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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. I wander up to the other forums occasionally. I prefer my basement forum or the two in the sub-basement. Depends on what I'm looking for, as to when I come up here and contribute. Which has maybe been twice in the last six months. I do lurk around this forum and the Tackle forum though. Sooooo many new members that have yet to experience the mind of Raider. I might have to make more frequent forays into the realm of fishing gear and fishing tackle. Soooo many minds to corrupt..........
  2. I'm gonna try that tomorrow. I don't think I believe your theory.
  3. All the pictures except my medium 25lb Stripe are gone now. Unless I can find the micro SD cards they were stored on. We moved last September, and I still haven't located them. 6 years worth of photos lost somewhere.
  4. Certainly was. I've been waiting for my internet device to charge back up.
  5. Born in the 10th month of 1983.
  6. I would rather fall down every set of stairs, slam my hand in every door, stump my toe on every tree root I encounter, and step on broken glass then buy just one of those braid cutters.
  7. Most the engineers I know have the common sense of a 6th grader. So you should thusly be fine with your educational background.
  8. Naw, I import them from my motor head workforce out of New Hampshire. I think some of them chew on them though. So they must be sanitized before being handled and packaged. Why waste the resources of my beautiful part of the country. When I can waste the resources of the frozen north?
  9. Since when did fishermen become obsessed with gimmicky gadgets? Freaking braided line cutters?!? Did I miss something while dwelling down here in the basement forums? Are people really shelling out money for a special tool to cut braided fishing line? Holy dang have I got a deal for all of y'all. Ol Raider, is selling braid rocks. Its the newest and greatest line cutter ever produced. Guaranteed to cut any line braided or otherwise. Just stick your line of choice on the included flat rock and bang the top of it with the included sharpened flint rock. Simple as that. So easy a caveman did it. Why pay upwards of 25 dollars from some gimmicky man made cutter. These cutters are all natural and environmentally friendly. Only 16.95, but act now and I will also include a special gift. A container of organic worms raised in organic dirt. Why trust a regular worm when you can use Farmer Raiders Organic Worms. Just pay separate processing. Order takers are standing by.
  10. Depends what size the braid is. Usually just use my trusty filet knife. Gnawed through some in a tight spot one day. Really have not found a more effective way then a knife or razor blade though. A pack of blades cost .50 cents. My knife cost me 15 dollars 9 years ago. A specialized cutter cost 25 or so dollars. Why on earth would I invest 2 crankbaits worth of money into a braided line cutter? Well back to the basement forums I go.
  11. A Raider. Not a rebel. Get it right carpet walker.
  12. Horsebows and long bows. If those count. Maces and flails. A maul is always a good choice.
  13. Ask JFrancho. He seems to be quit knowledgeable about them.
  14. Awww come on now. If I'm willing to drag up my current job so as not to miss it you can too. I for whatever reason thought it was the first week of April. Being the first of May changes things. Hopefully, I will have gotten my lay off that week or the week prior to it. I can't deprive these meet fishing folks the opportunity to miss EVERYONES favorite Alabamian, and future presidential candidate. Autographs will be Friday night at my trucks tailgate. $5USD for an 8x10 glossy, signed by the one and ONLY Raider Nation Fisher.
  15. Spinner baits. I have managed to catch 3 snapping turtles with them and that is it. I will stick to my crankbaits and tube baits.
  16. 1/4 to 1/2 for my ponds. Mostly Largemouth 1/2 to 3/4 for most the lakes and Rivera I fish. Mostly Largemouth 5/8 to 2ounce for fishing at or below the dam's. Stripe.
  17. Simplify it. Or to put it in pipe fitter phrasing. Oook Grunnnnt eeeek eek. Grunt whine grunt.
  18. Sounds like you got it all planned out then. Best of luck to you with that. It actually sounds fun.
  19. Wanna bet? I've never seen office workers almost come to blows over plugging a set of lights in. Or for that matter moving a stack of pipe out of the way. You yell at someone in an office environment, and tell them to go **** themselves in front of your co workers. Your most likely gonna get reprimanded, let go, or sent to HR for sensitivity training. Not so in my field. We are allowed to be extremely brutally honest and express or opinions. As long as you don't cuss out management. Your pretty much good to go. (Forman don't count as management either.) There is a entirely different set of conduct on a powerhouse job then anywhere else. Oh the joking and other stuff is quite similar. I will give you that.
  20. I can see you not getting along very well in the white collar world.
  21. I still think you would do good as a welding inspector. Couple of classes. You get to work with us industrial tradesmen and get paid dang good.
  22. I thought you weren't allowed to speak your mind and be honest anymore. Ain't that what your motivational/occupational counselor told you.
  23. Being a philosopher was just interesting to me. I enjoyed learning about rocks more.
  24. I was double majoring in philosophy and geology. Before Auburn threw me out.
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