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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. This I about as political as a bear using the potty in the woods. However in some states that may be considered political. So I'm gonna say no.
  2. Yup as well as drivers license, TWIC card, SSI card, Yellow Ticket, State Journeyman card, and Pass Port.
  3. Dear Peer Pressure is Eating me up, If you smoke a smurf they turn either dark gray or black.
  4. Everyone picks up on those but him. Sheesh.
  5. How dare you doubt my vast vernacular. May I acquire a copy of this incredible book you are composing?
  6. Easy eh. Don't wanna make them hockey hosers to north angry don't cha know?
  7. So is that a yes or no to your nomination?
  8. Dear Redlinerobert,That's simple the fish.
  9. Dear 00 Mod, Its simple. Fishing is the purpose of life. Fishing and hunting. More so fishing. Meditate on it, and you will see I'm correct.
  10. Dear FishinDaddy, It turns purple. However if you cook a smurf it turns white.
  11. I also nominate Redlinerobert for my Secretary of Finance.
  12. You got it. Also congrats on hitting 100. I'm happy it was on my post it happened! You shall be rewarded!
  13. There is reasons for that. I need people who can relate to the rest of the country. Plus I'm first generation Southern. The rest of my family is from Michigan, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. My Gestapo, I mean Secret Service, will be made up of Southerners.
  14. Dear deaknh03,Only disgusting people "take" a dump. Normal people "leave" a dump.
  15. Dear A-Jay,1. You go splatter. 2. Its when the Grinch gets hateful about something. 3. 46 and a 1/2 for the standard size dog house. Using standard pancakes. 4. You would float. 5. Cause then they would taste like apple flavored gin, and smell like a tree. 6. Yes. Up to 7th degree. 7. Pantsing. 8. Only if they can all unite under one sauce. 9. Depends if your tied off in a body harness. Even if not I'm gonna say yes cause I've done it before. 10. Blueberry mixed with mouse.
  16. I hearby announce my candidacy for President Of the United States of America, AKA POTUS! For my Vice President I nominate Slonezp. For my Secretary of Defense I nominate Clayton86. For my chief speach writer I nominate Long Mike. Cause I can't spell to save my life. For my Secretary of State I nominate Rhino. For my Secretary of Labor I nominate Jigfishin10. For my Chief Yankee Liaison officer I nominate Deaknh03. Other positions available just ask if your interested. First off I promise a bass in every boat. A possom in every pot. Free bass tackle for all my loyal subjects. Uhh ... I mean my loyal constituents. Allow me to also say that, not only did I inhale, I smoked the whole dang tree! So much for that being an issue. I also pledge to donate my entire salary to conservation of our aquatic habitats. Why do I need trivial chump change, when I got access to the red button. I also will relocate the White House back to Alabama where it belongs. Its the Heart of Dixie and that's good enough for me. Let Congress keep that filthy city in D.C. I hereby promise to donate Congress' salaries to Conservation efforts as well. Let them argue with me on it. I will send them to my labor camps in Alaska. Uhhhh.... I mean my Happy Camps, yeah thats it, my Happy Camps in Alaska. Get out there and roll that vote!!!! Remember Raider For President!!! Any Questions?
  17. I will definitely try an make it on Thursday. May not be till 7pm. But I will definitely try for it.
  18. Dear Teal, I'm one of the best crankbait fishermen I know. I can finesse a crankbait like others do a jig. I catch fish year round on them. I even have another member here that was custom painting my cranks for me.
  19. Im planning to go up there for a few nights and days. My current job has drug out longer than expected. They are talking about it running into may now. I'll probably try an take off Friday and head up Thursday night.
  20. Dear Fishes Comrtably All Year, Its because they are Sadist. They like suffering through those tough winter months of no fishing. Yankees are strange creatures.
  21. Dear Long Mike, That's how my phone said to spell it. I'm an electrician, not an English major.
  22. Dear my oven is broken, Go with the Weber. My dads is still going strong after 16 years. It is used 6 days a week rain or shine.
  23. Dear Rhino,I'm not sure if it does or not. However if it does that's a big win. Cause midgets are freaking AWESOME!! The world can always use more midgets. So by all means keep reading.
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