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Raider Nation Fisher

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Everything posted by Raider Nation Fisher

  1. I'll see your dark folk and raise you dark cowboy. Norwegian dark cowboy rock.
  2. What kinda smokes? That's the most important part.
  3. You spent a house on something tinted out. I would gladly eat a 50grand loss to drive a Lamborghini for a few years. I have to know. Maybe its an ignorant question. Can you finance something like that, or is it cash only? Not that I can do either. I'm just curious.
  4. 2500 for a rifle 8 years ago. When I sold it late last year, I got 10000 for it. Wish I had bought 10 of them now.
  5. Someone needs a hug?
  6. I will agree with that.
  7. Dear A delicate flower, The coffee super heats and thusly gets a wee bit burnt.
  8. No it certainly does not. Man's purpose is to kill furry creatures. Its what makes the world go round. Plus it taste so much better if you killed it yourself. Like salad. The lettuce is much crisper when you slaughter them yourself.
  9. I looked like that back in the day. Til every thing went to hell. Actually I think I was bigger than them. Tren is a hell of a drug.
  10. Have I got a drink for you then! Brew a pot of coffee. Pick your favorite type. After the coffee is brewed. Poor said coffee into the reservoir. Leave the filter and grounds. Brew a second time. Stuff is strong is all get out and about triple caffeinated. Using a new filter and grounds when rebrewing will make your hands shake.
  11. Black Coffee. Two Stanley 32 oz Thermos' when working in the winter. Summer, fall, and spring, its three Monster Absolute Zero's during the day and a NO2 Explode double shot. When fishing its a Thermos of coffee in winter and early spring. Otherwise its just one monster. Hanging around house and weekends. Its two, and only two, cups of coffee in the morning.
  12. Congrats Homie. I'm kinda disappointed though. I was hoping you went out with a bang like I did when I left that rat contractor last fall. It was a full blown fireworks display. This was one week into working out my two week notice. It ended extremely poorly. Had a jobsite with 30 other workers go stone silent listening to me tear into him. Only open shop I'm not welcome back at.
  13. Gorilla tape is awesome until you stick it on yourself.
  14. Yeah 33+ makes a dang mess. Takes forever to get the residue off too. I ain't a connoisseur. Just a not very humble electrician.
  15. 33+ is a miracle bandage. Put it on a cut. Leave it for a few hours. Then air the cut out. Reapply as needed. Whatever is in the chemical compound of the glue, heals cuts fast as all get out too. I have extensive experience with that. Plus I ain't got to pay 12 dollars a roll like all y'all do.
  16. The hell kinda electrical tape are you using? The cheap Chinese garbage? Yes 3M Super 33+ does. But that's splicing tape. Its usually used as a top wrap for cable splices. Such as over the mastic tape, silicone tape, and rubber tape on a 13kv splice. 3M 1700C tape doesn't leave a black residue. Its primarily used for phasing terminations. Most all of the lesser 3M tapes don't leave a residue either.
  17. I fish as well as the Raiders played football when John Madden was coach.
  18. I'm definitely the biggest. There's more of us than just me. Gotta look around Northeast Alabama and down in Birmingham.
  19. If your on the bank. Rock back and forth and carry on a conversation with yourself while fishing. If anyone approaches you, yell gibberish at them. If your in a boat. Rock a Raiders Jersey, eye patch, and bandanna. Raise a pirate flag on your boat, and throw stuff at any boat that comes near you. If nothing else the other Raiders fans in Bama, will become your friends.
  20. It wouldn't be as funny if it wasn't true.
  21. I'm an electrician. Of course I get that. We are like physicists. Without all the schooling.
  22. Why is it considered necessary to nail down the lid of a coffin? To keep the dead from rising. Why is it that doctors call what they do "practice"? Cause practice makes perfect. Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons? Acidity. Apparently its better to clean with food than to consume it. Why is the man who invests all your money called a "broker"? Self explanatory. Why is the third hand on the clock called a second hand? Cause it was invented by Pierre Secondonte. Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour? Cause everyone is rushing to get home or to work. Why do you have to "put your two cents in", but it's only a "penny for your thoughts"? Where's that extra penny going to? Cause other peoples advice is worth less than your own. Me I charge a dollar for my thoughts. (Says the advice columnist) If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress? Yes. Do fish ever get thirsty? Sometimes. When they do. They go to a sand bar.
  23. 2 atoms are sitting in a bar. One says to the other, "I think I lost an electron." The other says "are you sure?" The first says, "I'm positive"
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