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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. We are going main stream as a site? How cool.
  2. That is awesome brother. I never thought to put holes in a spike knife. I like that alot. I've been making rail road spike knives for a couple years now. That turned out really well.
  3. I don't have an over sized office chair. I don't rank that high up the corporate ladder.
  4. I despise maintenance men. I've been having a difficult time adjusting to the corporate world. I've particular been butting heads with the know it all maintenance man at work. After he mocked me twice in public I decided he wanted to play. So play I have.... He informed me today that all electricianing is, is black to black, white to white, green to green. Yet funny how I got a call from him asking for help terminating a 22 conducter cable. I smirked and told him it's wired up just like he claimed. Then to his protest went back to what I was doing. He was livid over that. The subcontracted electrician wouldn't help him either. Later, I called him out on his bracket welds in front of four department heads. I'm sorry but those are the most hideous welds to ever grace the planet. I mean it's ok to be proud of something good you do. However, trash goes in the trash, not where everybody can see it. If your TIG welds look like a Arc weld done by a mentally challenged ommpaloompa that smokes crack rock. Then there is a problem with that. As of now myself, and another maintenance man has been assigned the job of rewelding the brackets. For my grand finish to the day. He started to mouth off to me back in our office area. I simply asked what trade he was. He informed me he has been doing maintenance for 25 years. I reiterated I didn't ask what field he worked in, but what his trade was. To which he replied multi craft. Well, there are multicraft electricians, multi craft pipe fitters, etc etc. However, multicraft isn't a trade. I informed him of this and gave examples using my coworkers. Then announced that he must be like a commercial/industrial handyman. Kinda like a Handy Manny. Well that set the poor fella off something awful. He tried everything he could to argue his way out of that one, including making personal insults. I just smiled and went back to my paper work. I have successfully gotten inside his head now. Maybe tomorrow will bring a calmer gentler Handy Manny to work. I guess we shall see.
  5. Either same font or Graffiti mural style letters. I haven't decided yet.
  6. I am loving that Aires sign. That's all for now. I should be getting some more next month. I'm about to have two of my son's initials done around my elbow. Then the other twos around my other elbow. Those four will be done after my artist re does my biohazard symbol.
  7. I shall start uploading the pics. Meanings. Voodoo Fleur-de-lis on my leg. That's the date my wife and I were engaged. I proposed in New Orleans. Hence the voodoo theme. Half a heart on wrist. My wife has the other half. If you turn it upside down it makes an L for Lindsey. Hers makes a J for Jacob. Blind Reaper on my wrist. I've always been a huge fan of Blind skateboards. And honestly just love the logo. Skull with lightning bolt and spud wrench rammed through it. I'm an ironworker and electrician by trade. Inner forearm. Black cat. It's the symbol for Anarcho Syndiclism. Because its part of my belief structure. Outer forearm. Always and Forever. It's the contrast of my wife's Forever and Always. Outer forearm. Chaos arrows. Bicep. Anarchy symbol. Triceps. Because I am. Bio hazard symbol upper arm. It needs to be redone and touched up. However, it is the one tattoo I have wanted since I was ten. Cross on my back with German phrase across my upper shoulders.
  8. Which ones do you wanna see? Would you like the meanings and what not behind them? I'll see if I can post them all.
  9. Welcome to the forums! Is he profiting from posting photos of your fish? If not then does it really matter? Unless you are catching world record bass I see no harm in what he is doing. If there is money involved then file suit for your share. Otherwise what is the issue? I've caught many fish of varying sizes. I could care less if someone wants to pose with them. Have you asked the fish for their input on the matter?
  10. So will my cigars and cigarettes. I just prefer cigars over all the others.
  11. Psychic mind powers.
  12. Raider is chilling on his back porch smoking a cigar, sipping some Captain Morgan's private stock and enjoying the sunshine. He's about to go cook dinner and sip on some D'usse XO.
  13. Well that's a relief. I thought something bad had happened to Redline. Lol
  14. This is how to spend a Sunday afternoon with no kids. A big ol cigar, a decent drink, my adorable wife, and a game of Uno. We keep it gangsta round here. Now granted we spent all day yesterday bass fishing. So it has been very relaxing.
  15. No ladle. Just fur and teeth.
  16. Those were all construction jobs. Basically finishing one project and moving on to the next one.
  17. I start tomorrow. It will be my first day as a maintenance electrician. I am so excited!!! New people to make friends with, new people to mess with, new people to utterly tick off. This is going to be so much fun! For the first time in my life I actually get a desk I can decorate too! And before anyone says it. I am not selling out. I'm buying in. I can't wait! Watch out Corporate America!!! Raider is coming to play!!!!!!!!!
  18. UPDATE The mouse no longer moves around. He did a flying leap onto my leg when I was cleaning the car today. After screaming like a little girl, and spilling my monster all over myself. I swatted him to the floor and stomped him with my boot. I used perhaps a bit more force than necessary, because he now is sleeping. After confirming that he is most assuredly not going to wake back up. I briefly contemplated holding a funeral for squeakers. Then decided it would be too much effort, and tossed his limp body into the roll out trash can. Thus ending the saga of Squeakers the mouse.
  19. A ton of the other electricians I work around are huge into it. Electrical knowledge mixed with a hobby equals some amazing builds and mods. You would be shocked at some of the coils and what not, I have seen built on the jobsite.
  20. Sam, I have given that some thought. You have a valid point on there possibly being more than one mouse or mice if you will. I don't particularly care for mouse traps. They hurt my fingers when I try an clean the cheese off of them. Instead I have decided to place a cat in the car and let him remove any stragglers..
  21. If it's anything like Western Michigan. Then I can definitely believe you.
  22. Says one of my future cabinet members. I still have to figure out how to explain away your propensity for dating livestock and safari animals. Least I can just say I'm from Alabama. LMFAO!
  23. Well if he was I will know before too long. Probably when he bites my leg cause he is hungry. Then again being a country mouse from alabama he will probably get into my sweet tea when I take the car to be cleaned and washed tomorrow.
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