One of the most awesome musicians of all time passed away Sunday. Dave Brockie, also known by his stage name, Oderus Urungus of the metal band GWAR. Their shows were legendary among metal show. RIP Dave.
Wow. I honestly don't remember posting all of that. I was a tad out of it yesterday.
That doesnt change the main theme though. I DO want a gorilla though.
So a woman from Connecticut is attempting to sue the state. 4 years after having her face eaten and hands ripped off by her friends chimpanzee. First off why were you messing with a chimpanzee? Those things are down right mean. This ain't the first time a chimp has mauled someone either. I now feel my person is threatened by chimp lovers. In response I'm getting a pet gorilla. Not some puny female gorilla. I want a dang silverback gorilla. I'm gonna name him Chongo the 2nd Raider Gorilla.(We already have Gorilla Rilla the Raider Gorilla. So that name and title is taken.) Ain't a chimpanzee alive brave enough to mess with Chongo. Hell I don't think a person alive will mess with my massive monkey. That thing will rip your legs off and beat ya to death with them. Im trying to get work to let me bring him with me. He will be the best electrician gorilla EVER! A tugger can't even pull wire like this big fella.
Hopefully, I will have him in time for the road trip. I really want my new buddy to learn how to fish. Is everyone okay with sharing a boat with me and my primate friend. He said he promises to be on best behavior. Unless of course your a chimp owner.
As a electrician I often get to scrap out aluminum and copper. My queston. If I were to turn said metal into ingots would they only be worth scrap value or market value?
Scrap question 2. Why exactly is the price different for dirty copper and clean copper? I get the insulated vs uninsulated, but the is for stripped copper.(not burned)
Scrap question 3. Why does smaller guage wire pay less per pound then larger guage wire? I mean in theory you should be able to load down more smaller guage wire into a container or truck then you can larger guage wire. So wouldn't that be more to the scrap yards liking?
Investing question 2. If I were to invest in Aluminum or Copper on the commodities market. Is it possible for me to get the actual metals? Or would I just get a piece of paper?
What they said.
Thanks for your service Homie.
Now. Electrical engineering huh? Always remember listen to what the electrician tells you. Just cause it works on paper or on CAD. Does NOT mean it will always work in the field.
Told y'all. "Poke poke poke."
Its all good though. My internet muscles are as big as my real life ones. Now I feel the need to flex my Low Orbit Ion Cannon. Now where did I put my virtual mirror? I like to admire myself when flexing.
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