severed head. So again which is better at what he does? I may be biased but I give Major style points to Jason. He uses any and everything he can get his hands on. Freddy just manipulates dreams. Psshhhhh.
  7. Wife's CD got stuck in my CD player. CD player won't change between modes. Now I'm stuck listening to this whining hack. Until I put my new radio in my truck. Has been stuck in there since last Sunday.
  8. Already have one. Thanks for the offer though.
  9. Freaking whiney untalented hack. Anyone can tick and moan into a microphone and call it art. Didn't seem to think to highly of himself either.
  10. I hate Kurt Cobain. That is all.
  11. I hope the cold last through may. That power house is hotter than hell in the 60degree weather.
  12. You are, so, missing out. Jason is one of the most hard core slasher villains of all time! The fool picked up a camper in a sleeping bag swung said camper like a bat and splattered (s)he against a tree. Jason is freaking hardcore. Plus the man decapitated Freddy Kruger. That takes some skill right there.
  13. Chase him down yelling, "doo doo brown suit, doo doo brown suit!". He will be laughing so hard at this. That he will hit a power pole. Thusly causing the lines to break free and arc phase to phase to phase on his truck. The resulting arc flash will blow the windows in on him and detonate the gas tank. Thusly vaporizing him in a fire ball of hot death. You will never have to worry about him throwing another package again. Problem solved. My momma always told me to use my words, and not my fist. See how much more effective it is!
  14. I'm bronze. I don't get roasted or sun burned. I just get darker! LOL
  15. Who you calling a knuckle dragger, Wood Tick?
  16. Homie I worry about you sometimes. It seems you have a fetish for creepy backwoods Southerners. I mean I know some I can send up to Illinois for ya. But ummmmm.... these are some of those, Ummmmm... how do you say it. The South was right, the civil war ain't never ended, if it's brown its down 4 legged and 2 legged beings, down right old fashioned, tobacco chewing, beer drinking, redneck, mountain men. Also Deliverance was from one of the Carolinas. Not Alabama. We don't have that kind of stuff down heya.
  17. Sam will definitely appreciate that post.
  18. Great thing about living in the South. You can hunt and fish year round.
  19. Come on down! Your welcome to crash here anytime. The Tiny Furry Critter seasons end on the 28th of this month. So after that its hog hunting and fishing. Just give me advance notice.
  20. Thanks a lot buddy. Now my freaking head is spinning trying to comprehend what I just read. I can somewhat understand and appreciate the theory behind it. Still, its a lot to take in.
  21. I LOVE IT! That's what I'm talking about right there.
  22. Well in that case. Welcome to meeting the wonderful people from the Deep South! You think we are something. Wait til you meet them Mississippi boys, and backwoods Louisiana boys. They make us Birmingham boys look tame. I've seen them do it before. The process and final product is amazing.
  23. I thought those were just plain old Crocs? You mean they have a different name now?
  24. Its what old people taste like too.
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